Bob James - One, Two, or Three?



  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    folls are tripping. I think 3 is the most solid listen (minus one terrible track). Honestly, how long has it been since you dudes played the whole damn thing. Oh word?

    this man is that duuuude

  • GNZGNZ 68 Posts
    Dudes....night on MOUNT TERRORDOME (!) that's definatly not the name...but I distinctly remember night on mount something as the good track on three...

    BOB JAMES TAKE ME AWAY WITH YOUR BEARD AND SUN/GLASSES's as good a time as any to ask, what's up with Bob james trio Explosions on ESP disk?? Heard plenty about it...

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    Dudes....night on MOUNT TERRORDOME (!) that's definatly not the name...but I distinctly remember night on mount something as the good track on three...

    Night On Bald Mountain, isn't it?

    I gotta go with One, just because of Nautilus. I don't even remember what else is on that album, and I don't care. Three probably does have more decent songs on it than One or Two, but does it have anything that's bangin' like Nautilus or Mardi Gras / Farandole? I don't think so (but then again, I love braeks above all else, so maybe I'm not the right person to comment on this).

    That "Foxie" album is dope, too, from what I recall. Very slept on. I think I sold my only copy of this to Prince Be (PM Dawn)... I gotta check my crates for that jawn.

  • I'm gonna have to go with Two...

    And you all are some uppity snobbish mothersuckers...

    I thought I was bad. How can you not dig these records, at least one and two, for the principle breaks alone?!


  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
    I'm gonna have to go with Two...

    And you all are some uppity snobbish mothersuckers...

    I thought I was bad. How can you not dig these records, at least one and two, for the principle breaks alone?!



  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts choose TWO due to FARANDOLE being one of my fave breaks to double up on..and this lp also features mardi gras.

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