I finally did it (record buying related)

The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
edited February 2009 in Strut Central
Ive always prided myself on my internal database of what records I have, I have never unwittingly bought the same record twice..Ive minted up, bought to sell...but I have never bought a record and returned home to realize I already have it. Well, I heard this Ray Charles song in a mix awhile back, loved it and have been on the hunt ever since (looked on ebay, but the only copy I found was $20, and I refuse to pay that much for a Ray Charles 45). Well, at the flea yesterday I dug up the 45, I was very pleased. Today, I just noticed it is on an Ray Charles LP I have had for over 20 years. My streak is over....


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    What 45 was it?

  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts
    So you're saying you don't have the same song twice in your collection? That would be tough.. I understand not having two copies of the same record, but if your standard is avoiding having the 45 version and the album cut I think you're being a little hard on yourself. What if the versions differ?

  • Kinda reminds me of recently, when I discovered I had two copies of the same album, purchased totally by accident...it was a Buck Owens album...Buck went through a phase in the sixties where every LP had a closeup of him grinning, and I believe that's what threw me off, causing several of his album covers to look alike...a friend of mine just told me he had the same problem...usually, I'm good about not accidentally buying albums more than once because there's usually cover art or some other thing that sticks in the mind (unlike 45's)...but the Buck LP was the grand exception!

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Could be worse; you could be doomed to repeat-buy the same damned record on some guilty pleasure steeze every time you see it in a charity shop, because you hate the thought of it lying next to some Paul Young No Parlez or Eurythmics terd for the next ten years. And you could kid yourself into pretending that one day, one day, the world will catch up with your enhanced sensibilities and you will be VINDICATED.


  • What 45 was it?

    "youre Just about to lose your clown"

    its on "Crying Time", which was the only Ray Charles LP my folks had and they gave me their records a long long time ago.

  • So you're saying you don't have the same song twice in your collection? That would be tough.. I understand not having two copies of the same record, but if your standard is avoiding having the 45 version and the album cut I think you're being a little hard on yourself. What if the versions differ?

    Oh I have the same song twice...greatest hits and the original album, label samplers..situations like that...but I was seeking out a particular song and it was in my shelves the whole time.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    Ha ha. Howard Jones, a charity shop staple, but I don't think I've ever noticed that one.

    The lp you see regularly, with the weird black and white distorted faces, were drawn by a school friends father, who was friends with Howard. He also ran the local vinyl emporium, as well as being a bit of a local legend. I remember Howard being around his house one time when I was there, but I was totally unimpressed. (the arrogance of a 7 year old)

  • I used to get confused all the time about which records I'd already bought and which records my digging buddy had bought. Often I'd 'remember' buying something, so I wouldn't pick it up, only to later realise that it was actually my buddy who bought it when we were out digging together.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    Not bad. I always forget which James Brown 45's I have.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    For real - I feel embarassed when I end up buying the same stuff twice. I bought this James Gadson 45 off of Renato only to get home and remember: "oh wait, I just bought this a few months ago."

    And this weekend, I discovered I owned two copies of this and I don't even remember when I got a second copy!

  • I laughed when I read the interview w/ Questlove in WaxPo where he admits to buying the same record over and over again just to get his rush. You know your in trouble when you are intentionally buying the same record again and again.

    That's being said I've done it unwittingly several times... Miles LP's, etc...

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I have to have a list with me when buying 45s otherwise I double up all over the show. LPs are a bit better because of the individualised covers, but even that won't save me all the time. My partner is the worst though, I went through her collection & found 9 copies of the same Rufus Thomas 45. She also seemed to have a thing for Jackie Wilson's "Reet Petite" with 5 of that in the flock at one time.

  • I have to have a list with me when buying 45s otherwise I double up all over the show. LPs are a bit better because of the individualised covers, but even that won't save me all the time. My partner is the worst though, I went through her collection & found 9 copies of the same Rufus Thomas 45. She also seemed to have a thing for Jackie Wilson's "Reet Petite" with 5 of that in the flock at one time.

    I knew it was bad when I checked through the Motown section of my 45's and I saw I had 3 or 4 copies of the Jackson Five's "Christmas Won't Be The Same This Year."
    My first copy was kinda rinked, so I upgraded. Thing is, I forgot I had already minted up ONCE...

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    The worse imo is when you take a gamble on a record cus of the cover, take it home and its shit, then months later you see the same cover and fall for it all over again... especially records with naked women on them... (although you can never have too many copies of that!).

    Or when a fellow digger shows you some dope record, and you stand there with your best breakface on and later on realised you've had that LP sitting in your shit pile for years!

  • damn i guess i never even had a streak.. ive re-bought albums by accident probably 20+ times in the last few years alone.

    when i re-buy intentionally, i dont think its for the rush.. its something else, but its hard to put into words. its sort of like gathering the wayward flock, getting them together, comparing copies, looking for variations, and then setting some free to fellow strutters, friends, etc. i only feel like this about certain albums though.

  • I have a friend who used to buy every spare copy of the three MC 5 albums he saw. This was before the two Atlantic albums were reissued on CD (I already had the one on Elektra), and I'd be like "damn, man! Save some for those of us who don't have 'em already!"

    when i re-buy intentionally, i dont think its for the rush.. its something else, but its hard to put into words. its sort of like gathering the wayward flock, getting them together, comparing copies, looking for variations, and then setting some free to fellow strutters, friends, etc. i only feel like this about certain albums though.

    I hope you only do that with dollarbin commons like What's Going On...I hate to think that some good semi-raer has been disappearing simply because "Karlophone was here!"

  • What 45 was it?
    "youre Just about to lose your clown"

    Such a great track!
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