world's most expensive 45...



  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    When he found funk records while digging for Nothern he just broke them in two and put them back in the stack.

    Not cool, even when I come across country and western and other stinkers I'm not that bad that I break the records. What is the point???
    He's not soft.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Buy a 20p prospect in a charity shop.
    Some 60s thing on Deram or Decca, or maybe something produced by Biddu on Pye.
    Take home, listen.
    Verdict: terd.

    What part of you doesn't want to smash that thing up?



  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    "well, at least we won't have to listen to that REPET-TAT-TIVE GAR-BAAAARRRRGE anymore!"

    I would admire dude's passion if it made any sense. I can't say I listen to a lot of Northern, but isn't part of what makes a soul track a Northern Soul track is that it has that upbeat four-on-the-floor Motown-type groove? Isn't a Northern set going to consist mostly of songs that have this same type of rhythm? If you don't like funk, that's fine. But to shit on it because its "repetitive" while professing undying love for Northern doesn't make sense to me.

    Maybe dude is saying that funk isn't melodic enough and is all rhythm, on some English as a second language-related stuff. Regardless, I think the Isleys would take issue with that assessment of their music.

  • When he found funk records while digging for Nothern he just broke them in two and put them back in the stack.

    Not cool, even when I come across country and western and other stinkers I'm not that bad that I break the records. What is the point???

    Everybody knows it's not cool but I can't help but being fascinated by someone acting that passionate and uncompromising.

    Also his hatred of funk was legendary. If he hit a load of funk in a place, he'd start snapping copies of the records in half! I'd say 'oh c'mon Simon, you don't have to break the bloody records do ya"? And he just keep snapping 'em and say "it's repetetive garbage (pronounced REPET-TAT-TIVE GAR-BAAAARRRRGE) baby boy, they just get in the way"!

    One time he was in real snit - I think he'd had a bust up with Sabrina and he was really pissed-off. We were driving along Sunset Boulevard in his car and he switched the radio on and the Isley Brother's "Fight The Power" came on and he went "F*&king FUNK! I HATE "f*&king FUNK"! and he jabbed the car radio's pre-set buttons to another station and the Ohio Player's "Love Rollercoaster" came on - steam started coming out of his ears and he screamed " "F*&king FUNK! What ees wrong with zees people? F*&king FUNK Motherf*&kers! Why can't zey play some Northern instead of this motherf*&king FUNK all ze time"!!! He then furiously jabbed the pre-sets again only for the Brothers Johnson "Get The Funk Out Of My Face" to come blasting out of the speakers. He looked at me, "OK, that's it now"!

    He then just jerked the car to a complete hault right in the middle of Sunset Strip and started smashing the car radio with his fists. When his hand started bleeding, he got out of the car, took off one of his shoes and continued smashing the radio until parts of the radio were all over the floor of the car. He then physically tore the radio out of the car and threw what was left of it onto the road and then started stamping on it with his other shoe-clad foot.

    By this point there was a half-mile tailback on Sunset and the horns going off were almost deafening and the driver of the car behind us was just watching all this with her mouth wide open in shock......

    I said "err, Simon, maybe we'd better go......"

    He just got back in the car, slammed it into gear and said "well, at least we won't have to listen to that REPET-TAT-TIVE GAR-BAAAARRRRGE anymore!"

    Only on Soulstrut is acting like an utter cockknocker interpreted as "passionate and uncompromising"....

  • Reading through that soul source link, that bloke has so many stories to his name. That radio one had me in stitches!!

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    The parts I liked most were about his hatred against everything funky. When he found funk records while digging for Northern he just broke them in two and put them back in the stack. And he stopped his car in the middle of the road to smash his radio when he switched channels three times and heard funk on any of them.
    I can relate to his rage.

    Such soft batchery must be discouraged!!

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    an utter cockknocker

    Bravo Sir, Bravo.

  • I want to destroy every sinatra, sound of music, terd I see piled up when I go to thrift stores.

    I think simon's an interesting character but I'm interested in northern soul. may be the first story was kind of boring though.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    When he found funk records while digging for Nothern he just broke them in two and put them back in the stack.

    Not cool, even when I come across country and western and other stinkers I'm not that bad that I break the records. What is the point???

    Everybody knows it's not cool but I can't help but being fascinated by someone acting that passionate and uncompromising.

