Bill Murray Appreciation Post



  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    Bill Murray is the GOAT

    saw him on Varick St one day with 2 women and i said "Mr. Murray HUGE FAN would you mind taking a pic with me?"

    he said "can't sorry babe with these women"

    i don't know why i even said a thing. it was just one of those moments

    my friend sold him shoes and said he was the nicest guy ever

    also heard he shows up randomly to Brooklyn hipster loft parties, drinks beer, hangs out and goes home

    dude is THE MAN!

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,697 Posts
    acc to paul Shaffers book, Bill skipped rehearsals this day so the performance was all 100% improvised/unrehearsed.

    every moment of these clips is amazing. Bill is the best.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    Then (IMO) he fell victim to indie flick overexposure (Royal Tannenbaums, Lost in Trans, Darjeeling, Coffee and Cigs, Life Aquatic, Broken Flowers, etc.)...


    I can agree with a lot of these but would exclude Broken Flowers. Think this played on his persona to perfection as he spends almost the entire film in a sort of walking coma, semi reacting to what life throws at him.

    One of my all time favourites but would be nice to see him do something a bit less dry again.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts

    I'm not going to articulate my thoughts here very well as I'm feeling rough as a badgers arse, but is there a better use of fame than to just enjoy yourself, do stuff other people couldn't, but it makes their day?

    Bill Murray is excellent, and exists in the same pantheon as Kevin Kline & Jeff Bridges for me.

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
    Appreciated. Grew up watching Caddyshack, Stripes, SNL, etc. Dad loved him, older brother loved him, there was no getting around being a fan of Bill Murray for me.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    "Specially when you be liftin pianos man. That is the worst."

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    the same pantheon as Jeff Bridges for me.

    Recently Jeff Bridges was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and brought some photos of wacky LP covers that looked like they were lifted directly from Waxidermy....rumor is he may even lurk there!?

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    Bill Murray was the funniest part of Zombieland

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    I've said that his role in king pin was performance of the year, should have won an oscar for it. One of, if not the most, funny characters in a movie ever for me.

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts
    Also, my son loves the garfield movies.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    File under bad movies with great performances.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I have no idea why people get excited over this guy.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I have no idea why people get excited over this guy.

    Yeah, you and your buddy Gary.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I have no idea why people get excited over this guy.

    Wow, you have just solidified yourself as the lamest dude ever to post on Soul Strut man. Challenging Bill Murray is unredeemable.

    - spidey

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    Approximately 10 years ago, Edith Head and I had a bowling challenge in which the winner would take something from the loser. Edith put her framed picture of Bill Murray on the line and I had an autographed picture of Tiffany.

    I won, but I was nice enough not to take the picture away from Edith.

    When I was watching Zombieland and they kept talking about him I was thinking "I wonder if he's pissed they had all this stuff about him in the movie," thinking he wasn't in the movie. Then he shows up and was hilarious.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I have no idea why people get excited over this guy.

    Wow, you have just solidified yourself as the lamest dude ever to post on Soul Strut man. Challenging Bill Murray is unredeemable.

    - spidey

    "Spidey," you are a known cornball. Known. I take your condemnation as further confirmation of the impeccable nature of my taste.

  • I have no idea why people get excited over this guy.

    Yeah, you and your buddy Gary.

    The mind fairly reels.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I have no idea why people get excited over this guy.

    Wow, you have just solidified yourself as the lamest dude ever to post on Soul Strut man. Challenging Bill Murray is unredeemable.

    - spidey

    "Spidey," you are a known cornball. Known. I take your condemnation as further confirmation of the impeccable nature of my taste.

    With all that Bill Murray hate, homie, you're playin yourself
    and with those skin tight jeans you're playin yourself
    And all that rah rah rah, you're playin yourself
    You're playin yourself, you're playin yourself..

    - spidey

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    I have no idea why people get excited over this guy.

    Wow, you have just solidified yourself as the lamest dude ever to post on Soul Strut man. Challenging Bill Murray is unredeemable.

    - spidey

    "Spidey," you are a known cornball. Known. I take your condemnation as further confirmation of the impeccable nature of my taste.

    With all that Bill Murray hate, homie, you're playin yourself
    and with those skin tight jeans you're playin yourself
    And all that rah rah rah, you're playin yourself
    You're playin yourself, you're playin yourself..

    - spidey


  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I haven't felt this uncomfortable in quite a while.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts

    - spidey
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