Face-melting Bollywood SYNTH
discos_alma 2,164 Posts
Anyone ride for this?http://www.bombay-connection.com/en_GB/site/page/1/shop
any strutter with a OG copy?
And take that from a dude who was been on three digging trips to india that has taken me across the entire sub continent.
That's def not the OG artwork. It was designed by this dude.
Well maybe it is real...
I find it hard to believe it was recorded in India, though.
Nice edit.
I mean, I'm not complaining about the new cover art (it actually works very nicely with the music), but the OG cover ain't too shabby either!
Haha! Nailed.
Honestly, when I started typing it didn't occur to me that it may have been recorded somewhere else. Then I thought of a Pandit Dinesh disco record I have that he recorded in England with members of Osibisa.
That dude would have been the only guy in India with those synths, though. I've never heard anything else from that time with those sounds. Does it say where it was recorded?
sure, all fine. however, does anyone have an actual copy of the OG to confirm information - however it looks like (certainly not with the "new" artwork).
and take that from a dude who - among other great things - spent 6 months in India and 2 in Pakistan
Still looks fake to me.
No, seriously though, color me amazed now.
I was saying that I have hit one stops, stores, homes etc. And had never seen it. Months digging and travelling there to find records and it wasn't on my radar with that cover it was first posted with.
You eBay diggers carry on now. I still stand bhind what I said which was IF it is real, it didn't come out with that cover.
I've got an LP rip somewhere, the 303/808 combo is entertaining but every song is dominated by a loud, endless, and IMHO annoying keyboard solo.
Jupiter 8! and is that a 606?
Dude, you're like, practically native.
dude, you?re like, so funny.
Ultimate fail on my side: irony does not work online. Sorry, will try to do better in the future!
However, not exactly my favourite type of music on this record, but it?s certainly a great and interesting find.