I have a right to sell despicable nazi records.

Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
So ebay just took down a few auctions of mine - 3 Skrewdriver LPs and one by Brutal Attack.This is supposedly in the spirit of "worldwide community".I bought two boxes of hardcore and punk LPs - including a few "white power" groups - from a junker a while back. I figured I'd get rid of the more abhorrent (and valuable!) stuff online.I knew about this policy and figured it might happen... but honestly, it is fucked. Here's why.You can sell Mein Kampf on ebay.You can sell Nazi coins and bullion on ebay.You can sell DVDs of Nazi concentration camps - including graphic footage of Jews being tortured and dying - on ebay.You apparently CANNOT sell LPs by pieces of shit like Skrewdriver who, despite my personal disagreements with their philosophy and distaste for their garbage music, are still protected by the 1st Amendment.As a Jew I demand the ability to make money off my oppressors!


  • Oh and any helpful tips on how I can re-list these and not get them pulled are appreciated!

  • You can sell Mein Kampf on ebay.You can sell Nazi coins and bullion on ebay. You can sell DVDs of Nazi concentration camps - including graphic footage of Jews being tortured and dying - on ebay.

    You apparently CANNOT sell LPs by pieces of shit like Skrewdriver who, despite my personal disagreements with their philosophy and distaste for their garbage music, are still protected by the 1st Amendment.

    As a Jew I demand the ability to make money off my oppressors!

    i think the profits from mein kampf go to victims of the holocaust but i could be wrong on that. a couple of years ago, a large chain in canada called indigo enacted a policy wherein they refused to sell that book because it promoted hatred. frankly, i don;t really understand how anybody could undertake a serious study of world war II or the holocaust without reading mein kampf. in that sense, i suppose any nazi memorabilia could be classed as having historical importance.

    i am a free speech advocate so i think you should be able to say (or sing) anything as long as its not defamatory or an incitement to violence, but as a member of the chosen people i think its a bit tacky to be trying to make money of this crap or disseminate it any fashion. if you do sell them you might want to consider giving that money to charity.

    of course in germany, they have very stringent laws about this sort of thing, so perhaps that's the international harmony they are referring to.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    the owner of indigo is a big time contributor to the Israeli Armed Forces
    just sayin

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    destroy those little pieces of shit

  • You're probably right about the international agreements.

    I don't think the proceeds from Mein Kampf sales on ebay get donated... these are used goods.

    I am curious as to why you think it's "tacky"... I mean, I wouldn't put this stuff in my shop for any price but as it came in part of a larger collection I have no problem attempting to extract value from it - particularly if it involves taking absurd amounts of money from the p.o.s.'s that listen to it. I don't think I'm particularly helping the cause too much by selling the stuff at this time.

    Fwiw, they haven't removed the "Klansmen" records... smh

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Maybe you could try to sell them as historical documents instead.

  • haha!

  • casbahcasbah 57 Posts
    destroy those little pieces of shit


  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    I have no problem attempting to extract value from it

    your playing into the game right there, even if you donate the money made from these.

  • Try to list them as modern soul boogie so you get lots of french bidders.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    I have no problem attempting to extract value from it

    your playing into the game right there, even if you donate the money made from these.

    I agree. you end up selling them to some bottom-feeder that buys into that shit, who potentially will play it for his little buddies. Why spread the word?

  • erewhonerewhon 1,123 Posts

    I am curious as to why you think it's "tacky"... I mean, I wouldn't put this stuff in my shop for any price but as it came in part of a larger collection I have no problem attempting to extract value from it - particularly if it involves taking absurd amounts of money from the p.o.s.'s that listen to it. I don't think I'm particularly helping the cause too much by selling the stuff at this time.

    I don't have strong feelings one way or the other about the "to-sell-or-not-to-sell" dilemma, but I'm curious why selling these items in your store is unthinkable for you but selling online is okay. The only difference I can see between the two is the degree of anonymity provided by the latter transaction, which suggests at least some sort of guilt or discomfort on your part about "extracting value" from this sort of thing. As far as free speech is concerned, you're basically making the same censorship call for your business as ebay is for theirs.

  • Fwiw, they haven't removed the "Klansmen" records... smh
    I auctioned some Rebel Records racist country 45s last year. They sold for decent scratch.
    My description heading had them as "Dubious 60s Country" and asterisks were used in volume.
    Pretty sure that guys that want these types of articles know that they will probably be "description coded" in an effort to pass through the eBay filter.


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Fwiw, they haven't removed the "Klansmen" records... smh
    I auctioned some Rebel Records racist country 45s last year. They sold for decent scratch.

    My description heading had them as "Dubious 60s Country" and asterisks were used in volume.
    Pretty sure that guys that want these types of articles know that they will probably be "description coded" in an effort to pass through the eBay filter.


    I listed some Johnny Reb/Rebel records but described them as what they are, racist crap.

    My auctions were pulled and the explanation I got was that racist material COULD be sold, but only if it was more than 50 years old as they would then be considered "historical documents".

    I listed them again as "51 Year Old Racist KKK Johnny Reb 45" and it got pulled again.....I gave up after that.

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    music is art, the artists are just expressing an opinion.

  • I don't have strong feelings one way or the other about the "to-sell-or-not-to-sell" dilemma, but I'm curious why selling these items in your store is unthinkable for you but selling online is okay. The only difference I can see between the two is the degree of anonymity provided by the latter transaction, which suggests at least some sort of guilt or discomfort on your part about "extracting value" from this sort of thing. As far as free speech is concerned, you're basically making the same censorship call for your business as ebay is for theirs.

