most unlikely place to find teh raer?

georgeibrahimgeorgeibrahim 676 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
where is the weirdest/most unlikely spot that you have found raers at? i ain't talkin about those lucky finds at flea markets i'm talkin about those visits to your uncle's who have neighbours sitting on fire or something like that.


  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Yeah, old family friend visit. Went to see him to pick up some speakers he called me to see if I wanted. In his basement on the way out he pointed to a crate of records and said, these are going in the bin when I get around to it, so take what you want.

    And in between Brick and Chaka Kahan was Beginning of The End - s/t LP

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    My cousin found a stash of records at his house, along with a bunch of his dads equipment from his radio DJ days (He did the first Latino music show on Sydney radio b.i.t.d).

    So he tells me and my mate R Type, we chekc them have a flick thru it and see nothing special, some typical latino commercial stuff, but we figured we can grab some horns and shit of some of the tunes and maybe some percussion samples. My cuz says, you can borrow all of them but you cant keep them cus my dad will chuck a shit etc.

    We go thru about 50 of these lukewarm salsa records and then we pull out THAT Nico Gomez LP (but we had no clue about who he was or how he sounded).

    Expecting the same as the other records we wack it on...and f*cking almost dropped when we heard those drums and basslines.... It was the last thing we expected, cus everything else in the stash was weak.

    When my cousin came round to get the records back he noticed one of them put to the side, and Im like...F*ck your dad Im keeping that one..."

    I didnt find out its 'raerity' and value till about 5 years later, when chatting with Sheep one day.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Was looking at a house the other week & found a shelf full of 45s & a cabinet of LPs in the garage, the records were the only thing the previous owner had left, basic 70s rock LPs (Bowie etc)lots of good 60s/70s 45s, nothing rare though (Tony Joe White, Sly & the Family Stone, Beatles etc) except for one mega rare local 60s garage/beat 45 "Dallas Four - Toe Hold". I'd never seen another copy of that. We bid on but didn't get the house & since it was an estate sale I didn't want to have bad vibes or karma stealing from dead people so I left the records there too.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    My brother once stopped at a roadside Beef Jerky & Lemonade stand in the middle of podunk Texas and walked away with a stash of heavy Industrial & Noise LP's.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Back in the mid 80's, when I used to have a VW camper van, I was on extended road trip with my girl, hitting Vermont, NH and Maine.

    Driving on some serious dirt back roads in Maine we saw
    a junky "antique" shop/shack. We stopped to look through the selection, and I wasn't thinking records, but there was a single wooden crate full. All junk - except a mint OG copy of the first Cluster record.

    Not super rare, but I was shocked.

  • a mint OG copy of the first Cluster record.

    Not super rare

    S/T on Philips? That's pretty rare!

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    this thread will be over when whatshisface come thru with his story about the dumpster full of library LPs

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    a mint OG copy of the first Cluster record.

    Not super rare

    S/T on Philips? That's pretty rare!

    Aaaargh! Brainlock...

    It was an OG of the second Cluster, green label Brain press.

  • LoopDreamsLoopDreams 1,195 Posts
    this thread will be over when whatshisface come thru with his story about the dumpster full of library LPs

    There was a dude floating a story like that around here about five years ago... and he did have mad libraries... though it turned out he'd raped the CBC archives.

    The latest best stash-o-raer I've spotted was when I was visiting a older contractor dude about half a year ago. When looking over some plans in his office I noticed he had a nice deck with a couple hundred disks under it. After takin a peep I realised he had a mad collection of jazz... all on the edge of free, Don Cherry, Grachuan Moncur, Dollar Brand, Sam Rivers. He had some Baystates (no Bl. Ren.), many many mono BN's, lots of gold. When I asked him about it he said that when he and his wife( a University Music Methodology prof.) split she took the CD's and he kept the vinyl. He said he still listened to it alot, though his jaw dropped when he heard he had close to a years salary tucked under his record player.
    Needless to say I said gently: " Paul, if those records are ever in the way...give me a call"

  • this thread will be over when K in Canada comes through with his story about the shopping cart, the bicycle and the thrift.

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts
    Was looking at a house the other week & found a shelf full of 45s & a cabinet of LPs in the garage

    ha, that's pretty funny. in a similar situation -- had been looking at houses four or five weekends in a row. at least three of the houses had records in closets or basements. didn't touch anything, but couldnt resist looking at spines.

    pretty dire.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Was looking at a house the other week & found a shelf full of 45s & a cabinet of LPs in the garage

    ha, that's pretty funny. in a similar situation -- had been looking at houses four or five weekends in a row. at least three of the houses had records in closets or basements. didn't touch anything, but couldnt resist looking at spines.

    pretty dire.
    Yeah, I almost didn't look, but couldn't resist.

  • When I opened my shop about four years ago, I got a call from a local roller rink who had a box of 45s they wanted to get rid of. When I asked them to read off some titles, it became pretty clear that it was top-40 stuff from the eighties. I told them I probably wouldn't be interested but since it was only about ten blocks away I rolled by after closing up. All common shit except for Ellipsis "People" on Briarmeade. How and why it was there is a total mystery. I paid a quarter.

