what if...



  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Does Beijing need a soul 45 party?b,121b,121I have the heatb,121b,121my girl speaks some Mandrinb,121b,121LETS DO THIS

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Western DJs (read "non-Chinese looking dudes") are still sweated heavily. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121where exactly? HK, Taiwan or mainland?

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Western DJs (read "non-Chinese looking dudes") are still sweated heavily. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121where exactly? HK, Taiwan or mainland? b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121SECRET DESIRE TO BE SWEATED HEAVILY REVEALED!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Western DJs (read "non-Chinese looking dudes") are still sweated heavily. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121where exactly? HK, Taiwan or mainland? b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121SECRET DESIRE TO BE SWEATED HEAVILY REVEALED! b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Ha, no doubt. b,121b,121Also, if the US experienced another great depression, don't be surprised if that malaise spreads to China. We're their biggest trading partner and if we fail, China will suffer from that too. b,121b,121In any case, back to Frank's question: in a bad economic era, I'm not sure which way DJing would go. Wouldn't drinking rates go up? img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/oof.gif" alt="" 21b,121b,121Hard to say about the record game: I think a lot of overseas ballers would be ready to vulterize on liquidated collections which means that high-end records probably wouldn't lose their value per se but I could definitely imagine a lot of lil dudes trying to sell off their shit to raise money and that added supply would depress prices of low/mid level stuff.

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Western DJs (read "non-Chinese looking dudes") are still sweated heavily. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121where exactly? HK, Taiwan or mainland? b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121SECRET DESIRE TO BE SWEATED HEAVILY REVEALED! b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Ha, no doubt. b,121b,121 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121it's not secret; I'm pricing flights right now. do they mind if I rock microwave?

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Western DJs (read "non-Chinese looking dudes") are still sweated heavily. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121where exactly? HK, Taiwan or mainland? b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121SECRET DESIRE TO BE SWEATED HEAVILY REVEALED! b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Ha, no doubt. b,121b,121Also, if the US experienced another great depression, don't be surprised if that malaise spreads to China. We're their biggest trading partner and if we fail, China will suffer from that too. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121China have bought up about $1 trillion of US debt, so it'll effect them long before the US public stop buying Chinese goods.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121learn to speak chinese ? b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/funnypost.gif" alt="" 21 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121What's supposed to be funny about this? That's actually a smart piece of advice.b,121In Germany, there are already highschools which offer Chinese as a second foreign language. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121it's a piece of a bigger plan. while german universities have no money to teach properly (i mean it - the condition of our universities is g-), our government is building universities in vietnam and raising student numbers by importing asian students. cheap workers for germays future. thanks a lot. i'll say bye as soon as i can. b,121b,121it's not smart... it's dumb. all the people working outside the money/economy/politics will leave this country. the rest will stay here and speak chinese with our good friends from over there.

  • FrankFrank 2,379 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121learn to speak chinese ? b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/funnypost.gif" alt="" 21 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121What's supposed to be funny about this? That's actually a smart piece of advice.b,121In Germany, there are already highschools which offer Chinese as a second foreign language. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121it's a piece of a bigger plan. while german universities have no money to teach properly (i mean it - the condition of our universities is g-), our government is building universities in vietnam and raising student numbers by importing asian students. cheap workers for germays future. thanks a lot. i'll say bye as soon as i can. b,121b,121it's not smart... it's dumb. all the people working outside the money/economy/politics will leave this country. the rest will stay here and speak chinese with our good friends from over there. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121So you want to leave germany but consider it dumb to learn a foreign language?b,121That's smart, I guess...b,121b,121Maybe those universities would be in better shape if students started paying for the service they expect.b,121I wonder what people "working outside the money/economy/politics" will do once they left germany. There aren't too many other countries around that will feed them on social security just to sit at home and watch television.b,121b,121Why don't those students who are unhappy with our universtities instead go and study abroad where they can pay for their own education at universtities that are in a better than g- condition.b,121Fukking spoiled student brats. If you want to study in order to make more money on the job market, pay for it out of your own pocket. Can't afford it? Get a job!b,121Just glad I haven't paid any taxes in close to 15 years now. I'd rather waste my money my own damn self.

