Question for the Brits

hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
Is "fu*k" (and its attendant variations) not considered offensive in Britain? Or is swearing in general no big deal?I ask because I've been watching episodes of "The F Word" [I know--what did I expect?] and every other word is "fu*king hell," "bloody," or "foodie gobshite." I find it hilarious, as that wouldn't fly on US television. Except for "bloody," which is inherently funny (not to mention completely inoffensive) to us.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    When in doubt, blame the Beatles. You know wot I mean?

    f*ckin' Hell John...

  • JimsterJimster 6,991 Posts
    Is "fu*k" (and its attendant variations) not considered offensive in Britain? Or is swearing in general no big deal?

    Yeah, it's still considered offensive. Which is what has given Mr. Ramsay a distinctive edge in the TV Chef market as he's seemingly interminably foul-mouthed. There's a "Watershed" time (9PM) before which, the use of such language on TV is avoided.

    "Twat" is a funny one; it's considered strong where I come from (the NW) but here in the East Midlands, not so strong.

    "C*nt" is still the Daddy for maximum offence.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    "C*nt" is still the Daddy for maximum offence.

    remember when the one Johnny Lydon said it live on air on Celebrity Jungle Brother Get Me the FOOHWTBS?

    Uproar for days

  • round my parts, nobody really cares about what you say, f*ck & c*nt are pretty much the only offensive words left.

  • 'F*ck' isn't really offensive anymore. In fact, swearing on telly isn't really a big deal anymore, so says an exhaustive report published a week or so ago.

    So no, it aint no thang.

  • You always notice American guests on chat shows over here surprised that they're allowed to swear, before testing it out my saying "F*ck" haha.

    It's definitely a big deal if it happens before 9 or people think kids might be watching, like when the football player Didier Drogba went crazy when Chelsea lost in the Champions League and shouted "it's a f*cking disgrace!" directly at the camera.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Were you watching the English version of The F-Word?

    "Dang, Darn It, Damn, Ah Hell, Jerk-Off, Douche-bag" which are inherently funny (not to mention completely inoffensive) to us.

    Yanks are missing out. What can compare to Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast getting right in your face and calling you a f*cking Waaaaan*er with that sort of passion[/b]? And that's just trying to get a bus-driver to change a five pound note.

    But when everyday life is a f*cking tideous pisser and you're surrounded by such a bunch of self-obsessed f*cking c*ck-stains as you are in a festering sh*t-hole like Blighty, everyday conversations are peppered with more expletives than you get in 60 minutes of Scarface just to lighten the mood.

    You miserable motherf*cking c*nt-faced smear of sh*t

  • I always found it funny that in the sitcom Married With Children Peggy's surname was Wanker...

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    wasnt she from wanker county?

  • Haha, yep, they must have known...

  • cunt is such a useful word, it's an adjective, a verb and a noun all at the same time.

    I must be getting old though as recently I've had to think once or twice about using it.

    Also I hate it when women use that word.

    If some of you (cunts) require further clarification I suggest you start here:

    luckily someone has uploaded some of it here:

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I think lots of people still get offended by the f-word, over here.

    You'll never hear it on The Archers.

    Mainstream tv makers (and the regulators) are willing, to some extent, to treat the adult population as adults. If you don't like it, you don't have to watch it.
    Although the whole 'Sacks Gate' debacle showed there is a clear generation gap in opinions, and there are plenty who don't like hearing strong swearing on tv.

    But what with some people thinking its the hight of comedy to dress there 4 year old in a knock off FCUK tshirt, it's probably only a matter of time before it becomes even more acceptable in the mainstream.

  • Thanks for the clarification!

    And to answer Duderonomy's question, I'm watching downloaded episodes of the F-Word. There is no "American version" of it. It still cracks me up after the food challenges when he kisses some starlet on both cheeks, then says, "Now please F*ck off out my kitchen."

    Since I have you all hear: who among you shares Laura Street Porter's South London accent? I'd like to read all your posts with that voice in my head.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Since I have you all hear: who among you shares Laura Street Porter's South London accent? I'd like to read all your posts with that voice in my head.

