bottled water(nrr)(plastic,oil,money,earth related

bottled water is the new water. a brilliant use of natural resources huh? do you guys think about this?

that shits a disaster.
i drink tap. if you let it sit out, the chlorine will evaporate out.
F*ck bottled water...if we invested half that money into water infrastructure, everyone in the world would have access to clean water
I know alot of cats are conspiracy theory haters on here, but I recall reading all about how water was going to be the next big commodity in like 94-95 in magazines like New Dawn. They got it half right anyways...
The real scary thing is the WTO/IMF push to privatise ALL water bodies (see Bolivia etc) and turn them into private businesses, to the point that even rainwater can be 'owned' by a company.... How long before we get our first world water war? How long before Kevin Costner does a sequel to waterworld?
Oh and Poland Spring... I'd rather drink from the dick of a goat!
is BPA a concern with those plastic bottles or is this a scare?
For real. F*ck a bottled water.
A double-osmosis filter should do the trick in removing the flouride from tap water...and that's what I drink at work. But I ain't got one of them contraptions myself, thus I drink bottled water at home.
Have the bastards keep the flouride (an industrial by-product) out of the tap water to begin with and I wouldn't have to contribute to the environmental waste just to avoid being poisoned.
As to bottled water, drinking from plastic vessels have been linked to lowered sperm counts. Plastics particulate matter mimicks estrogen when ingested, so this might explain lower fertility in men around the world in developing countries.
If you're not on the go, or in the Outback, or not living in Togo, drink from the tap after you Brita it.
This is a specious argument. You don't know why they were using fluoride on prisoners, neither do I. I read Abuse Your Illusions and while the essay in that book stated that Nazis were using it as a calming submitting influence on the prison populace, but doesn't provide a footnote for that assertion. I wasn't advocating fluoridated water btw, I was suggesting why public policy placed it in water. Perhaps the glacial changes in public policy should be re-examined and the practice abandoned, especially when fluoride research has far outpaced policy and indicated that fluoride is not as effective as "we" had previously thought.
Seriously. People are lazy as hell. I ask coworkers why don't they just bring their own cups from home instead of throwing away several bottles and styrofoam daily. You don't have to be a "tree hugger" to see that it's a complete waste.
Anyhow, my job involves water filtration products and services, so I can't complain about people on some tin foil hat Howard Hughes shit spending money because they are afraid of every insignificant particle that may be in their water. I use a carbon filter because it tastes so much better than straight tap. Not because I'm afraid of "them" putting mind control chemicals in the water supply or some dumb crap like that.
damn i totally forgot about mineral water! i drink that stuff by the caseload. will take heed and try to cut down on the plastic bottle usage.
theres a fluoride thread from awhiles back that was pretty informative but also filled with usual soulstrut pro/con arguments.
This is what I do with this, though I dropped the cap and it shattered so now I need to buy a new one.
no...get extra
People experiment on prisoners becuz they are an easy target with little voice. Nazis tested all types of crazy shit on Jews/Gypsies/Catholics/handicapped during WWII. My point is only that just cuz the Nazis and Soviets test something, doesn't make what is being tested inherently bad, but more likely an unknown. I don't think the Nazis or Soviets were up to any good, yet they could be experimenting for "good" reasons with an unpredictable substance on a captive population.
I wish someone would do some sort of experiment where they take twins and give one fluoride water and the other oen filtered spring water for a large part of their lives... and then see how they fare later in life...
shit maybe that crazy angelina wanna be bitch that just had 8 kids could volunteer a few of them for the experiment!
BTW- funny thing about all this is I got to write a feature article for the next issue of the magazine I edit, on bottled and flavoured water.....
There isa compnay called ONE which is supposed to be NFP and has celebrity backing, they sell the water and take the money and use it to by water pumps for poor communitys in the developing world.... ironic justice in a way....