    Also his hatred of funk was legendary. If he hit a load of funk in a place, he'd start snapping copies of the records in half! I'd say 'oh c'mon Simon, you don't have to break the bloody records do ya"? And he just keep snapping 'em and say "it's repetetive garbage (pronounced REPET-TAT-TIVE GAR-BAAAARRRRGE) baby boy, they just get in the way"!

    One time he was in real snit - I think he'd had a bust up with Sabrina and he was really pissed-off. We were driving along Sunset Boulevard in his car and he switched the radio on and the Isley Brother's "Fight The Power" came on and he went "F*&king FUNK! I HATE "f*&king FUNK"! and he jabbed the car radio's pre-set buttons to another station and the Ohio Player's "Love Rollercoaster" came on - steam started coming out of his ears and he screamed " "F*&king FUNK! What ees wrong with zees people? F*&king FUNK Motherf*&kers! Why can't zey play some Northern instead of this motherf*&king FUNK all ze time"!!! He then furiously jabbed the pre-sets again only for the Brothers Johnson "Get The Funk Out Of My Face" to come blasting out of the speakers. He looked at me, "OK, that's it now"!

    He then just jerked the car to a complete hault right in the middle of Sunset Strip and started smashing the car radio with his fists. When his hand started bleeding, he got out of the car, took off one of his shoes and continued smashing the radio until parts of the radio were all over the floor of the car. He then physically tore the radio out of the car and threw what was left of it onto the road and then started stamping on it with his other shoe-clad foot.

    By this point there was a half-mile tailback on Sunset and the horns going off were almost deafening and the driver of the car behind us was just watching all this with her mouth wide open in shock......

    I said "err, Simon, maybe we'd better go......"

    He just got back in the car, slammed it into gear and said "well, at least we won't have to listen to that REPET-TAT-TIVE GAR-BAAAARRRRGE anymore!"

    Nothing interesting there. He just sounds juvenile.

  • I'd say it'll go for at least $50,000

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    an utter cockknocker

    Bravo Sir, Bravo.


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    These stories are just proof that he is a jerk.
    The stupid passions of a jerk is not inspiring.

    I think the stories are good to illustrate what a jerk he is.

    Like I said I had dealings with him and can contest to his jerkyness.

    Not only is he famous for stealing from the Motown vaults, he also is known for ripping off artists he produced and managed.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    These stories are just proof that he is a jerk.
    The stupid passions of a jerk is not inspiring.

    I think the stories are good to illustrate what a jerk he is.

    Like I said I had dealings with him and can contest to his jerkyness.

    Not only is he famous for stealing from the Motown vaults, he also is known for ripping off artists he produced and managed.

    I'd love to hear about your dealings with him.

  • Agent45Agent45 451 Posts

    After posting that I realized the order of the records is constantly being jumbled up. The one I was alluding to is Th* T*J's. You got one of those for me R*b*ert?

    Manship has one of those up for auction every few months. amazing that the value hasn't started dropping yet. You'll get yours - just be patient.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    These stories are just proof that he is a jerk.
    The stupid passions of a jerk is not inspiring.

    I think the stories are good to illustrate what a jerk he is.

    Like I said I had dealings with him and can contest to his jerkyness.

    Not only is he famous for stealing from the Motown vaults, he also is known for ripping off artists he produced and managed.

    I'd love to hear about your dealings with him.

    Far less interesting than the above stories.
    Like I said he published a price guide.
    I paid for one.
    I had to call him 3 times a week for 3 months to get mine.
    Got a variation of "the printer is behind schedule" "we are getting a new shipment this week" "I just sent it" every time I talked to him.
    I knew he was lying, he knew he was lying, and so it went, so it goes.
    I did get it.

    He reminds me of another high end LA seller who I had nothing but good dealings with, but others have stories.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    These stories are just proof that he is a jerk.
    The stupid passions of a jerk is not inspiring.

    I think the stories are good to illustrate what a jerk he is.

    Like I said I had dealings with him and can contest to his jerkyness.

    Not only is he famous for stealing from the Motown vaults, he also is known for ripping off artists he produced and managed.

    I'd love to hear about your dealings with him.

    Like I said he published a price guide.
    I paid for one.
    I had to call him 3 times a week for 3 months to get mine.
    Got a variation of "the printer is behind schedule" "we are getting a new shipment this week" "I just sent it" every time I talked to him.
    I knew he was lying, he knew he was lying, and so it went, so it goes.
    I did get it.

