I've been pondering this since my return to Soulstrut.Of course I could click the link, but that would be cheating.I've been leaning towards an Ernte Dank Fest. A dank fest sounds like fun.Or maybe Ernte Dan's K-Fest.Or I could go with the obvious choice, Ernt Edan Kfest.Sounds Nordic.Do enlighten.
I named the mix like that because it was the result of record harvesting throughout summer.
BTW thanks for listening.
where are you during the easter weekend. Any chance you are in Weimar? Will be in Jena from friday on. Aw yes, and I will be there on April the 30th.
Gott zum Gru??e,
I will be arriving shortly after the weekend. 14th or 15th of April. We're having the first big bauhaus.fm radioparty in years and I will DJ together with Marlowe. Still there on Friday 17th? Then come by. My plan is to stay in Weimar till 1st of May so there's another chance for a meeting. Would be great.