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121Besides, most of the folks balling out for vinyl these days don't seem to live in the USA. Barring a worldwide depression, Japan/UK/Germany/Italy/Euroman will still be willing to shell out $$$ for wax. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121Record fairs in Germany are allready near dead,b,121b,121ebay has been falling down for quite a second now,b,121b,121what do you expect?b,121b,121b,121b,121We have been having a depressed Binnenmarkt (someone please add a decent translation) for nearly a decade now, when the EURO came things happend to get worse to a degree that no one of the younger generations ever realized before!b,121b,121And it only was the beginning leading to an explosion of prices for food,b,121oil, electricity and most important fields of daily liveb,121while at the same time the number of Praktikanten, 400 Euro Jobber, 1 Euro Jobber and Teilzeitbesch??ftigte jumped into never experienced areas ...b,121b,121b,121Narrowing the view on records:b,121Within the collector field more than 50% of the people that were playing the game were playing for money reasons and just have realized that elvis/beatles/stones is not the kind of kraut, other people will pay for anymore,b,121with the number of "other people paying for" constantly going down.b,121b,121b,121b,121In earlier times on a record fair, dealers would go around an buy stuff from each other before the official opening, those times are gone for years now!b,121b,121b,121b,121So from a German sight it's not a new problem which comes to the horizon!b,121b,121b,121The real problem the whole world should worry about is the loss of confidence,b,121covering economic and political systems as well as their attitude towards each other. If you go to a bank these days you will find many people taking money off their accounts, guess why?b,121b,121b,121So do you really think that having no confidence for a decade in our country hereb,121leaves some room for confidence covering a worldwide crisis????b,121b,121b,121Addition:b,121Here it really matters where you live. In the year 2008 one could think it does not matter, but without online selling your chances are severly going down in "not near big city"-areas, as well as the German way of "haste einen Schein?",b,121which reduces a human to sheets and "Zeugnisse" leaving out all other talents someone may have. There is this fairy tale that it would be different in US, true??

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,966 Posts
    China doesn't need marketing when their goods are waaay cheaper than the Western made equivalent. The price will sell it.b,121b,121Plus, it's easy to do an amazing job of ramping up manufacturing when anyone worrying about quality, human rights, workign conditions or raping the environment is safely locked up.b,121b,121The recession will hit the Chinese too. With the West flat broke, who will buy their stuff?b,121b,121All of a sudden, spunking out on a new 98"1flatscreen and playstation 10 seems unwise when you may be out of a job in a couple of weeks.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121learn to speak chinese ? b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/funnypost.gif" alt="" 21 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121What's supposed to be funny about this? That's actually a smart piece of advice.b,121In Germany, there are already highschools which offer Chinese as a second foreign language. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121it's a piece of a bigger plan. while german universities have no money to teach properly (i mean it - the condition of our universities is g-), our government is building universities in vietnam and raising student numbers by importing asian students. cheap workers for germays future. thanks a lot. i'll say bye as soon as i can. b,121b,121it's not smart... it's dumb. all the people working outside the money/economy/politics will leave this country. the rest will stay here and speak chinese with our good friends from over there. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121So you want to leave germany but consider it dumb to learn a foreign language?b,121That's smart, I guess...b,121b,121Maybe those universities would be in better shape if students started paying for the service they expect.b,121I wonder what people "working outside the money/economy/politics" will do once they left germany. There aren't too many other countries around that will feed them on social security just to sit at home and watch television.b,121b,121Why don't those students who are unhappy with our universtities instead go and study abroad where they can pay for their own education at universtities that are in a better than g- condition.b,121Fukking spoiled student brats. If you want to study in order to make more money on the job market, pay for it out of your own pocket. Can't afford it? Get a job!b,121Just glad I haven't paid any taxes in close to 15 years now. I'd rather waste my money my own damn self. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121what's the hell? i won't move to china! why should i learn to speak chinese?b,121b,121Frank, my girlfriend has to pay back 25,000 Euros and owes even more money to MY parents, because her family wouldn't have been able to pay for her studies. she has been working druing her college time! it still didn't work out.b,121but NO WORRIES. she's working 60 hours a week to make sure she can give back the money to everyone. getting paid less than a cleaning lady. being a straight a student. not able to get a drivers license or go on vacation. have fun in africa, mayne!b,121b,121just kidding. you chose the right way. i'll leave this country no doubt. i'd get paid less than anywhere else in the world. why stay here? b,121b,121you don't know what's going on over here. be happy. you would be shocked. i guess you haven't seen a german university in a long time.

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121China doesn't need marketing when their goods are waaay cheaper than the Western made equivalent. The price will sell it.b,121b,121Plus, it's easy to do an amazing job of ramping up manufacturing when anyone worrying about quality, human rights, workign conditions or raping the environment is safely locked up.b,121b,121The recession will hit the Chinese too. With the West flat broke, who will buy their stuff?b,121b,121All of a sudden, spunking out on a new 98"1flatscreen and playstation 10 seems unwise when you may be out of a job in a couple of weeks. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121But think of all the time you'll have to watch TV and play video games...