    Probably because his store is known as Good Records rather than Valuable Records and seems to have an ethos amongst customers that it is stocked with great music, much like Groove Merchant rather than just anything that will sell. It wouldn't be good for the view of the store as a tastemaker to stock garbage like that I imagine.

  • You can sell Mein Kampf on ebay.

    You can sell Nazi coins and bullion on ebay.

    You can sell DVDs of Nazi concentration camps - including graphic footage of Jews being tortured and dying - on ebay.

    You apparently CANNOT sell LPs by pieces of shit like Skrewdriver

    You should try living in Europe where scum like Skrewdriver, etc propogate their shit to this day, Forget about your 1st amendment stance, if they lived on your doorstep you would not be so quick to defend their rights when they daubed racist slogans on your family's home or attacked your friends because of the colour of their skin or ethnic origin. They are part of a movement used to recruit young people into right wing violence and propaganda, anything you do to make them more visible and in any way credible is simply wrong. Ask yourself whether you want these people to continue in their ways, and whether you making a quick buck is more important than preventing nazi's from continuing to preach their garbage. Then trash the records.

    I am NOT saying for a minute that you advocate the band and their views but if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, and you are (maybe unwittingly) making yourself part of the problem by listing Skrewdriver recordings for sale on ebay.

  • music is art, the artists are just expressing an opinion.

    not in the case of Skrewdriver, do your homework on this pls.

  • If you feel you have to do it, at least fart liberally into the packets immediately before taping them shut.

  • I have no problem attempting to extract value from it

    your playing into the game right there, even if you donate the money made from these.

    I agree. you end up selling them to some bottom-feeder that buys into that shit, who potentially will play it for his little buddies. Why spread the word?

    I don't really see it as "Spreading the word".

    This music - let alone the views they espouse - are available far more widely and easily than as collectible LPs on ebay. Whole websites, message boards like this one, CDs, DVDs... all easier to get and cheaper. the LPs sell for not insignificant sums. I've sold plenty of morally outrageous LPs from other walks of life, and it seems far fetched to blame me, and American used record dealer, for any potential rise in European Neo-Nazism.

    Music is music, good or bad, I do not get into morals and ethics of the content. I just sell it. I sold a 45 by a teen group managed and produced by Dr. York for a large sum recently. For those who are too lazy to follow the link, he is a Black Supremacist and convicted Child Molester. I manage to sleep well at night.

    I wouldn't put this shit in my store because there's such little market for it that the negatives would outweigh any potential profit. Ebay is a different animal, not because of anonymity - I sell as goodrecordsnyc - but because of the potential to reach some individual who would otherwise not set foot in my shop. I think that's clearly the case with these records.

  • I am curious as to why you think it's "tacky"... I mean, I wouldn't put this stuff in my shop for any price but as it came in part of a larger collection I have no problem attempting to extract value from it - particularly if it involves taking absurd amounts of money from the p.o.s.'s that listen to it. I don't think I'm particularly helping the cause too much by selling the stuff at this time.

    i am not sure if tacky is the right word for it and i am certainly not trying to get on my high-horse. in fact, i bought a rare record off a real-live anti-semite last night. i suppose i could have socked him in the face or something but i guess i really wanted that record and justified it by telling myself the best punishment for this guy would be to take all his good records and not give him an inkling of the value. but in the end, i suppose it was just a rationalization that i concocted to make myself feel better about doing business with a modern day nazi.

    i still feel slightly conflicted about putting greed before principle. i guess we all have to deal with highly questionable people if we want to catch teh raer but i would draw the line at actually, personally profiting from an item that directs pure hatred towards our people.

    i would be happy to make a contribution towards amortizing your costs on those nazi records, if you would make a video of you smashing them to bits.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Dude at least you didn't get suspended for a week for selling valuable but "copyright threatening" TMOQ from 35 years past, sigh.

    TMOQ LP = Nazi LP = teh ban on eBay

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    The world will be a better place with one less Skrewdriver record in it

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Sorry, dude...but you brought this on yourself by paying enough for those boxes of records to think that you had to sell the Screwdriver records in order to make good on the deal.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    The world will be a better place with one less Skrewdriver record in it

    Sure, but I think Johnny is right with not mixing morals and vinyl (sic!). As stated, these recordings are widely available in other formats and destroying one of the OG vinyls will only (involanterily) add value to the remaining ones. Ask your Northern Soul dealer.

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    I am sure that there are some...cough....'gatherings" you could go to and set up a table to unload them.
    Haggling with nazties over VG++ vs VG+ auciotns =
    Haggling with nazties over VG++ vs VG+ at a klan rally =

  • Sorry, dude...but you brought this on yourself by paying enough for those boxes of records to think that you had to sell the Screwdriver records in order to make good on the deal.

    Nah man I paid pennies for this shit, rightfully.

    I did just fine with regular old punk and metal records in my shop. Slayer, Ramones, Pistols, Motorhead, etc.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    MORE AT 11

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    Sell them, but leave them on a hot NY sidewalk for a few hours before shipping them. "Hey dude, sorry, USPS must've warped them by leaving them in a non-AC warehouse..."

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    selling Nazi records < selling raps that glamourize black-on-black crime
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