Melodic recovery + benefit (Was: Prayers for DJ Me
275 Posts
I just got news a bit ago that Paco, aka DJ Melodic, from Houston had a heart attack last night and is in St. Luke's Hospital in a coma. Anyone who knows this dude knows he's one of the nicest dudes on the face of the earth. He's young, fit, vegan and doesn't mess with anything toxic. This shit can happen to anyone. b,121b,121Paco's ear and passion for music has always been an inspiration to me. He is one of the best dudes I've ever met in my life, and I can barely handle this information right now on a day where I am so emotionally charged already that I was a wreck even before I got the news.b, 21b,121If you know him, please keep him in your thoughts. If you don't know him, please hold your loved ones a little closer today.b,121b,121I'm about to go vote, and I'll be thinking of my dude while I wait, hoping he pulls through.b, 21b,121img src=" Harmonic @ The Flat 2/100_0558.jpg"1