  • jammyjammy remixing bongo rock... 813 Posts
    try 4000 library lp's from a television station station for $1000

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Rideout 45 for free from some lady in El Cerrito. Mint inside a parliament pic sleeve inside a box of wrecked trash.

    Rare spiritual jazz, library records and more in 2000+ LP donation from wife of deceased pack rat. Collection was mostly filled with black mold.

    Relatively Clean Rivers & more in the new age section being purged at a radio station.

    Mom's co-worker's boxes of 80s pop hits with one rare local punk 45.

  • where is the weirdest/most unlikely spot that you have found raers at? i ain't talkin about those lucky finds at flea markets i'm talkin about those visits to your uncle's who have neighbours sitting on fire or something like that.

    My own basement. I was looking through my so-called cheap records stacks, and find records that was consideered as shit some years ago and now worth good money: a few Musax libs.

  • PonyPony 2,283 Posts
    Years ago I lived in the basement suite of a two story house. The upstairs was occupied by a really eccentric dude that was the care taker for three elderly special needs men (crazy stories galore). One day I was walking back into my apartment carrying some records when buddy yells out "so you like those old records eh? I got a few boxes upstairs, if you want you can take a look". I agreed, and went into his apartment where one of the oldest handicapped men was balling his eyes out hysterically , and another was ice grilling me because the records were in his room, shit was awkward as hell. Anyways, I was expecting to see a few boxes of rock turds and dollar records, which he did have, till I got to the final box which was all minty raer hip-hop 12"s from 1983-85, amazing stuff. He then proceeded to tell me that his cousin was a DJ back in the 80's who went by the name "DJ ICE", which was actually written on almost every record in marker. I walked out with about a crates worth, all 50 cents each. I was sooo stoked, this kind of thing never happens where I'm from.

  • erewhonerewhon 1,123 Posts
    One time I met up with a woman at an Applebee's to go through her 45s while she ate a big salad. Got this one, among some other good stuff:

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    A few weeks ago, an old girlfriend of mine laid a bunch of ancient 45's on me that she and her brother owned, growing up in Texas...she warned me up front that I wouldn't be getting her Thirteenth Floor Elevators album (damn!), but I did manage to get the New Colony Six's "I Lie Awake" on Sentar (the only early NC6 single I never see, even though I have the album it came from). Also in the pile was an early R&B-morphing-into-soul thing by Johnny Wyatt on Challenge.

  • I was visiting an ex in SF last week. She had a few records under a table in her bedroom. The top record was Benny Johnson - Visions of Paradise (Mint in Shrink) with an $8 sticker on it. She told me she used to have a roommate who was a DJ and that he left a bunch of records behind when he split.

    She had no idea it was worth anything. Other than that, all she had was a bunch of Bruce Springsteen records!

    I would have gripped, but I already had it!

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Where's the Scandinavian dude who found a Stark LP at an ostrich farm??? That shit always blew my mind.

  • Found a sealed copy of Twilight "Pains Of Love" on the sidewalk on E. 14th Street, Oakland. No other records (or anything else) on the ground around it, by far my most bizarre find.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Where's the Scandinavian dude who found a Stark LP at an ostrich farm??? That shit always blew my mind.

    Didn't someone find a copy of Trinikas at a petting zoo or something?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    try 4000 library lp's from a television station station for $1000

    How is this unlikely? Aren't t.v. stations pretty much where you'd expect to find library records?

  • aren't t.v. stations pretty much where you'd expect to find library records?
    yeah i'd expect that too, especially with medium to big broadcasters. i think the most impressive sounding so far is the stark reality on an ostrich farm... i need to hear that full story.

  • MoogManMoogMan Sao Paulo, Brazil 1,173 Posts
    Was Danno3000 who found some Cuban raer at a
    chicken & eggs store in Havana?

  • When I opened my shop about four years ago, I got a call from a local roller rink who had a box of 45s they wanted to get rid of. When I asked them to read off some titles, it became pretty clear that it was top-40 stuff from the eighties. I told them I probably wouldn't be interested but since it was only about ten blocks away I rolled by after closing up. All common shit except for Ellipsis "People" on Briarmeade. How and why it was there is a total mystery. I paid a quarter.

    man, this seems like the type of stuff to drive a record dealer crazy. makes you wonder about all those craigslist ads that appear to be nothing but pure garbage (and usually they are). but just that one record makes it all well worth while. did you buy other records or walk out of there spending only a quarter?

    oh, and one time i was given a Soul Concern LP from the garage of a house i was viewing as a potential rental. it was the only LP anywhere in sight. weird.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    ive been at house parties before and seen records lying around. Yanked the Montclairs lp and a few pharoah sanders joints from a party once. nothin too exciting

  • try 4000 library lp's from a television station station for $1000

    Ah, hearing Dan's ABC story always makes me smile!

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Years ago I got about 5,000 sound library Lps from a NYC TV station. I paid more than $1,000 for them, but I got three Stringtronics, a couple of Jungle Obsessions hundreds of KPMs, DeWolfes, Mondiophones, Freesounds, Neuillys etc. In addition there were hundreds of Folkways and other random goodness.
    The guy who brokered the deal had to argue with his boss to prevent them from going straight into the dumpster.
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