willie_fugalwillie_fugal 1,862 Posts
edited December 2008 in Strut Central
Saw this earlier today. A short documentary (about an hour long) all about the font Helvetica. I thought it was awesome - really, really interesting, has already made me look at the world around me a little differently. I know there are some graphic designers et al on here, and if you're at all interested in design of any sort don't sleep on this.b, 21b, 21object width="400" height="225"1param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" 21param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" 21param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=1574297&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" 21embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=1574297&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="225"1/embed1/object1b, 21b, 21b, 21a href="http://www.helveticafilm.com/" target="_blank"1http://www.helveticafilm.com//a1b, 21b, 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/krusty.gif" alt="" 21


  • img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/latte.gif" alt="" 21b, 21b, 21Good movie. though.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    Yeah, I've owned a copy of this for 3-4 months. Still haven't watched it. img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nagl2.gif" alt="" 21

  • the follow-up, a film about product design, should be bangin' as well.b, 21b, 21img src="http://www.contentdg.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/objectified-b-w4.jpg"1

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    experimental jetset kills it as always on the dvd packaging.

  • It's okay. I was expecting a little bit more. It's available on Netflix's Watch Now.


  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    my old boss was so about this documentary I think he bought the t-shirt they were selling, toob, 21b, 21thus i haven't seen it yet

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    I have the poster in my living room (but to be honest, I prefer Akzidenz Grotesk).

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21It's okay. I was expecting a little bit more.
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21chase scene? sex scene?b, 21b, 21really - what else could they have included that they didn't?

  • any kung fu in this?

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21It's okay. I was expecting a little bit more.
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1
    b, 21
    b, 21chase scene? sex scene?
    b, 21
    b, 21really - what else could they have included that they didn't?
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21Helvetica doesn't do anal yet.

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21It's okay. I was expecting a little bit more.
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1
    b, 21
    b, 21chase scene? sex scene?
    b, 21
    b, 21really - what else could they have included that they didn't?
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1
    b, 21
    b, 21Helvetica doesn't do anal yet.
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21b, 21i'm sayin

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,418 Posts
    watched this earlier this year. good documentary, although a couple of times during their showing helvetica everywhere sequences, they'd show something that WASNT helvetica, and i thought it was funny.

  • Helvetica would be a fresh name for Mike2600's future daughter .

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21Helvetica
    is[/b] the name of DJ Magneto's future daughter. b, 21b, 21h, 21
    font class="post"1

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21Helvetica
    is[/b] the name of DJ Magneto's future daughter. b, 21b, 21h, 21
    font class="post"1
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21Fresh.

  • Seriously. The baby naming game just got smashed with that one.

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21watched this earlier this year. good documentary, although a couple of times during their showing helvetica everywhere sequences, they'd show something that WASNT helvetica, and i thought it was funny.
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21wow

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Helvetica is[/b] the name of DJ Magneto's future daughter.


    Just saw that Robert Rodriguez named a character Helvetica in his new movie Shorts:

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