This chick totally tearing up the cowbell....

DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
edited February 2010 in Strut Central

Seriously though, I have about the same amount of enthusiasm at my dj gigs these days.


  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    I have serious concerns for her future.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Ahhh, guys...

    She's blind.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    you're right. or with some other disability.

  • Fred_GarvinFred_Garvin The land of wind and ghosts 337 Posts
    I got a fever... and the only cure is more cowbell!

  • Ahhh, guys...

    She's blind.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    This has to be the only video on youtube where the comments are even more fun than the video itself:

    "Do people not have anything better to do? just for everyones information this girl is blind. she lived in the same dorm that i did and she has a seeing eye dog that walks her everywhere. From what i was told she can see very little. I have a story , I thought this girl was completley blind then one day i was walking in hall with a trash bad and her dog came and sniffed the bag as i walked and she said "stop smelling that bag!" thats when i found out she was not completley blind. but still people"


    "You stupid hick fuckers. She is blind and a wonderful person. I didn't see any of your fat asses out there because you dumb fuckers aren't smart enough do even hit a f*cking cow bell."


    "it would be discrimination not to laugh at her because she is blind..."

    priceless stuff!

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Don't blind people have a heightened sense of hearing? 'Cause if so, it must be excruciatingly apparent to her how off-beat she is.

    Just sayin'.

  • Seriously though, I have about the same amount of enthusiasm at my dj gigs these days.

    same here.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    Don't blind people have a heightened sense of hearing? 'Cause if so, it must be excruciatingly apparent to her how off-beat she is.

    Just sayin'.

    haha dude...

    having good hearing isn't the same as having a sense of rhythm.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Don't blind people have a heightened sense of hearing? 'Cause if so, it must be excruciatingly apparent to her how off-beat she is.

    Just sayin'.

    haha dude...

    having good hearing isn't the same as having a sense of rhythm.

    Nah, I hear you. I'm just sayin', you gotta be realistic about your strengths. There's a big difference between clapping randomly off-beat at a John Mayer concert and strapping on the full regalia and doing it in front of 90,000 people.

    Might want to work on the timing in the bedroom a bit before taking that show on the road.

    Just sayin'.

  • settle down DB. that hair has gone to your head!
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