Just to let you know what's popping, you know. I'm up on here popping a lot of shit but you know in real life I like to get it in.b, 21b, 211 - If you're in New York C then just so you know a href="http://www.myspace.com/cosmobaker" target="_blank"1me/a1 and my homie a href="http://www.myspace.com/eliesco" target="_blank"1Eli Escobar/a1 are starting our new night. It's at a href="http://newyork.citysearch.com/profile/46250559/" target="_blank"1105 Rivington/a1 (105 Rivington St. between Ludlow & Essex in the Lower East Side.)b, 21b, 21Anyway, like we're kind of jazzed about this you know... first time I've actually done my own party in years, and only the second one I've done since I've been a resident of New York. The last time I started a party was years ago and it ended up being some a href="http://www.thefader.com/articles/2005/12/23/doing-it-well" target="_blank"1major type shit/a1, so although I'm very nervous and hesitant about blowing this one up, I think it holds a lot of promise. The spot is DOPE and the system is banging. Plus Eli is one of the illest cats I know. You should check out his a href="http://outsidebroadcast.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"1blog/a1 cause it's major.b, 21b, 21img src="http://www.cosmobaker.com/images/bang5.jpg"1 b, 21b, 21So anyway, like I said on my jawn, it's kind of like a real throwback type shit. "[i]Expect lots of disco of course. Also house music. But we're also going to be doing the damn thing on hip-hop and soul and funk as well. Kind of like back in the day when one would go out to a club and you never knew what to expect to hear, although you expected to kind of hear everything / anything and that you KNEW it would be fresh. That's kind of like when people actually trusted DJs and would go with them on a whim... "Hmmm, I don't know this record but it's groovy and Eli / Cosmo is playing this so I have faith in my dude(s)." Dig me? Again, hope to see you represent.../i1" and so on and so forth.b, 21b, 21And I know that The Strut isn;t really that much on the "party people" tip but I just thought I should put this out there like that.b, 21b, 212 - On the PHILLY tip, we're doing a Rub down there tomorrow and I was fortunate enough to bring in as my guests the one and only a href="http://www.myspace.com/tatmoney" target="_blank"1DJ Tat Money/a1 as well as the Tuff Crew's own a href="http://www.myspace.com/djtootuff" target="_blank"1DJ Too Tuff/a1. I got to tell you that it's like an honor and privilege to even know these dudes, and to rock with them is like next level to me. This show is going to be fresh.b, 21b, 21By the way, Too Tuff has a new album out, a href="http://www.amazon.com/DJ-Too-Tuffs-Lost-Archives/dp/B001GB35HC/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1228344370&sr=8-3" target="_blank"1"DJ Too Tuff's Lost Archives"/a1 so you should cop that. It's like unreleased Tuff Crew material from the late 80s through the 90s.b, 21b, 21I got more shit to look at on my a href="http://www.cosmobaker.com/" target="_blank"1nifty / shitty site / blog/a1 so check that out when you get the chance.b, 21b, 213 - Figured I would throw this out there, it's me a href="http://outsidebroadcast.blogspot.com/2008/10/cosmo-live-at-do-over.html" target="_blank"1live at LA's The Do-Over/a1 so peep it if you get the chance. Kind of old now but F*ck it, don't know if this was put up before...