JobStrut - L.A. Headz any Ideas?
13,027 Posts
A question for/appeal to all my So Cal Strutters ... I have a friend that is living in Hollywood, unemployed and miserable. He moved out therefrom Boston last year, to try to further his dreams as an independentfilmmaker/screenwriter. He's had a hell of a time getting work and meetingpeople. He had finally got a steady job as a courier but when he had to comehome to Boston for 3 weeks to help his Mom get on her feet post-surgery,they wouldn't hold the job for him and now he is out of work again.Anyway, if anybody knows about any kind of decent work, any ideas for a smart & friendly 36 year old guy with a degree in communications and a deepknowledge of film (and experience working on movie sets in many capacities)PLEASE give me a holler on the PM with info. I feel bad for my man, one ofmy oldest friends and he's having a hard time. Shit, if anyone even just wants to hang out and have a drink with him, let me know. Thanks.
Now I'm in LA and after about a month of job hunting (I must have applied for over 80 jobs), I finally started a shitty full-time web design job this week. It's a 45-60 minute commute every morning & evening and I'm making just above minimum wage with no benefits.
Anybody wanna buy some 45s?
Dude should go to Central Casting and do some extra work. This is like a rite of passage for most people in the film business, regardless of their aspirations. Kick it on set, raid the craft service table, make some new acquaintances, walk away with 50 bucks.
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You guys rule.
sorry to hear that Y...keep your head up and keep at it, I'm sure you'll find something! In the meantime you can pm me for set sale preview action lulz
Marco: there are always tons of freelance print jumpoffs, do you have your resume up online, etc?
good luck everyone!