31yo. Male and still a virgin..



  • Orange is a food and a color.
    Eggplant is a food and a color.



    Err... you lost me there. And you might be right about the language thing, cause I'm ready to take on any suggestion. I threw in the "broads" thing just for laughs. or somehting. I'm from Holland, english is not my native..

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    You probably want your first time to be special, but who says whores aren't special?

  • I'm guessing a big problem would simply be the fact that you don't go out!!
    Hard to find them laydee's if there are none around!!
    Don't let the whole virginity thing psych you out. The only thing you really gotta remember when talking to the girls is not to confuse confidence with arrogant wankery doucheness!!

  • I'm guessing a big problem would simply be the fact that you don't go out!!


    10 years of Rehab and Cherry Popping!

  • I basically got this very aggressive form of eczema when I was about 9 and lasted until i was 26. I had some psychiatric-issues as well and became a school dropout when i was 16 cause I couldn't handle the pressure. So it's not my fault I got scars and an ugly face that never smiles. But that sex-drive and urge has been driving me crazy for years and years and years.. That;s why i say i probably deserve a medal for withholding myself.

    And yup, some opportunities just present themselves at certain age and where you hang out. After that it's bye bye.

    Mmmmmm, i don't think it's a big deal or bad, but clearly you're not diggin the situation.
    Some background info would be good.......but that's mainly cos i'm nosey!!
    missed opportunites, that sux tho!!

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    get your game up

  • Prostitution is basically illegal now in Amsterdam. They closed down 80% of all the 9x9 ft ground level spaces with those "windows/blue lights and curtains" 'Guess my timing is bad.

    According to google maps, Purmerand is a 27 min drive to Amsterdam.

    If you are really that desperate, go buy some.

    Or maybe

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Prostitution is basically illegal now in Amsterdam. They closed down 80% of all the 9x9 ft ground level spaces with those "windows/blue lights and curtains" 'Guess my timing is bad.

    According to google maps, Purmerand is a 27 min drive to Amsterdam.

    If you are really that desperate, go buy some.

    Or maybe

    Your payin for it regardless of the situation.

    U gotta get out, get clowned, get to know some folks, and rub elbows w/ girls.

    Lie, cheat , and steal. You only live once.

    Fusk all that chilvary stuff. Take that shit.

  • yes sure you're right, sitting at home minimizes my chances to basically nil. But 22 years of pain and suffering did things to my mind and personality. People overlook what so many years of suffering can do to a person. The way I look, walk and my psych. If I could delete the contents of my brain and start with a fresh healthy body that isn't overweight and scarred I'd do it.

    I'm guessing a big problem would simply be the fact that you don't go out!!
    Hard to find them laydee's if there are none around!!
    Don't let the whole virginity thing psych you out. The only thing you really gotta remember when talking to the girls is not to confuse confidence with arrogant wankery doucheness!!

  • Well this is not your typical Saturday night soulstrut thread.

    Let me tell you, go out get a little hammered and find yourself a pro. At this point its built up too much for you and you need to pop your cherry to get it out of your system. After that you can go talk to girls. And don't feel bad about having a pro, remember you don't pay her for sex, you pay for her to leave afterwards

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    but who says whores aren't special?


  • Nope it's not.

    Thanks for the well meant advice, I'm also writing it down. But can you believe I'm even feeling too unconfident/ugly to go to a pro? I'm disguisted of myself. 22 years of pain made me how I look today.

    Well this is not your typical Saturday night soulstrut thread.

    Let me tell you, go out get a little hammered and find yourself a pro. At this point its built up too much for you and you need to pop your cherry to get it out of your system. After that you can go talk to girls. And don't feel bad about having a pro, remember you don't pay her for sex, you pay for her to leave afterwards

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I'm disguisted of myself. 22 years of pain made me how I look today.

    You're not gonna get any more attractive to the opposite sex if you keep telling yourself this.

  • Yeah that's that spirit, totally feelin it. Especially the rubbing girls' elbow part. Those can be a sexy part of the body huh?

    Once there was this pretty girl standing in front of me inline. She had beautiful soft blond hair and she shook her head and her hair was splashing me in the face like the sweatest perfumed breeze i ever experienced I had a cold that day and it never came back that night. Never came this close to a girl before..

    I need sexual healing...


    Your payin for it regardless of the situation.

    U gotta get out, get clowned, get to know some folks, and rub elbows w/ girls.

    Lie, cheat , and steal. You only live once.

    Fusk all that chilvary stuff. Take that shit.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Yeah that's that spirit, totally feelin it. Especially the rubbing girls' elbow part. Those can be a sexy part of the body huh?

    Once there was this pretty girl standing in front of me inline. She had beautiful soft blond hair and she shook her head and her hair was splashing me in the face like the sweatest perfumed breeze that basically me feel how it is to be a man. I had a cold that day and it never came back that night. Never came this close to a girl before..

    I need sexual healing...





  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • all other sh*t aside, nothing will happen if you stay home. so if you're serious about all this, then go out wherever that you feel comfortable in and just hang out. you'll be surprised by the outcome. the only thing you have to remember is that people can sense desperation a mile away, so just be cool and don't think about how you will get laid, but how you will meet someone worth speaking to. and the rest will fall into place.

