no shit, I dont know why anyone does it until the trees are bare. Takes friggin 5 hours to do only to have the yard completely covered in leaves again 4 days later. Hate.
I feel you.b, 21b, 21We have a maple tree out back that is a killer!b, 21b, 21b, 21b, 21I finally wised up and paid for leaf removal service. My fall weekends have never been so relaxing!
b, 21b, 21I had a love-hate relationship with it back in the day. The love part was, of course, creating a leaf pile and then jumping in it. The hate part was having to rake up everything, and then use this piece of burlap to haul the leaves to our makeshift compost pile off in the corner of our property. It only took about elevnty million trips to get all the leaves back there. Ugh.
I fill my super can once a week for a few weeks. Takes about 20 minutes to fill and after about 5 or 6 times the yard is good to go. I don't really care about getting every leaf though. That is beyond pointless.
What kills me is the fact that my town had a town leaf removal service up until a couple of years ago. All one had to do was blow all of their leaves to the front of their house to be removed. Such a service just makes so much more sense to me.
It only took about elevnty million trips to get all the leaves back there. Ugh. b, 21b, 21h, 21
b, 21b, 21Yes! This was the worst part by far. I would always try to estimate how many trips it was going to take, and without fail I'd be off by about 10. stupid leaves.