most unlikely place to find teh raer?



  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    ive been at house parties before and seen records lying around. Yanked the Montclairs lp and a few pharoah sanders joints from a party once. nothin too exciting

    I think you just uninvited yourself from any strutter's house party...

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    ive been at house parties before and seen records lying around. Yanked the Montclairs lp and a few pharoah sanders joints from a party once. nothin too exciting

    Seriously... Are you saying you go to parties and snatch records?

    Maybe I'm reading you wrong.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    ive been at house parties before and seen records lying around. Yanked the Montclairs lp and a few pharoah sanders joints from a party once. nothin too exciting

    Seriously... Are you saying you go to parties and snatch records?

    Maybe I'm reading you wrong.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    yeah i did it before when i was younger. it wasnt anyones house i was actually friends with though. and it was peoples parents records that were basically on their way to the trash

  • were the parents around to verify that the records were 'basically on the way to the trash'?

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    dont worry about it

  • spivyspivy 866 Posts
    a few years ago i dug thru about 2000 disco records that were stored in the back room of a barber shop in bayridge brooklyn since the early 80's. pulled a tommy stewart on abraxys lp, chicago-street player promo 12" and a crusaders- street life 12" to name a few. all minty too. one of the best random finds for me ever.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Meatyogre's backroom Latin score story is pretty crazy.

  • backroom Latin score

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I could have sworn I heard this story here but maybe it was from someone else but from what I recall: someone was out in Pittsburgh and hanging out at this plumber's office when he noticed a small stack of 45s. As it turns out, the plumber (or maybe it has brother) used to have a garage band and had pressed up a small number of 45s, copies of which were considered grails amongst collectors ($1000+). I think the said record dude ended up either buying the remaining stock outright or helped the owner sell them off for a tidy sum.

    This ring a bell? I always thought that was a great story.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    The guy who brokered the deal had to argue with his boss to prevent them from going straight into the dumpster.

    Shoot, you should have gone to the boss and been like "Hey, can I help you take these to the dumpster?" and saved yourself a grand.

  • casbahcasbah 57 Posts
    Rabat, Morocco, I was wandering around the bazaar and not really intending to seriously look for records, although I did have the portable player with me in case I got the chance to flip through a few local nuggets.

    I did find a record stall, but it wasn't what I expected at all, their stock must have come from a very deep'n funky 70s local nightclub, because the score was all about Cloud One twelves on P&P, African Music Machine, Goldie Alexander and similar delights.

    Chais all round!

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts

    Me and my lady went camping at Yosemite about 5 years ago, and we were camping right near a tiny little town on whatever highway we took into Yosemite. There was a small second-hand/antique/thrift store in the strip of about 5 or 6 total commercial storefronts in the town, and I wanted to check it out before we left. So, one morning after we grabbed coffee, I stopped in and flipped through the small stack of Firestone Christmas LPs they had, and was about to leave. Before I took off, I asked if they had any 45s, and the lady said "We have this box of 45s which has been sitting around forever". It turns out it was a beautiful box of pretty solid 45s and 10 cents a piece. Syl Johnson, Cymande, Monk Higgins, Laura Lee. Nothing crazy rare, but definitely several I did not have and at a great price. I think I picked up about 20 of them.

    I guess the location (second-hand store) is not unlikely, but I was not planning on finding decent 45s on a camping trip to Yosemite in a tiny ass little town.

  • I could read a book full of stories like these.

    As for me, I dunno how unlikely my story is, being that I was guided to a house filled with records, but the chain of event was random to say the least:
    On the last day of a three week trip to Cuba, I walked around in Havana, sullen that I'd only managed to find but a few records while there.
    A prostitute (it turned out) approached me, asking if I wanted to go 'somewhere special' with her. Since I declined, she asked if I wanted weed, cigars, or rum. All good stuff, but no thanks. Long story short(er), she instead ended up directing me towards a market where an old man supposedly was selling records.
    I found him, but while his stock wasn't exactly thrilling, what happened next was - as I walked towards the bus stop, records in hand, this dude came running after me, shouting about 'discos'. His friend, it turned out, lived three blocks away in a house that was COMPLETELY filled with records - filled as in, the chair armrests were three-feet stacks of vinyl.
    Not necessarily my best score ever (some 'American' dudes had been there a few years before me, picking out Juan Pablo Torres and the like - although they clearly hadn't been up on eastern euro shit), but damn damn damn, I've never had so fun digging for records

  • Last year I was taking a gypsy cab somewhere. The driver was an og new york Puerto Rican cat. We ended up talking about latin music for the majority of the ride. I told him I collect these records. He told me his nephew, who was a dj, was murdered a couple of weeks prior and all of his records and equipment were in the cabbys basement. I made the sketchy trip to deep east ny and it paid off. I walked with 2 1/2 crates of great stuff for a dollar a record. Latinaires camel walk, lateens, acid goldie haun, etc..

  • the other month i was in a local store and when looking through the B section i came upon a clean 2nd state butcher. $20. dude was clueless. not exactly an unlikely spot but damn. i still need to sell that shit

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    the other month i was in a local store and when looking through the B section i came upon a clean 2nd state butcher. $20. dude was clueless. not exactly an unlikely spot but damn. i still need to sell that shit

    Yeah, a record store in the "B" section is not the least likely place to find a Beatles record.

  • the other month i was in a local store and when looking through the B section i came upon a clean 2nd state butcher. $20. dude was clueless. not exactly an unlikely spot but damn. i still need to sell that shit

    Yeah, a record store in the "B" section is not the least likely place to find a Beatles record.

  • jammyjammy remixing bongo rock... 813 Posts
    i found one of these disc-go portable record players at the cat shelter haha.

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