  • I'm disguisted of myself. 22 years of pain made me how I look today.

    You're not gonna get any more attractive to the opposite sex if you keep telling yourself this.

    For real.

    And if you're feeling so down on yourself, go to a strip club and pay a girl to sit on your lap naked. Strippers love to talk as long as your paying, you'll feel like a new man. Then go see a pro, and then you'll realize its been all in your mind for too long.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    wow mad drama up in the strut the last week. emo soul.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    go to a strip club and pay a girl to sit on your lap naked.

  • I tried doing that seconds ago. couldn't do it.

    I don't have a job. Bu I do production-line work at 3:30 am in the morning on weekdays (4 days) to keep my welfare income. I'm a school dropout so I don't have any credentials to show for. doomed i always say though that's not the right spirit I guess.

    Look in the mirror and tell yourself your a "popular male".

    Do u have a job?

    And how did u acquire it?

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    You need a buddy, a partner, a wingman.

    Here's the thing with ugly dudes.... Most dudes ARE ugly. Most chicks are ugly too. Think about it. just walk down the street and look at the ratio of hot/ugly people. You'll be suprised at how ugly most people are. And yet we survive as a race because ugly people procreate all the time.

    What that means is that you aren't really that ugly. You are just average. Even with scars and shit like that. So what if you're fat. Do you know how many fat people have kids in this country? TONS. Because they had sex, probably with other fat people.

    IF you have to lie to get it, then do it. Tell women that you got those scars during humanitarian work in Burma you stepped on a mine, but at least you saved all those orphans lives. You won't feel bad for lying if it gets you some tang, I guarantee it.

    Anyways, I have tons of advice, but I'm about to go do some drinking, which is what you should be doing.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Scars aren't shit. You are feeling sorry for yourself, and thats why you don't score. not because of scars and fat.

    I knew this shorty ugly little dude that would say "I'll ask 10 bitches if they want to F*ck, and 9 of them will slap me, but its worth it for the 10th". I don't think he was lying either.

  • You know what? F*ck all this pro and stripper talk. Go join a church group, have the old ladies hook you up with some dates. Fall in love with a nice girl, get married in a few years, do it the right way. I mean, you've waited this long.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    You know what? F*ck all this pro and stripper talk. Go join a church group, have the old ladies hook you up with some dates. Fall in love with a nice girl, get married in a few years, do it the right way. I mean, you've waited this long.

    I wont say that's the right way, but Church is a way to meet folks.

    In the end - the game is a LAW OF NUMBERS.

  • once again easier said then done but you need to start looking forward, not backwards!! I don't mean that to sound insensitive or gloss over!! I get how serious situations like that can be to mental/emotional state! granted your physical state is something YOU are not comfortable with but girls are pretty easy- the better a guy/nicer you are the more attractive you get regardless of your physical insecurities!! Thats the truth!!

    I agree with part of batmon's comment-
    "U gotta get out, get clowned, get to know some folks, and rub elbows w/ girls."

    You've been through an awful lot- and now that you're breaking free of all the negative ish, you gotta just go for it!! Life's too short, specially when you feel like you've missed out on so must already!
    And i actually don't think a pro is a bad option either- at least they know what you're doin and are good at picking up on what you need...emotionally and physically.......um, from what i've heard!!
    Good luck and god speed doode!!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    You know what? F*ck all this pro and stripper talk. Go join a church group, have the old ladies hook you up with some dates. Fall in love with a nice girl, get married in a few years, do it the right way. I mean, you've waited this long.

    I wont say that's the right way, but Church is a way to meet folks.

    In the end - the game is a LAW OF NUMBERS.

    Book Stores and the Library

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    doomed i always say though that's not the right spirit I guess.

    You know what the opposite of negative is?


    Nah, seriously though...no strippers, no hookers. Forget all of that. Just get out in the world and meet people.

  • You never been to Holland and the town I live in before huh? The beauty standard just keeps going up and up. You wouldn't believe the blond chicks overhere. I even saw this brunette the other day on one of my buddies' hyves page which looked a lot like allyssa Milano (she looked sexy-cute with vampire teeth in)

    But I do not disregard the rest of your comments, they probably hold a lot of truth i;m sure. Just hard to swallow. Thanks.

    You need a buddy, a partner, a wingman.

    Here's the thing with ugly dudes.... Most dudes ARE ugly. Most chicks are ugly too. Think about it. just walk down the street and look at the ratio of hot/ugly people. You'll be suprised at how ugly most people are.

  • Go an invest some good money in a very attractive hooker (you get what you pay for) and resolve the situation.

    is this a windup?

  • I knew this shorty ugly little dude that would say "I'll ask 10 bitches if they want to F*ck, and 9 of them will slap me, but its worth it for the 10th". I don't think he was lying either.

    Seriously, this dude EXISTS. It's all about taking swings, and not minding the misses (pun intended...)

    When I was in HS, I was all sorts of hung-up, because I've only got one ball- childhood cancer related. Get into college, and start getting laid, and sort of loosen up about shit.

    One night I'm with this girl who I kind of like, so I figure I'll tell her I got one in the bag... and she says, that's ok, I've got scars on my boobs from surgery.

    Didn't stop either of us... we were together for a while.

    Guess what I'm saying is that you'll find more people have scars than you... I had to learn it too.
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