who has mice in their place?



  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts

    looks like you were too scared to get up close. i want to see teeth!!!

    We were asked not to get any closer, otherwise I would have gotten a better picture.

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    for all your mice problems...

  • SnappingSnapping 995 Posts
    My pops uses glue traps. Caught I giant snake in one last year in the basement,

    Speaking of which, if cats are not sufficient than a pet snake that you let roam the house would definitely take care of mouse problems. Of course, you would have a snake roaming around the house. Which would not be good for your social life if you ever wanted to have people over.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    cats, motherfuckers, cats

    we had a mouse problem in our place in Philly. our cat must have caught 6 or so of them, although in a way it's just as inhumane as the glue traps. our cat would play around with the mouse, bat it around, carry it in its mouth, so I'm sure the mouse was scared shitless. we managed to save a few of them, but she did kill some.

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    Holler At This...

    Started using this last week... seemed to drive them out of the house, then again we didnt have a real bad problem with them, I only saw one once in a long while, and usually didnt see any calling cards... I have the poison down too and the glue traps... when you see one mouse thats one mouse too many.

  • bennyboybennyboy 538 Posts
    We had a mice problem in our old house; and the only effective solution was getting an exterminator in. The mice were in the kitchen, so we assumed thats where they were living, but apparently they prefer the attic/roofspace; they can squeeze into the wall cavity, so they have the run of the house, the kitchen just happened to be where the food was.

    He put down a couple of bowls of poison up there; mice eat it, they die slowly, getting thirstier and thirstier until (the theory is) they leave the property in search of water. Which is what happened. Weirdly, about a week later, my wife heard a loud 'squeak', and that was it, no more mice.

    Not the nicest of solutions, but we were 2 weeks off having a baby, we weren't hanging around to see if the humane traps would eventually work.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    i just moved into a place in december and i saw the first mouse a second ago. where there's tiny little grey mice, there's gotta be more.


    I have mice AND squirrels.

    Mice... i tried so hard to be nice. Got humane traps... no dice. Got snap traps... no dice. (I used peanut butter and processed cheese - they ignored them). I got frustrated and put out stick traps. They HAULED THEM BACK INTO THE WALLS. And I assume they weren't stuck to them, because there is no way of them getting around stuck to one of those things and I haven't smelled any rotting mice.

    I don't want to put out poison because they pretty much stay in my back wall and that would be nas-tay.

    I'm totally frustrated with them though. Gnawed the covering off of a romex wire...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    We were with out a cat for a while.
    Had rats in the yard.
    I was trapping them until I legged one.
    Had to hit it over the head with the shovel.
    Kinda made me sick.

    Now with a cat they stay away.

    Problem is now we have an old cat.
    Doesn't want to kill them anymore.
    Just plays.
    Catches mice in the yard and brings them in the house.
    Cat gets bored, mouse goes behind the bookcase.

    We have also twice had a mole in the basement, which the mouse doesn't mess with.
    I have to corner the poor thing and scoop it into a box.
    Lots of packing tape and off the slew to let it go.
    They are bigger and more powerful than you might think.
    Gives you an idea of the condition of my foundation.

  • (I used peanut butter and processed cheese - they ignored them)

    Did you try smooth or nutty peanut butter?

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts

    I don't want to put out poison because they pretty much stay in my back wall and that would be nas-tay.

    Its cool, get the greenish blocks or the kind that are like pellets... they eat it and want to go outside for water, when they drink water it expands thier bodies and they suffocate... I heard one in my bedroom one night moving near where I had left some poison and the next day I saw a dead mouse out near the front of my house...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Do you all reuse your mouse traps?

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    Do you all reuse your mouse traps?


    that would require messing around with the body and resetting it knowing that mouse parts where on it... then again they say that since it has the scent of a mouse on it it would attract other mice... that works for rats too... I like the show Verminators...

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    those T-Rex traps make re-using traps more feasible. I know too much about this subject but thats how I am...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    We had bats in Syracuse.
    They were in the walls and the attic where we also had raccoons.
    We were renters and didn't really care.
    Twice we had a bat in the house.

    One night we wake up to squeaking and there is a bat flying around the room.
    We are running around the house naked screaming. I get a broom and a baseball cap (I don't want them laying eggs in my hair) and chase him out the window.
    The other time I heard rustling in the waste basket.
    Look in, there is a bat.
    Pick up the basket and drop it out the second floor window.

    One night we came home and turned on the kitchen lights and there in the middle of the kitchen is a 60 pound raccoon.
    The three of us (N, Me and the raccoon) scream turn around and run out of the room.
    After that we kept the attic door locked.

    In Oklahoma we had flying cockroaches.
    When they got really thick we tell the landlord.
    He would give us a can of raid and they would move into the next flat.
    You would see them out side just walking around the sidewalk.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Do you all reuse your mouse traps?


    that would require messing around with the body and resetting it knowing that mouse parts where on it... then again they say that since it has the scent of a mouse on it it would attract other mice... that works for rats too... I like the show Verminators...

    The mouse traps are cheap. Don't mind throwing them away.

    But the rat traps will set you back a few dollars.

