Felt Like Starting A 10 Pager So Here It Goes....



  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    And not that there haven't been many many Knowledge Jewels dropped in here, but seriously, my favorite thing about this thread is Almond's goading. "Aw man, quit bullshitting--you know you're not gonna do anything. You're just like that other guy--he probably didn't do shit either. Man, this is some bullshit."

    Miniapp has girlfriend now.

    Haha! I bet his GF isn't the pizza cougar, though.


    Pizza Cougar - dont google it

    I should have listened.

    Interesting, though: If you google-image-search "pizza cougar" with the Safe Search (inadvertently) turned on, one of the first results is the cover of Neko Case's latest album. Why does that seem so right?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I was going to start a "Women-Only Show" thread where the gentlemen of Soulstrut could, you know, reach out and--in the words of Ronald MacDonald "Kool" Bell--talk just[/b] to the ladies.

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    I was going to start a "Women-Only Show" thread where the gentlemen of Soulstrut could, you know, reach out and--in the words of Ronald MacDonald "Kool" Bell--talk just[/b] to the ladies.
    Oh shit--I meant Robert "Kool" Bell.

    And I'm sure you meant "McDonald."

    Well, almost sure.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I was going to start a "Women-Only Show" thread where the gentlemen of Soulstrut could, you know, reach out and--in the words of Ronald MacDonald "Kool" Bell--talk just[/b] to the ladies.
    Oh shit--I meant
    Robert "Kool" Bell.

    And I'm sure you meant "McDonald."

    Well, almost sure.

    "Good Morning Svetlana.
    I was just on my way to Whole Foods to get some ingrediants for my Jerk Squab.
    If your hungry later on - feel free to ring my bell. U a red or white type?"

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    one of the first results is the cover of Neko Case's latest album.

    without getting into details, let me just say that is very on-point

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I really, especially now that I'm single and out and doing this on the regular, don't understand why some dudes find it so difficult after spotting an attractive woman to just walk up and try talking to her.

    Are you going to get shot down sometimes? Sure you are, just like I did for the most part 3 different times during the Systema Solar show the other night. Does it feel kinda awkward when you get shot down? Sure it does, at least for a minute before you can shake it off.

    But is any of that worse than you whining about being lonesome all the time? Or even worse, having to listen to your stories about how someday you are going to do this or that in order to get said woman to like you, when we all know ?


    Women are human beings...even the ones who bite are likely 50 pounds lighter than you. Ain't nothing to be scared of, bro's. And yes, I'm kinda subliminally addressing this toward a particular friend of mine who does not post here.

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    I was going to start a "Women-Only Show" thread where the gentlemen of Soulstrut could, you know, reach out and--in the words of Ronald MacDonald "Kool" Bell--talk just[/b] to the ladies.
    Oh shit--I meant
    Robert "Kool" Bell.

    And I'm sure you meant "McDonald."

    Well, almost sure.

    "Good Morning Svetlana.
    I was just on my way to Whole Foods to get some ingrediants for my Jerk Squab.
    If your hungry later on - feel free to ring my bell. U a red or white type?"

    "Getting some ingredients for my jerk squab" sounds like a euphemism for something.

    But for real, there needs to be a Batmon cooking/relationship show. You could call it Mack And Cheese. Perhaps get the one Big Stacks to do an occasional segment called "If I Wasn't Married..."

    I'd tune in, no doubt.

  • Options
    He ain't doin' shit.


    why ruin a perfect fantasy with reality?

    :shreddin' it:

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I don't understand why some dudes find it so difficult after spotting an attractive woman to just walk up and try talking to her.

    That's a whole 'nother thread.

    In the context of the "older lady neighbor" I can see where one should be a little cautious.

    The saying - "Dont Shit - Where U Eat" - could apply here.

    On the real - there is a very nice Early 50's MILF on my floor. I've kept shit real friendly.
    Asked to see her Salsa collectron (the husband took it w/ him), borrow/shared stuff over the years, and did propose to share a bottle of wine.
    But in reading her body language and not mis-reading her friendliness, I havent tried to "go there".
    She's not a high priority so I dont sweat it.
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