Worst movie endings
3,835 Posts
for 2008, "Untraceable", even with Diane Lane (I love you, Diane) that ending is just supid
Embrace the literary!
Not the worst ending ever, but it felt too abrupt.
i do not read fiction.
but the end was not that hard to understand was it?
LOL at someone nominating "There Will be Blood Too."
Does "ever" not extend beyond a six month memory?
the ending was good it meant the rest of the schitt was over
whatever prof. i just think that the movie, while great, had a flawed and somewhat tacked on ending. its far from the worst ending ever.
Damn I wanted to see this but it was never in the theatres
It's pretty terrible.
It ended too abruptly for me and was the first thing that came to mind since it was the last movie I watched. Wost movie ending is a stretch but I still didn't like it.
- spidey
Sorry, I was referring to No Country for Old Men.
Saw the shit a week ago, and cus it was bootleg the last 2o minutes were not on the DVD. Finally got a full version of my mate, watched it and was like.... WTF? Worst, pointless and confusing ending ever.... Pathetic.
Seriously, though, my nomination is every Michael Crichton movie ever filmed[/b]. Feel free to throw his novels on that fire as well.
People are really showing their asses right now. So not a good look.
As for Crash: I agree the ending was bad but the whole movie sucked shit so I don't know if the ending could have gone any more bad than the rest of the crap surrounding it.
How is it that M. Night's name hasn't come into play yet? I mean, he's the king of the gotcha! ending and as good as some are, "The Sixth Sense", I imagine some of his other films (that crop circle one comes to mind) are straight cheese.
I saw it at home the first time and was a bit confused, I'll admit that. Then I saw it in a theatre with my dad and the end made so much sense. It's a great ending, the movie doesn't follow the traditional storytelling arc anyway!
Be kind rewind on the other hand... While the script obviously isn't what you're watching it for, that movie had an ending that felt REALLY rushed.
. I haven't seen it since it came out but I remember there being a perfect moment for it to end and it just kept going.
The movies themselves are such trash that the endings are just another slap in the face after 90 minutes of being shit on.
Maybe worst/most overrated movies ever thread would be more appropriate.
I've only seen two of his and that was two too many. And easy on the ego: putting himself in his movies - NEWSFLASH!!! You're not Hitchcock!
See #4: