The Need to Calm ..
268 Posts
In the dula mix, anyone know what version of "I want you back" is featured?Bigband jazzy version with flute and all ..yees ..good weekend!
ask them both of if they still even do push-ups. also what will you guys be wearing to the verocai show?
Will do sir. The rumor on the street is that they will celebrating early for St Patrick's day and wearing some sort of matching St Patrick's day ensemble.
It's tonight.
And push ups still get got, that's how Ironfeet do SON! I saw Fonzee the other day he told me to tell all the strutters "AYYYEEEE"! Hes up to 50 hand clap push ups while he's beat boxin on top of Leather Tuscadero thats a leg slap and finger point fo yall!!!