    I can't help but be fascinated by someone acting that passionate and uncompromising.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    a guy I know showed me that Soussan price guide the other day - pretty neat - lots of pictures of Detroit records

    btw I found the 'back in the day' stories on Soul Source to be fascinating - the guy seems like a real character - a French Morroccan mod tailor turned bootlegging ripoff artist & modern soul producer? some may find this hard to understand, but being a crazy douchebag is more interesting than just being a run-of-the-mill collector/ dealer with so-so taste in music

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    a guy I know showed me that Soussan price guide the other day - pretty neat - lots of pictures of Detroit records

    btw I found the 'back in the day' stories on Soul Source to be fascinating - the guy seems like a real character - a French Morroccan mod tailor turned bootlegging ripoff artist & modern soul producer? some may find this hard to understand, but being a crazy douchebag is more interesting than just being a run-of-the-mill collector/ dealer with so-so taste in music

    Eh, being a mod tailor/modern soul producer is interesting.

    Racy tales of *snicker* securing women's phone numbers are probably interesting only to--how do you say?--run-of-the-mill record dudes with so-so taste in music.

  • When he found funk records while digging for Nothern he just broke them in two and put them back in the stack.

    Not cool, even when I come across country and western and other stinkers I'm not that bad that I break the records. What is the point???

    Everybody knows it's not cool but I can't help but being fascinated by someone acting that passionate and uncompromising.

    Also his hatred of funk was legendary. If he hit a load of funk in a place, he'd start snapping copies of the records in half! I'd say 'oh c'mon Simon, you don't have to break the bloody records do ya"? And he just keep snapping 'em and say "it's repetetive garbage (pronounced REPET-TAT-TIVE GAR-BAAAARRRRGE) baby boy, they just get in the way"!

    One time he was in real snit - I think he'd had a bust up with Sabrina and he was really pissed-off. We were driving along Sunset Boulevard in his car and he switched the radio on and the Isley Brother's "Fight The Power" came on and he went "F*&king FUNK! I HATE "f*&king FUNK"! and he jabbed the car radio's pre-set buttons to another station and the Ohio Player's "Love Rollercoaster" came on - steam started coming out of his ears and he screamed " "F*&king FUNK! What ees wrong with zees people? F*&king FUNK Motherf*&kers! Why can't zey play some Northern instead of this motherf*&king FUNK all ze time"!!! He then furiously jabbed the pre-sets again only for the Brothers Johnson "Get The Funk Out Of My Face" to come blasting out of the speakers. He looked at me, "OK, that's it now"!

    He then just jerked the car to a complete hault right in the middle of Sunset Strip and started smashing the car radio with his fists. When his hand started bleeding, he got out of the car, took off one of his shoes and continued smashing the radio until parts of the radio were all over the floor of the car. He then physically tore the radio out of the car and threw what was left of it onto the road and then started stamping on it with his other shoe-clad foot.

    By this point there was a half-mile tailback on Sunset and the horns going off were almost deafening and the driver of the car behind us was just watching all this with her mouth wide open in shock......

    I said "err, Simon, maybe we'd better go......"

    He just got back in the car, slammed it into gear and said "well, at least we won't have to listen to that REPET-TAT-TIVE GAR-BAAAARRRRGE anymore!"

    Nothing interesting there. He just sounds juvenile.

    No... he sounds eccentric. It's an English thing (even if he was Morrocan by birth). See Edith Sitwell's ENGLISH ECCENTRICS for a good introduction to this odd, ancient scene.

  • When he found funk records while digging for Nothern he just broke them in two and put them back in the stack.

    Not cool, even when I come across country and western and other stinkers I'm not that bad that I break the records. What is the point???

    Everybody knows it's not cool but I can't help but being fascinated by someone acting that passionate and uncompromising.

    Also his hatred of funk was legendary. If he hit a load of funk in a place, he'd start snapping copies of the records in half! I'd say 'oh c'mon Simon, you don't have to break the bloody records do ya"? And he just keep snapping 'em and say "it's repetetive garbage (pronounced REPET-TAT-TIVE GAR-BAAAARRRRGE) baby boy, they just get in the way"!

