who has mice in their place?



  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Poison them with this.

    plug the hole in the wall with steel wool.

    Then you have rotten mice in your walls. Yuck.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    god bless felines!!!!

  • ptbptb 6 Posts
    yeah, every cat i've ever owned had a tendency to hunt down and f*ck up mice with extreme prejudice. the problem is that they hunt for sport, and will regard the mice as toys. my old cat would occasionally catch a mouse and play around with it for a while, then stash it in an out of the way nook for later use. eventually i'd have a smelly dead mouse situation. for the most part though, cats have kept any rodents away from my place..

  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts

  • cats, motherfuckers, cats

    that is a common myth----only "hunter" or wild cats will keep them at bay and even then you'll be finding bodies of mice with their heads chewed off.

    What's a "hunter" cat?

    In their formative years, some domestics learn to chase/kill, some chase/kill/eat, some chase/play/play. They might never learn to associate chasing/playing with prey/food. But it's quite possible. Even the most seemingly lazy cat will hunt.

    MOST cats will chase (and catch) the mice. I've had indoor cats that have fucked up mice, waiting for them all night right outside the bread drawer.
    I've had an outdoor guy bring me a squirrel without a head.

    ....These are the "domesticated" version of arguably the best killer on the planet!

    i'm no expert but i beleive there are cats known as "mousers". when i had mice before my landlord gave me a housecat to keep them away and it did nothing- it was probably more afraid of them than they were of it. that is when i learned that not all cats will hunt mice.


  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    the thing about cats is that they really don't necessarily have to catch the mice- just the scent of the cat will keep them away. well, that might be after the cat has caught a few, i dunno.... all i know is that EVERY time I've ever had a mouse problem all I had to do was get a cat and presto, no more mice.

    we had a situation maybe about a decade ago where these mice were trying to take over our house, and I just couldn't figure it out- we got this place crazy clean, there's nothing here for them to even eat on so WTF??? then i figured it out- the lil bastardz were up in my record room behind the expedits and schitt having a party chewing on record covers! they started getting bold and just coming out in the open in the evening while the lights were still on, playing tag and schitt. I bought a cat and that night I saw one of those mice cautiously stick his head out from behind the expedit like "uh oh... i guess the party's over." That was it, the mice pretty much evacuated the premises and I haven't seen ANY mice up in here since.

    now, if you just want to spar with the rodents, try this: get two pot lids and when you see a mouse, clang them schitts together. this will make the mouse dizzy and disoriented. then you can strike the mouse with a bat or something, but you might also want to try spraying the beast with oven cleaner so you can watch it hop around (animal lovers stfu, that muthaf***a shouldn't be up in your crib if he don't want to get his lil azz f***ed up )

    i want to hear more from people who actually had RATS in their house... i can't even imagine no schitt like that! like, htF do you SLEEP with a gotdamn RAT in your HOUSE??? holee schitt.
    i worked in a corner store with a rat problem when i was young... i'd go into the back room to get some chips to restock and a few rats would come running towards me when i turned on the lights! the candy bars were in this shelving that was built into the wall near the register and the rats ATE threw the wall to get at the candy bars. one time i was about to reach my hand into the 3 musketeers box and saw a rat's head staring right at me from inside the box... YIKES!!!

    this is my pussy, he makes sure we never have to deal with teh mice

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    glue traps are definitely awful.

    horrific inhumane torture.

    god i hate those things.

    Anyone who uses them is a piece of shit.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    get two pot lids and when you see a mouse, clang them schitts together. this will make the mouse dizzy and disoriented. then you can strike the mouse with a bat or something, but you might also want to try spraying the beast with oven cleaner so you can watch it hop around (animal lovers stfu, that muthaf***a shouldn't be up in your crib if he don't want to get his lil azz f***ed up )

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    get two pot lids and when you see a mouse, clang them schitts together. this will make the mouse dizzy and disoriented. then you can strike the mouse with a bat or something, but you might also want to try spraying the beast with oven cleaner so you can watch it hop around (animal lovers stfu, that muthaf***a shouldn't be up in your crib if he don't want to get his lil azz f***ed up )

    yeah, i think i been listenin to too much early Mobb deep lately

  • I witnessed a fellow strutter's pops punch a bat out of the air.

    I was 4 or 5 at the time. Stuff of legend for kids.
    It got around the neighborhood, "Don't mess with ____, his dad punches bats."

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    Some of you are underestimating cats. Even if they are fat and are highly tuned in to the sound of the can opener, they are still genetically programmed to hunt some mice.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    i want to hear more from people who actually had RATS in their house.

    I have friends in Portland who have had rats.
    Every time it was because of a broken sewer line.
    Costs a few thousands to have a backhoe come in and replace your line.

    I can't understand people who keep rats as pets.

    I don't care for any pet rodents, though I admit guinea pigs are kinda cute, but gerbils, no, rabbit, that's kinda ok.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Some of you are underestimating cats. Even if they are fat and are highly tuned in to the sound of the can opener, they are still genetically programmed to hunt some mice.

    Some are better at killing then others.

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    I got them in between my fibro walls. They kept me up all night cus I could hear them scratching around inside the wall...the set up camp right near my bed head....

    What options do I have? Apart from making a hole and throwing a hungry ass cat in between the walls....I got no idea how to get the bastards...

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I've had cats that would sit & watch a mouse run across the living room without even giving a shit. I've also had cats mutilate rats during the night & leave them outside my bedroom door so I stand in bloody remains on my way to take a piss first thing in the morning. Not all cats are created equal when it comes to the killer instinct.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I got them in between my fibro walls. They kept me up all night cus I could hear them scratching around inside the wall...the set up camp right near my bed head....