    Um.... that would be me. But my accent has been tempered by 20-odd years of working with posh bankers. I slip back into it when my brothers are on the scene.

    By the way, it's Janet Street Porter.
    She used to be coupled up with Tony James, of London SS, Generation X and Sigue Sigue Sputnik (semi) fame.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Thanks for the clarification!

    My pleasure. Just in case you weren't sure.

    I'm watching downloaded episodes of the F-Word. There is no "American version" of it.

    Ahh, I had it mixed up with Kitchen Nightmares.

    It still cracks me up after the food challenges when he kisses some starlet on both cheeks, then says, "Now please F*ck off out my kitchen."

    I think this is the appeal - Joe Public loves watching people who are usually fawned-over being ordered to get in line and kiss arse with everybody else.

    Since I have you all hear: who among you shares Janet Street Porter's South London accent? I'd like to read all your posts with that voice in my head.

    Everybody south of Milton Keynes speaks like Janet. Comes in handy should we need to turn milk sour, crack glass, or subdue dangerous animals at twenty paces.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    She used to be coupled up with Tony James, of London SS, Generation X and Sigue Sigue Sputnik (semi) fame.

    Didn't she also go out with Normski?

  • f*ckin' cunts.

    'Bloody' is about as offensive as the queen smiling.

    Like everyone else has mentioned, the only really off limit word is cnut.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    For a minute, I was thinking 'please say there isn't another famous Street Porter/preacher'

    btw the Steve Albini-produced new album is actually great...

    I'll get my coat.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    btw the Steve Albini-produced new album is actually great...

    I'll get my coat.


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    For a minute, I was thinking 'please say there isn't another famous Street Porter/preacher'

    btw the Steve Albini-produced new album is actually great...

    I'll get my coat.


    anyways, in my mind, Tony James is a demi-god, in at the start of UK punk and helping kick off the Damned, Clash etc etc, and Normski is....
    f*cking NOWHERE.

    The cunt.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    btw L**, you had a bad weekend or summink?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Weekend was ok if I try and forget watching Man U vs Arsenal, although I missed a lot of sleep actually, and coming into work always fills me with the joys of life.

    Will be back to myself after a good meal, a decent nights sleep, and some strong coffee tomorrow morning.

    Expect full list of players Arsenal need to ditch/buy @ 10.45am.

    Til then.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Weekend was ok if I try and forget watching Man U vs Arsenal, although I missed a lot of sleep actually, and coming into work always fills me with the joys of life.

    Will be back to myself after a good meal, a decent nights sleep, and some strong coffee tomorrow morning.

    Expect full list of players Arsenal need to ditch/buy @ 10.45am.

    Til then.



  • By the way, it's Janet Street Porter.

    Sorry--I knew that, but for some reason, I typed Laura. AKA "Foodie Gobshite."

    While we're on the topic of accents, why doesn't Gordon have a Scottish brogue? And why does he look 15 years older than he is?

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    a) Because he grew up in Warwickshire but b) still has Scottish genes.

    Q for Yanks: Where's the nudity on basic cable? WTF, I'm paying good money for it!

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Q for Yanks: Where's the nudity on basic cable? WTF, I'm paying good money for it!

    It was a trade off. We voted that you couldn't show nudity on basic cable, as long as you didn't show soccer either.

    Good democracy is all about compromise.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Getting kicked in the head playing rugby and losing sight in one eye. Very nearly loosing the other also. They lost their baby girl after she was born prematurely. And have a son with cystic fibrosis. Also he's rumored to be suffering from depression.

    Ah Scotland.

  • Getting kicked in the head playing rugby and losing sight in one eye. Very nearly loosing the other also. They lost their baby girl after she was born prematurely. And have a son with cystic fibrosis. Also he's rumored to be suffering from depression.

    Ah Scotland.

    also, I believe his brother was a hardcore junkie who OD and died...

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    He seems to be quite enigmatic, like Prince. Some of his memories have proven to be bullshit, like saying he played for the Rangers.
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