NEXT level myspace friend request....

just got a friend request from this dude today.. holy shit.. check out his bio: (i put areas of special interest in bold)Hi there! It is a pleasure to meet you.My name is Michael. I may be the most important man you meet in your life. I am single and I am Mr. Right, but, I could be Mr. Right For You. A man like me is almost impossible to find! I am not afraid to say that I can speak fluent Cunnilingus - the secret language to loving a woman. Do not worry, I will not bite, but I may nibble.[/b]I have not forgotten the true meaning of chivalry. In the old days it meant the knight was to be gracious and gentle to all noble ladies. Today, it is interpreted as a courteous behavior, especially towards all women. For the ladies that think chivalry is demeaning and condescending, you are on the wrong MySpace profile. Otherwise, if I have your curiosity, please read on...I consider myself an Asiaphile[/b] (in a non-pejorative way) because I am a person who demonstrates a strong interest and knowledge in all aspects of Asian culture, art, philosophy, and tradition. I practice Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Feng Shui helps me improve life by receiving positive Qi (Ch'i) and achieving harmony with myself and the environment. I absolutely have no bad habits and no stress, therefore, I have an youthful appearance. I'm a world traveller. In Asia alone, I have been to: Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan (China), and Vietnam twice.My key to a healthy lifestyle includes being a gentleman; kind; polite; mature; romantic; thoughtful; considerate; confident; responsible; intelligent; good humored; stress-free; personality; monogamous; tattoos and piercings free; a teetotaler; a milk drinker[/b]; a correct speller; taking care of myself; having no STDs; practicing safe sex; and most importantly rich with love.B>I am not a racist; a psycho; a pedophile; a pervert; a harasser; a spammer; a stalker; a rapist; a murderer; a felon; a criminal; a girlfriend/wife/tobacco/alcohol/drug/language/sexual abuser.[/b] Also, I am not a cheater; not a player; do not play mind games; not materialistic; not looking for one-night stands; and not afraid of commitment.I stand by my words above.God Bless!here's his page.... he is a self proclaimed "myspace celebrity".

Dang!! If only I wasn't already spoken for!!hahahhahahahha!!
What's with the "in bed dorothy and toto" bit??
My worst request so far was by this band here. To spare you an aural assault by the automatic mp3 player, I link to some of their stage shots, pictures can tall more than a thousand words...
hahaha! I think you're right!
myspace user "stay true" post this comment under the pic
March 8, 2008 2:03 PM
tye dye keeps it real
check the