    What options do I have? Apart from making a hole and throwing a hungry ass cat in between the walls....I got no idea how to get the bastards...

    One thing I've considered for my squirrels who use my finished attic an occasional chill spot is fox urine. The squirrels are behind the drywall and I can't get to them. You can buy fox urine online and at places like Home Depot. It freaks out small animals because they're predators. If you got out a dropper and drilled a small hole (or a few depending on how big the area is) in the wall and squeezed it through it should freak them out and they should leave.

    Another thing I saw that someone posted is that small animals don't like the smell of wd-40. That would be really easy because they have those super narrow spray nozzles. Drill a super small hole, insert nozzle, and spray.

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    I got them in between my fibro walls. They kept me up all night cus I could hear them scratching around inside the wall...the set up camp right near my bed head....

    What options do I have? Apart from making a hole and throwing a hungry ass cat in between the walls....I got no idea how to get the bastards...

    One thing I've considered for my squirrels who use my finished attic an occasional chill spot is fox urine. The squirrels are behind the drywall and I can't get to them. You can buy fox urine online and at places like Home Depot. It freaks out small animals because they're predators. If you got out a dropper and drilled a small hole (or a few depending on how big the area is) in the wall and squeezed it through it should freak them out and they should leave.

    Another thing I saw that someone posted is that small animals don't like the smell of wd-40. That would be really easy because they have those super narrow spray nozzles. Drill a super small hole, insert nozzle, and spray.

    cheers for the tips. I like the wd 40 one.... the fox piss would be my last resort. do you think the piss thing would work with a dogs urine?

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I got them in between my fibro walls. They kept me up all night cus I could hear them scratching around inside the wall...the set up camp right near my bed head....

    What options do I have? Apart from making a hole and throwing a hungry ass cat in between the walls....I got no idea how to get the bastards...

    One thing I've considered for my squirrels who use my finished attic an occasional chill spot is fox urine. The squirrels are behind the drywall and I can't get to them. You can buy fox urine online and at places like Home Depot. It freaks out small animals because they're predators. If you got out a dropper and drilled a small hole (or a few depending on how big the area is) in the wall and squeezed it through it should freak them out and they should leave.

    Another thing I saw that someone posted is that small animals don't like the smell of wd-40. That would be really easy because they have those super narrow spray nozzles. Drill a super small hole, insert nozzle, and spray.

    cheers for the tips. I like the wd 40 one.... the fox piss would be my last resort. do you think the piss thing would work with a dogs urine?

    I dunno. I don't think dogs typically go for rodents so I don't know if it would be as effect... but I'm no expert. Better question as they don't sell dog piss is that if you're planning on using it, how're you going to collect it and concentrate it enough to get it in your wall?

    Just go buy some fox pee dude.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Better question as they don't sell dog piss is that if you're planning on using it, how're you going to collect it and concentrate it enough to get it in your wall?

    Just go buy some fox pee dude.

    How do they collect fox piss?

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    like milking a cow

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Better question as they don't sell dog piss is that if you're planning on using it, how're you going to collect it and concentrate it enough to get it in your wall?

    Just go buy some fox pee dude.

    How do they collect fox piss?
    Also what to do if your country doesn't have foxes??

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Fox Piss Importers!

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I'll check for them in the yellow pages.....

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts

    i want to hear more from people who actually had RATS in their house.

    I had one a few months ago. I saw it in the basement when I was changing the laundry. We don't let the cats in the basement because it has unfinished craw spaces and I don't think the rat ever came upstairs.

    It was huge and it freaked me the F*ck out knowing it was in the house. I was worried there were a bunch of them. The next day I set out a bunch of snap traps with peanut butter (creamy). I set them near where I saw the rat the night before.

    The next morning I checked on the traps and one was missing. I thought I was going to have to go back in the craw space and find the fucker. So when I got home from work I was looking back into the craw space near where I placed the trap. I happened to look down and notice the trap with the dead rat about a foot from my face. I guess the trap flew up in the air when it snapped and came down in a gap in the cinder block wall. I will not lie I jumped back like 10 feet when I saw that shit.

    I left the other traps out for a few weeks, but I think it was a lone rat that found its way in during the winter. I sealed the only place on the house where it could have squeezed in and I think the problem is solved. Later I found what looks like a nest it was making. Shit was deep too. I am wondering if it was getting ready to have babies. Either way, not in my f*cking house.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    as far as dogs keeping the rodents at bay, you have to have the right breed...most of the smaller terrier breeds were bred originally to fish out and kill rodents ...hence the rat terriers...your German shepard or newfoundland aint gonna do shit, but your little jack russell(see raj's post), west highland, scotty, etc will get the job done, 'cause it is in their blood...

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Better question as they don't sell dog piss is that if you're planning on using it, how're you going to collect it and concentrate it enough to get it in your wall?

    Just go buy some fox pee dude.

    How do they collect fox piss?

    I actually think nowadays that its synthetic.

    Either way I could care less because somebody else does it. He was asking about dog piss, which you can't buy, meaning he'd have to collect it himself.

  • We used to have mice in our back yard when I was a kid. I remember pops setting up traps on in the corners of the yard, where they usually enter. One mouse managed to duck the trap, but had it's tail caught in it. It was pretty traumatizing watching pops whack the poor little f*cker with a metal rod...

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    the good news is - ive heard - if you have mice you don't have rats.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    We used to have mice in our back yard when I was a kid. I remember pops setting up traps on in the corners of the yard, where they usually enter. One mouse managed to duck the trap, but had it's tail caught in it. It was pretty traumatizing watching pops whack the poor little f*cker with a metal rod...

    Might wanna go check that out from the library...
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