i am sad that i am missing lychee season in hawaii at the moment, but i can't complain. picking those things is one of my favorite all time activities of life. can you guys post some beautiful hawaiian vibrations that you like and help make an aloha thread together? no having to be rarities, i love it all, but i am jonesin for some powerhouse road aloha vectors. i notice no one has put These Trails up ever here though there is much talk about it when you do a search here, so here's a link to download the whole album. cause it's beautiful beautiful and it comes from a sacred beautiful place. aloha and mahalo
please post sweet hawaiian jamslove, abby

Damn, this is really good- I don't know shit about Hawaiian music. I will shamefully admit to dismissing it unilaterally in the past. I need to get schooled. Thanks for this album.
Also are lychees good, I have only had canned ones in very bad desserts?
Has anyone ever done a mix of hawaiian/island jammies? That would be amazing.
some of my favorite pau hana tunes:
*i swear to god, next muhfucka i hear say "lee-chee" gets stabbed in the f*cking face.
i'm constantly bullshitting on this. i need to get it done already.
funny! actually i'm never not working son. But yes i do travel a lot both for work and otherwise and i always have because i fear routine and death so i have carved out ways to mitigate that and keep things interesting.but i am more workaholic than hedonist by far. thanks for noticing. now please post some musics
I could also put something together for the weekend
kalapana for dayzzzzzz
I stayed on powerhouse road for three nights last month, and had this on constant repeat in the house we rented...
I haven't picked it up yet since I've been home so I can't upload it, but this record is an absolute monster.
these are all so pretty! thank you! this one in particular, well all of them actually. but it seems like DLD'ing is disabled?
and johnbolaya...yes you need to make that mix !!! that is the best idea ! do it do it
These Dudes. One of the best records ever. (That's the two main members of the group I assume, first time I've ever come across a photo of them).
who are these dudes please?
I wish I had vinyl ripping capabilities, but I'll try to get something together with what I already have.
Powerhouse Road on Kaua'i? I lived up there for a year.
Thanks to U-Tern/Pony for introducing it on One Day Later Radio a few years back.
that one.
you are lucky and so am i, it's magical.
i lived there for a little while too when kaua'i was a much quieter place, about 11 years ago.i had just finished school, kaua'i was in a recession and was still shattered by iniki. my old boyfriends family lives up there on powerhouse road. i was singing with his band and was working for a midwife and also working at the national tropical botanical garden. i love it up there so much.
me too this is on one of my mixes from a couple yrs ago, thanks to trpldbl for putting me on to it. such a nice song
I'm gathering stuff right now.
Oh cool, I used to volunteer up at Limahuli every week. I miss it.
it's my favorite track from the hawaiian crate staple, country comfort's "we are the children". randy lorenzo on lead vocals. i'll be going back home next week so i got you if you need a copy.
thanks! i know you're sitting on heat. the trad stuff does get overlooked. i think it takes someone who was born & raised in hawaii to fully appreciate it. everytime i watch that gabby & peter vid i posted i get amped. fools dismiss hawaiian music because it's been so heavily exploited. backyard kanikapila is that real shit.
while we're on some kama'aina shit, this is SO real to me:
Loving the selections so far! Really helping me out at work today.