3rd Rail (snitch related)

Any of you been hearing about this drama? Chicago staple realshit dj and elementz guardian arresting graffiti writers.Dude has always hated on permission walls. He is always telling people they need to write more. He has a graf forum on his website.But he's also a Guardian Angel. And does things like sit on top of writers while waiting for the police.

whats the hell?

whats the hell?
That being said:
A.) NAGL on the hypocrite end of things.
B.) If you write (or do anything else)... hey, alls fair...
C.) It's not like those guys are incognito. You see 5 guys in white shirts and red berets coming at you... run. Or get a bigger crew (see above)
but the Guardian Angels are the biggest faggots imaginable. Fuck them.
Naw man -- clearly, you're the bringer of the comedy.
Yes, people who volunteer their time and safety to attempt to make neighborhoods safer. Yes, F*ck them. F*ck them all!
Yeah what's up with those NAMBLA guys..?
Have you ever actually been around these people?
Of course not.
But I have been around plenty of douchebags, and I would take douchebags trying to make things better over douchebags trying to make things worse any day.
I prefer douche bags minding their own business.
You make it sound noble, but think for a minute - unqualified losers
volunteering to act like cops and getting up in people's business? No, that's
not a good thing. Maybe in some crazy crime-infested areas they actually do
good, but all I ever saw was a bunch of cracked-out looking geeks getting all
worked up over petty shit and getting up in people's business.
And you just KNOW the cops are like "F*ck these dudes" every damn day.
funny as shit to see those writers get yoked up and cuffed to the railing by the GAs. lol. my nose my nose!! those kids need to step their game up. GAs are a touch self righteous, but im not mad at them. now im going to be checking their videos on youtube for my hijinks
And we definitely have some Mensa members.
I have on my little red beret right now.
And F*ck those Mensa punks, I heard the entire group of them got beat down by 3 Rhodes Scholars.
Main Entry:
menso, mensa
Mexico, familiar
: foolish, stupid
I want to start a worldwide society of smart dumb cats. Who's in? Don't be ashamed. Or ascared.
They should get paid simply for being smart, not for actually doing anything? Hmmm...
I wonder if he can calculate how much his shit sucks. Hmm.
Letting them go? I'm sure if they were that smart they could hide them in, like, a batcave or something.
God forbid those guarding angels broke that dude's arm, and he wound up being the son of a senator. They'd all be looking down the wrong end of some serious business. Keeping your neighborhood safe is all good, but its pretty grey territory between righteous maintenance and zealous indignance.
And is one of these dudes is claiming to be down, and then doing shit like this I'd imagine he's gonna have a tough time keeping his rep. Mad stupid people out there would shoot someone over something like this. Blech.
The Nazi Brownshirts and Mussolini's Black Shirts where also 'volunteers', so being a volunteer doesnt mean your doing good.
Plus the fact their are targeting graff writers is bullshit, cus even if you have a problem with graff as a crime you would have to admit there are much more worse crimes (rape, assault, robbery) that needs to be takled FIRST. Maybe the GA are going after writers cus they are easy targets.
Matter of fact, why didnt I see any footage of GA storming the platform after that cop shot that guy in Oakland train station earier this year? If they were doing shit like that they'd get respect.
The history of this group is suspect anyways, one step away from being on some ultra right militia shit. The guy who started it faked his own kidnapping years ago just to get some attention, and thank god when they tried to start a chapter in Sydney in the mid 90s they got the shit kicked out of them so bad (word to the Marrickville Legends!) that they fucked off back home ASAP....
Or to put it from another perspective, do you think if these guys wont mainly white they would get the same 'respect/admiration'?
What do you think would happen if a big group of black or latino males, all dressed the same, started arresting ppl they suspected of committing crimes?
Interesting point. I'd like to say it would be the same, although I think the general populace would probably lump them in with grandstanding neighborhood rights activists (not they there is anything wrong with them in theory, except it seems they always seem to pick the most suspect situations to try to blow up in the media) and it would be downhill from there.
So, good point. But what if you flip it? I would ask is it so wrong for one group - even if only that group would be permitted to do so - to "assist" in preventing crimes and making citizens arrests, even if others may not be able to do so in the same light? Unfair, yeah, but better someone tries than no one?
As was asked before, I've never encountered them so they could all be insane for all I know.
be sure to check the one where the bust the dude for smoking herb on the platform.
Self rightousness aside, the thing that gets me about all of this is that 3rd Rail has lived off hip hop for I'm guessing his entire life. He has made selling graffiti, break dancing and rap to kids in chicago is entire lifeline. Easily one of the corniest dudes with a voice in the city when it comes to the elements. These dudes are his customers, they pay is f*cking rent.
The Angels were in the area because of recent rapes and muggings. Always on some dumb shit a day late.