What happened to Toni Braxton?

She was a BIG seller in the early 90's, went bankrupt, had kids, wasnt promoted right, and hasnt been able to maintain her shine.Voice - checkLooks - CheckI know she a bit too glossy for some of yall, but she ran w/ Anita Baker's tones,and was gettin mad love on Black Radio.He last couple of albums have been trash, but i dont see how she cant "resurrect" her shit.

I think this was the problem. She tried to run w/ the new gazelles.
BUT if she can sing I dont see why she cant be repackaged.
might be her belly button.
jokes. i actually have always liked her.
Looks like a baby punching its way out.
4) Let's face facts, the R&B market can be fickle and can cut off a good artist in their prime. Maybe Toni's time was just up. You may as well ask what happened to Karyn White, Chante Moore, etc..
The Truth Hurts, doughnit?
"Flamingo Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas announced that Braxton will replace Wayne Newton as the casino???s new headlining act starting August 3, 2006. The show, "Toni Braxton: Revealed", will be performed six nights a week and run through March 2007. Later she confirmed that she was extending her show through August 2007. The show has become the first headlining show from an African American performer in Vegas to enter the top 10 Vegas show's charting. Due to the success of the show, it has been reported that Toni will extend her show through August 2008."
"As of August 2007 rumors surfaced that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Toni stated to Access Hollywood that the breast cancer rumors were false and that her health is in great condition.
On April 8, 2008, Flamingo Hotel-Casino spokeswoman Deanna Pettit says the 40-year-old singer had been hospitalized in Las Vegas with an undisclosed ailment that isn't life-threatening. Braxton was taken to a hospital Monday night. Pettit says she expects Braxton to be released Tuesday afternoon. Pettit says she doesn't know the nature of Braxton's ailment or where she was when she became ill. Braxton is currently performing at the Flamingo hotel. According to several news reports, Braxton's gigs for April 2008 have been cancelled. Since her hospitalization, gigs for the month of May 2008 have also been cancelled. She is expected to return June 6, 2008 depending on her condition. Her two year run at the hotel officially ends August 23rd, when Donny & Marie Osmond will take over in September."
dude had lines for days. RIP.
"So guess relaxing is a weekend with Toni Braxton"
All that aside, she's a fine singer who's made at least a couple of bonafide "ladies choice" modern r&b/soul classics, and "Take This Ring", the Rich Harrison joint off her most recent album, deserved a lot more shine than it got in the wake of "Crazy In Love" and "1 Thing". It was bootlegged to fuck in the UK, any road. I also seem to remember that her decision to do a semi-nude cheesecake photospread for a Vibe cover in the 90s seriously backfired, when a big chunk of her female fanbase reacted badly to it, saying that it made her look slutty and trashy. And in that game, when you lose the ladies, you're done.
I will not deny that I got many plays out of Secrets bitd.
YEAH, she's rockin' outies in a marketplace filled with innie's.
Nonetheless, if Mariah Carey can extend her warranty, so can Miss Braxton.
The funny thing about that one is that she immediately claimed that the photos were not shot nude, and that the photo was airbrushed so that you couldn't see her panties or bra or something. The funny thing is, this was only a few years ago and she got SHATE from that. It's hard to say what was worse, her catering to a younger audience or her refusing to keep creating music for her fanbase. Wasn't there a documentary where she was in a phone conversation that showed her getting dropped from LaFace or something, and that forced her to figure out what she had to do next?
The "nude" photo think for Vibe hasn't hurt Keyshia Cole:
Even though she's doing cruise ships, Chante Moore is still working and getting a bit of airplay on smooth jazz radio, which is arguably more airplay than what Braxton received from that off-tune tabla album Libra[/b]
I found your new location!
I heard something about it, but I have no idea.
dont sleep
shit is ripe for a remix/jeep/break/etc.....