Public Enemy Promo
255 Posts
so this hippy kid gave me all of his small hiphop collection and there was some nice stuff in anybody familiar with a Public Enemy Australian Promo EP? i don't have it near me for a track listing but the wax is flimsy as hell.also gave me a double-wax thing called "Man and His Music." basically a weird tribute to scott la rock with some bdp songs/remixes on it...anybody got some info on this stuff for me?
is that the d-nice thing? i got that, pretty cool although i dont know how raer it is...
I see that PE thing pop up on Australian ebay though, but I've been too lazy to re-cop it. It goes for about $20 though. There's nothing really exclusive on that record though is there?? I can't really recall...
Man & His Music was exactly what you said, a tribute released by B-Boy Records to the late great Scott La Rock... features a bunch of tracks, mixes from DJs, all types of stuff... it's pretty dope, the inserts got some cool stuff on it... Freddy Fresh was up in there from memory.
I like a song on that record called "ADVANCE"... at least I think it's on that record... that tracks on FYAH!
The BDP is a common record - you can find it sealed & OG often enough. Its just a tribute to the man made after he got killed. There should be an insert with it that has more info about the contributing artists.
good thing...someone did their math homework on part of the jacket.
thanx for the info!
I hate to say it, but I think Public Enemy have had their day a long ass time ago!
My homie DJ Soundmachine has a remix on Man & His Music that is pretty ill.
damn, i ain't laughed that hard in a long time... !!