I revisited a few albums of theirs yesterday and enjoyed the shit out of it.Great logo, great artwork (thanks Winston Smith!)great energy and possibly my favorite offensive band name ever. Too bad Jello Biafra dicked over most of the group. I think this one is my favorites:

Terminal Preppie seemed relevent even when I was in college. Anyone else ride?
My two favourites above, but 'Fresh Fruit...' hit really hard when it came out. I mean the power and speed blew everyone else out of the water. And is that really EVH on that album? That was a big favourite amongst teenagers here who resisted th allure of mod and ska. I listened to that two weeks ago, and it triggered all sorts of happy memories.
When 'In God We Trust' came out, I was a little bit meh about it.
I ride.
no you didn't...and now everyone knows you're a liar
I can relate, especially if the album in question was Frankenchrist or later. I was a big fan in high school, and will always keep my copy of "Fresh Fruit". Nowadays, a little goes a long way.
Dead Kennedy's In god we trust (inc) had a blank side on the cassette. It said something like: "home taping is killing the record industry, we've left this side blank for your use."
I don't know too many people who actually taped over that side. But the Debord-style prank of it all was quite transparent for the time.
I like 'em. Political, savvy, and punko-classique de sneer.
Plastic Surgery Disaster was kind of a grower for me but now I like it better than Fresh Fruit. Terminal preppie and Forest fire still blow my wig back whenever I listen to them.
I worked in a record store where Jello visited once. He asked if he could use out employees only bathroom and we let him. After he left we noticed he left his logs unflushed.
I suppose he didn't like our elitist private bathroom and decided to poop for the people.