    One time he was in real snit - I think he'd had a bust up with Sabrina and he was really pissed-off. We were driving along Sunset Boulevard in his car and he switched the radio on and the Isley Brother's "Fight The Power" came on and he went "F*&king FUNK! I HATE "f*&king FUNK"! and he jabbed the car radio's pre-set buttons to another station and the Ohio Player's "Love Rollercoaster" came on - steam started coming out of his ears and he screamed " "F*&king FUNK! What ees wrong with zees people? F*&king FUNK Motherf*&kers! Why can't zey play some Northern instead of this motherf*&king FUNK all ze time"!!! He then furiously jabbed the pre-sets again only for the Brothers Johnson "Get The Funk Out Of My Face" to come blasting out of the speakers. He looked at me, "OK, that's it now"!

    He then just jerked the car to a complete hault right in the middle of Sunset Strip and started smashing the car radio with his fists. When his hand started bleeding, he got out of the car, took off one of his shoes and continued smashing the radio until parts of the radio were all over the floor of the car. He then physically tore the radio out of the car and threw what was left of it onto the road and then started stamping on it with his other shoe-clad foot.

    By this point there was a half-mile tailback on Sunset and the horns going off were almost deafening and the driver of the car behind us was just watching all this with her mouth wide open in shock......

    I said "err, Simon, maybe we'd better go......"

    He just got back in the car, slammed it into gear and said "well, at least we won't have to listen to that REPET-TAT-TIVE GAR-BAAAARRRRGE anymore!"

    Nothing interesting there. He just sounds juvenile.

    No... he sounds eccentric. It's an English thing (even if he was Morrocan by birth). See Edith Sitwell's ENGLISH ECCENTRICS for a good introduction to this odd, ancient scene.

    Here in the States we refer to them as "wealthy douchebags"...

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    No... he sounds eccentric. It's an English thing (even if he was Morrocan by birth). See Edith Sitwell's ENGLISH ECCENTRICS for a good introduction to this odd, ancient scene.

    lol ... only the Brits could think they invented crazy.

    "oh, no - that's British"


  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts

    No... he sounds eccentric. It's an English thing (even if he was Morrocan by birth). See Edith Sitwell's ENGLISH ECCENTRICS for a good introduction to this odd, ancient scene.

    lol ... only the Brits could think they invented crazy.

    "oh, no - that's British"


    gurney is not Briddish

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    No, but Dame Edith Sitwell was British as boiled meat.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    No... he sounds eccentric. It's an English thing (even if he was Morrocan by birth). See Edith Sitwell's ENGLISH ECCENTRICS for a good introduction to this odd, ancient scene.

    lol ... only the Brits could think they invented crazy.

    "oh, no - that's British"


    I heart Soulstrut.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    No... he sounds eccentric. It's an English thing (even if he was Morrocan by birth). See Edith Sitwell's ENGLISH ECCENTRICS for a good introduction to this odd, ancient scene.

    lol ... only the Brits could think they invented crazy.

    "oh, no - that's British"


    I heart Soulstrut.

    I can withstand the anti-Brit sentiment often visible on here much more easily when I have zero respect for the poaster.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    No... he sounds eccentric. It's an English thing (even if he was Morrocan by birth). See Edith Sitwell's ENGLISH ECCENTRICS for a good introduction to this odd, ancient scene.

    lol ... only the Brits could think they invented crazy.

    "oh, no - that's British"


    I heart Soulstrut.

    I can withstand the anti-Brit sentiment often visible on here much more easily when I have zero respect for the poaster.

    C'mon, anti-sentiment makes the Strut go round, this is how we bond! Besides, I want an 'in' into the ancient English eccentric scene. How can I be down? (I'm looking at you Skel )

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    No... he sounds eccentric. It's an English thing (even if he was Morrocan by birth). See Edith Sitwell's ENGLISH ECCENTRICS for a good introduction to this odd, ancient scene.

    lol ... only the Brits could think they invented crazy.

    "oh, no - that's British"


    I heart Soulstrut.

    I can withstand the anti-Brit sentiment often visible on here much more easily when I have zero respect for the poaster.

    C'mon, anti-sentiment makes the Strut go round, this is how we bond! Besides, I want an 'in' into the ancient English eccentric scene. How can I be down? (I'm looking at you Skel )

    Being ancient is easy. Eccentric is a problem.
    I reckon you're halfway there already tho'

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    anti-Brit sentiment


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    what's the ASB[/b]S?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    anti-Brit sentiment



    All of our ex colonies suffer from it.
    They really should move on.

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