    If I get a clean kill I reuse.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Alright, we covered mice. Thread hijack. I get crickets in here. My parents got me all superstitious saying I shouldn't kill em, so I catch em, but that's a pain in the ass. I don't want em in here. Anybody have any suggestions?

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    (I don't want them laying eggs in my hair)

    This has got to be an urban myth or maybe even a suburban myth. Bats laying eggs?

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    Alright, we covered mice. Thread hijack. I get crickets in here. My parents got me all superstitious saying I shouldn't kill em, so I catch em, but that's a pain in the ass. I don't want em in here. Anybody have any suggestions?

    Pet iguana

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    (I used peanut butter and processed cheese - they ignored them)

    Did you try smooth or nutty peanut butter?


  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    (I don't want them laying eggs in my hair)

    This has got to be an urban myth or maybe even a suburban myth. Bats laying eggs?

    Bats are mammals. They don't lay eggs, they give birth.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Alright, we covered mice. Thread hijack. I get crickets in here. My parents got me all superstitious saying I shouldn't kill em, so I catch em, but that's a pain in the ass. I don't want em in here. Anybody have any suggestions?

    Crickets are good luck.
    Leave them.

    I never kill a spider.
    My house is crawling with them.

    My inlaws back east have the exterminate in once a month.
    Just to kill off spiders, gnats, house flys.
    He sprays all their baseboards.
    It's like a toxic waste dump in there.
    They live at the mouth of Susquehanna River.
    Their city water comes from the Susquehanna after hundreds of miles of industrial and sewage dumping.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    (I don't want them laying eggs in my hair)

    This has got to be an urban myth or maybe even a suburban myth. Bats laying eggs?

    Bats are mammals. They don't lay eggs, they give birth.

    Lets see you all take on a bat stark naked in the middle of night.
    The only thing you will be able to think about is them getting tangled in your hair and laying eggs.
    The side of your brain saying they are mammals and give live birth will be completely shut down.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    thanks for the imagery, dan

    im not a believer in poison. eventually they will mutate and evolve to like the poison and then you will have to deal with super vermin

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    Alright, we covered mice. Thread hijack. I get crickets in here. My parents got me all superstitious saying I shouldn't kill em, so I catch em, but that's a pain in the ass. I don't want em in here. Anybody have any suggestions?

    My basement is full of them, but they kill other more annoying bugs so I just leave them alone.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Poison them with this.

    plug the hole in the wall with steel wool.

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    i had to kill what looked like a centipede last night. about and inch and half long crawling on the rug. pest problem started when i turned on the heater for the first time this year.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    i had to kill what looked like a centipede last night. about and inch and half long crawling on the rug. pest problem started when i turned on the heater for the first time this year.

    Word - most pests are drawn by the basics of heat, food and water. Apparently, that's why roaches would face mass extermination if human disappeared - no more artificial heat sources!

    My wife swears her cat kept her roach problem in NY at bay. Any other NYC cat owners confirm this?

  • Alright, we covered mice. Thread hijack. I get crickets in here. My parents got me all superstitious saying I shouldn't kill em, so I catch em, but that's a pain in the ass. I don't want em in here. Anybody have any suggestions?

    My basement is full of them, but they kill other more annoying bugs so I just leave them alone.
    Crickets are harmless and super-easy to shoo-out. All you need is a magazine and a couple well placed scoops and they jump right out the door.

  • covecove 1,566 Posts
    cats, motherfuckers, cats

    that is a common myth----only "hunter" or wild cats will keep them at bay and even then you'll be finding bodies of mice with their heads chewed off.

    What's a "hunter" cat?

    In their formative years, some domestics learn to chase/kill, some chase/kill/eat, some chase/play/play. They might never learn to associate chasing/playing with prey/food. But it's quite possible. Even the most seemingly lazy cat will hunt.

    MOST cats will chase (and catch) the mice. I've had indoor cats that have fucked up mice, waiting for them all night right outside the bread drawer.
    I've had an outdoor guy bring me a squirrel without a head.

    ....These are the "domesticated" version of arguably the best killer on the planet!

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    cats, motherfuckers, cats

    that is a common myth----only "hunter" or wild cats will keep them at bay and even then you'll be finding bodies of mice with their heads chewed off.

    What's a "hunter" cat?

    In their formative years, some domestics learn to chase/kill, some chase/kill/eat, some chase/play/play. They might never learn to associate chasing/playing with prey/food. But it's quite possible. Even the most seemingly lazy cat will hunt.

    MOST cats will chase (and catch) the mice. I've had indoor cats that have fucked up mice, waiting for them all night right outside the bread drawer.
    I've had an outdoor guy bring me a squirrel without a head.

    ....These are the "domesticated" version of arguably the best killer on the planet!

    true. We recently moved into a house that is directly next door to a house we lived in for 2 years...the other day the new resident came over to see if we ever had a rat problem when we lived there...we were kind of taken off guard with the question because we never even saw a mouse...no droppings, nothing. Well, she said she walked into the kitchen the other day and saw a huge f*cking rat just chilling on the stove, didnt even move when it saw her. The only thing I can figure is that our two cats, one of which kills squirells for fun, kept the fuckers out of the house while we lived there.
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