  • jyrijyri 24 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121China doesn't need marketing when their goods are waaay cheaper than the Western made equivalent. The price will sell it.b,121b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121China needs marketing.b,121The price is part if their marketin strategy. In order to penetrate in to an already established market with well-known competitors they have to fight the competitor's brand status with lower prices.

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121China doesn't need marketing when their goods are waaay cheaper than the Western made equivalent. The price will sell it.b,121b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121China needs marketing.b,121The price is part if their marketin strategy. In order to penetrate in to an already established market with well-known competitors they have to fight the competitor's brand status with lower prices. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Don't think this is quite right. I would say that 95% of products from china are commissioned by other companies. So the brands are Wal-mart,1target, home depot, sportsmart,1etc... and china designs the product to specifications. I have 3 or 4 friends in industrial/clothing designs and they are constantly visiting factories.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121China doesn't need marketing when their goods are waaay cheaper than the Western made equivalent. The price will sell it.b,121b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121China needs marketing.b,121The price is part if their marketin strategy. In order to penetrate in to an already established market with well-known competitors they have to fight the competitor's brand status with lower prices. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Don't think this is quite right. I would say that 95% of products from china are commissioned by other companies. So the brands are Wal-mart,1target, home depot, sportsmart,1etc... and china designs the product to specifications. I have 3 or 4 friends in industrial/clothing designs and they are constantly visiting factories. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Here's what you're missing......Wal-Mart actively seeks out these cheaper Chinese products.....they locate the vendor on their own and commission them to "knock-off" products. What China needs is the skill to actively market their products to companies/customers that don't have the wherewithall to seek them out themselves.b,121b,121Because they don't market their products well, they have become nothing but cheap labor for the Big Box stores...their potential goes way beyond that if marketed correctly.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121China doesn't need marketing when their goods are waaay cheaper than the Western made equivalent. The price will sell it.b,121b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121China needs marketing.b,121The price is part if their marketin strategy. In order to penetrate in to an already established market with well-known competitors they have to fight the competitor's brand status with lower prices. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Don't think this is quite right. I would say that 95% of products from china are commissioned by other companies. So the brands are Wal-mart,1target, home depot, sportsmart,1etc... and china designs the product to specifications. I have 3 or 4 friends in industrial/clothing designs and they are constantly visiting factories. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Here's what you're missing......Wal-Mart actively seeks out these cheaper Chinese products.....they locate the vendor on their own and commission them to "knock-off" products. What China needs is the skill to actively market their products to companies/customers that don't have the wherewithall to seek them out themselves.b,121b,121Because they don't market their products well, they have become nothing but cheap labor for the Big Box stores...their potential goes way beyond that if marketed correctly. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121I think that's kind of backwards logic. b,121b,121The fact that China became such a huge producer of goods for the Western market, arose from a situation that the West created, and China have capitalised on. Their success is purely down to the fact that they were a cheap place to mass produce goods, who didn't have the structures in place to produce their own designed/created goods to be sold worldwide. b,121The next step for China, the one they are on now, is for them use all the money they've made, to create home-grown brands/industry leaders/manufacturers, that they can sell/market to the rest of the world. In the same way other Asian countries have done relatively recently (Korea & India). It's not an easy thing to achieve, (does anyone on here drive a Kia or Tata) but they already have the blueprints and the money, I don't see what will stop them.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121China doesn't need marketing when their goods are waaay cheaper than the Western made equivalent. The price will sell it.b,121b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121China needs marketing.b,121The price is part if their marketin strategy. In order to penetrate in to an already established market with well-known competitors they have to fight the competitor's brand status with lower prices. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Don't think this is quite right. I would say that 95% of products from china are commissioned by other companies. So the brands are Wal-mart,1target, home depot, sportsmart,1etc... and china designs the product to specifications. I have 3 or 4 friends in industrial/clothing designs and they are constantly visiting factories. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Here's what you're missing......Wal-Mart actively seeks out these cheaper Chinese products.....they locate the vendor on their own and commission them to "knock-off" products. What China needs is the skill to actively market their products to companies/customers that don't have the wherewithall to seek them out themselves.b,121b,121Because they don't market their products well, they have become nothing but cheap labor for the Big Box stores...their potential goes way beyond that if marketed correctly. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121I think that's kind of backwards logic. b,121b,121The fact that China became such a huge producer of goods for the Western market, arose from a situation that the West created, and China have capitalised on. Their success is purely down to the fact that they were a cheap place to mass produce goods, who didn't have the structures in place to produce their own designed/created goods to be sold worldwide. b,121The next step for China, the one they are on now, is for them use all the money they've made, to create home-grown brands/industry leaders/manufacturers, that they can sell/market to the rest of the world. In the same way other Asian countries have done relatively recently (Korea & India). It's not an easy thing to achieve, (does anyone on here drive a Kia or Tata) but they already have the blueprints and the money, I don't see what will stop them. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121I think we're saying the same thing......and the only thing that will stop them is their lack of marketing skills which are hindered by cultural, logistical and language barriers.b,121b,121I work closely within my company with our Chinese divisions and they seem to have a hard time grasping/accepting Western sales and marketing techniques.b,121b,121Once they do, their growth potential is extraordinary.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121The next step for China, the one they are on now, is for them use all the money they've made, to create home-grown brands/industry leaders/manufacturers, that they can sell/market to the rest of the world. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Yup. b,121b,121Who needs some baby formula? b,121b,121Dog food? b,121b,121img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/oof.gif" alt="" 21

