I'm sure one of the working DJ's on the board can speak on this better than me, but I'm really thinking Sera.to has basically become the industry standard at this point. I'm pretty sure I've heard of spots where the box is built into the club's DJ rig, and I know I've spun nights with people where it's already a hassle just switching the USB from one laptop to another, can't even imagine trying to switch out the whole interface during a party.
Sir Otto is the accepted standard at this point. To me, buying Traktor would be like buying Vestax turntables. Will it work? Sure, but if you're ever playing with other DJs, they'll have Sir Otto, 99 times out of 100.
Quote:h, 21b, 21b, 21What was it in Traktor that stood out for you? b, 21b, 21h, 21
b, 21b, 21I liked the on board effects and the fact that the timecode is supposed to be 2 x the sample rate. I'm pretty sure I'm getting Seroto but the guy i was just talking to about buying it from is getting rid of his to buy Traktor so I thought I'd see what it was about. b, 21b, 21I'm a protools guy and Native Instruments always puts out really quality stuff so I gave it a shot.
Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21/font1Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21b, 21b, 21I just have a hard time picking out tracks from computerized lists. Real records are easier to keep track ofb, 21b, 21 b, 21b, 21h, 21
b, 21b, 21That is the main reason I prefer records.... b, 21b, 21h, 21b, 21b, 21I prefer records too but it's just too hard to ignore the fact that MANY producers are putting out digital only releases. And the strength of being able to spin your own remixes and such is pretty appealing. b, 21b, 21Plus, I've been djing for 18 years I earned the right to not carry records around.
Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21/font1Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21/font1Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21b, 21b, 21I just have a hard time picking out tracks from computerized lists. Real records are easier to keep track ofb, 21b, 21 b, 21b, 21h, 21
b, 21b, 21That is the main reason I prefer records.... b, 21b, 21h, 21b, 21b, 21I prefer records too but it's just too hard to ignore the fact that MANY producers are putting out digital only releases. And the strength of being able to spin your own remixes and such is pretty appealing. b, 21b, 21Plus, I've been djing for 18 years I earned the right to not carry records around. b, 21b, 21h, 21b, 21b, 21Definitely some good points made here. You will notice that you will most likely bring a bag of records to the gig with you even though you are using Microwave, at least thats what I do. I don't even own it yet , i just borrow it from friends when I need to use it.b, 21b, 21Some stuff I just would rather play from records... I don't mind carrying a bag of em' around.. isn't that part of the job?
True I'd still bring records but it'd probably be one carry case as opposed to the 3 crates 2 bags and a carry case I bring now. Plus raj makes a good point, I'd need a backup plan just in case.
running off an an external drive is definitely the best move, and i usually bring two identical drives. having a mic plugged in at all times is a good idea, so you can front like you meant to cut everything off if the 'puter stops putin. you can usually bullshit for a minute or so while things reboot. last thing you want to do is look like you're freaking out when shit crashes. it just happens sometimes, but there's plenty you can do to minimalize the risk of FA:IL
but yeah microwave is the standard. I have one of my boys who didn't even bother to buy the box when he got a new mac. He just downloaded the free software. He doesn't practice at home but he makes his playlists for his gigs at the pad.
running off an an external drive is definitely the best move, and i usually bring two identical drives. having a mic plugged in at all times is a good idea, so you can front like you meant to cut everything off if the 'puter stops putin. you can usually bullshit for a minute or so while things reboot. last thing you want to do is look like you're freaking out when shit crashes. it just happens sometimes, but there's plenty you can do to minimalize the risk of FA:IL
Got Sir Otto about a year and a half ago. It's great, to work with, but sadly when some drunk fool stumbles by and trips over your laptop power supply pulling with him the laptop/cable and box, it's really annoying.
I love not lugging crates around. And yeah Traktor.... uhm Why?
I'm picking up a used sirato from a homie of a hommie this weekend for $300. I installed the software on my laptop this weekend, Herm I'm gonna be calling you this week for advice.
As far as drives failing, yeah have a back-up like Tom said. Had a partial FAIL happen and it wasn't totally terrible but it wasn't great either. That being said, what are you gonna do, bring 5 boxes of records with you *just in case* your shit fails? Come on now.
Also, if you're traveling to DJ... again, are you gonna pack 2-3 flight cases with vinyl just in case?
Sirrotto's the way to go. And dupe up your HD. Maybe even keep a small folder of stuff on your internal just in case (in my situation, it was the jack on the external that failed not the drive).
I did a wedding in Alaska this past weekend (noPalin) and I can't imagine having brought records. Everything worked fine, and I was d/l'ing/bpming tracks up until 30 min prior to showtime. LOL at the idea of running to the record store at the last minute.
It's incredibly stable. That's why, just like the 1210s, it is becoming the standard in clubs. The problem with on-board effects and such-like is that they aren't rock solid and increase the chances that things will F*ck up. If you're buying now you also benefit from the higher quality pres the new version has, which has to be a good thing.
Funny thing is I haven't played a gig since I got s e r a t o. I just use it for adding custom cuts to tracks.
I just have a hard time picking out tracks from computerized lists. Real records are easier to keep track of but suck to haul.
Still glad I got it.
What was it in Traktor that stood out for you?
Dammit, Unherd! You beat me to it.
That is the main reason I prefer records....
big time dance/club djs are rocking traktor.. but for all that you may as well just rock ableton.
traktor wanted to sponser, i declined. maybe i should have ran with it..but
like my phone, i just need it to call people.
I wondered if it was dildo or microwave.
i have my answer.
spontaneous beatbox works a charm
Do you alternate back and forth on them?
I love not lugging crates around. And yeah Traktor.... uhm Why?
I'm picking up a used sirato from a homie of a hommie this weekend for $300. I installed the software on my laptop this weekend, Herm I'm gonna be calling you this week for advice.
Also, if you're traveling to DJ... again, are you gonna pack 2-3 flight cases with vinyl just in case?
Sirrotto's the way to go. And dupe up your HD. Maybe even keep a small folder of stuff on your internal just in case (in my situation, it was the jack on the external that failed not the drive).
I did a wedding in Alaska this past weekend (noPalin) and I can't imagine having brought records. Everything worked fine, and I was d/l'ing/bpming tracks up until 30 min prior to showtime. LOL at the idea of running to the record store at the last minute.