  • I agree with what all of you are saying, I just believe it to be a near impossible sale. The shift in american consumerism has been to more local products or products with a "face".b,121b,121Look at the advertising for chipotle/chicken (locally raised by farmer steve), Safeway (right here in mormon usa) or target (we give back all our profits to schools, well, maybe just a fraction of a percent)b,121b,121In order for this to be viable, they are going to need an american company for a face and that company is going to need to work very hard to dance around the china issue, because if there is something americans hate other than abortion and gays, it's communism.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121China doesn't need marketing when their goods are waaay cheaper than the Western made equivalent. The price will sell it.b,121b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121China needs marketing.b,121The price is part if their marketin strategy. In order to penetrate in to an already established market with well-known competitors they have to fight the competitor's brand status with lower prices. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Don't think this is quite right. I would say that 95% of products from china are commissioned by other companies. So the brands are Wal-mart,1target, home depot, sportsmart,1etc... and china designs the product to specifications. I have 3 or 4 friends in industrial/clothing designs and they are constantly visiting factories. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Here's what you're missing......Wal-Mart actively seeks out these cheaper Chinese products.....they locate the vendor on their own and commission them to "knock-off" products. What China needs is the skill to actively market their products to companies/customers that don't have the wherewithall to seek them out themselves.b,121b,121Because they don't market their products well, they have become nothing but cheap labor for the Big Box stores...their potential goes way beyond that if marketed correctly. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121I think that's kind of backwards logic. b,121b,121The fact that China became such a huge producer of goods for the Western market, arose from a situation that the West created, and China have capitalised on. Their success is purely down to the fact that they were a cheap place to mass produce goods, who didn't have the structures in place to produce their own designed/created goods to be sold worldwide. b,121The next step for China, the one they are on now, is for them use all the money they've made, to create home-grown brands/industry leaders/manufacturers, that they can sell/market to the rest of the world. In the same way other Asian countries have done relatively recently (Korea & India). It's not an easy thing to achieve, (does anyone on here drive a Kia or Tata) but they already have the blueprints and the money, I don't see what will stop them. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121I think we're saying the same thing......and the only thing that will stop them is their lack of marketing skills which are hindered by cultural, logistical and language barriers.b,121b,121I work closely within my company with our Chinese divisions and they seem to have a hard time grasping/accepting Western sales and marketing techniques.b,121b,121Once they do, their growth potential is extraordinary. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121Yep, pretty much.b,121b,121b,121I think market forces will be the deciding factor in the end. If China continues to grow, and can take the next step, it's going to be very hard for US & Euroland to turn around and say no, you can't open up shop here, which is what they will be working towards (owning everything from manufacturing to retail). Once that happens we're fuct. Only a huge increasing in the middle classes in places like India and China will begin to restore some kind of balance.

  • The main gate that's blocked to compete with China on local markets b,121are laws. First hand on a local base, Germany is THE worst placeb,121to start a business, on a bigger path it's the EU invading good ideasb,121from scratch, making it possible for every small lawyer to cut your balls to piecesb,121leaving NO space for any being with money to start his thing without any kind of danger waiting in the background b,121(and we even don't have that whole Trivial-Patente thing extended to cancer degree as in US).b,121b,121The next thing you can see quite clearly these daysb,121(in fact I was flaming in my posts some time ago about that topic here):b,121Local bank departements are more interested in playing godb,121within the US market of "lend me a house, mister" thanb,121helping local companies in our country, b,121the country the bank itself was founded (to help companies to establish), b,121to establish,b,121KfW to be named for example.b,121b,121b,121And those people are allready the "well knowing", b,121with the "better overview about everything",b,121the "elite" crowdb,121that does it better every time than the remaining (bigger) part of the mankind.b,121b,121b,121b,121So people can go on to search for problems,b,121leading to "fails in the system" ...b,121b,121the question in the end will be "is there a need for this system?"
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