"All Salad-ed Out b/w Droppin' Pounds"



  • The-gafflerThe-gaffler 2,190 Posts
    i should lower my sriracha levels then

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts
    Not having a sense of smell helps, too. I can taste, but it's dull. I put hot sauce on nearly everything. I walk quite a bit, too.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    eating slower helps as well (this might have been mentioned) chew each bite 20 times...the slower you eat, the quicker your body recognizes the signal that you are full. When you eat fast you consume quicker than the body recognizes you are full. Sounds crazy but its true...I used to be able to polish off a huge meal and even have some seconds, but putting the fork down after each bite and chewing each bite 20 times makes me feel full sooner and I dont eat nearly as much.

  • gambitgambit 906 Posts
    To Big Stacks and anyone else struggling with a regimented diet...


    Be sure to vary your protein intake. Keep your body guessing and you will not have as many cravings for the crack. I try to make sure I take in at least one steaky fish a week, regardless of what it costs. If you're not totally against red meat, then throw a splash of that in every once and a while. The same with pork, it's not all bad.

    Don't sleep on your beans either. I make a mean red/black beans and wild grain/brown rice. Even still, it all starts to get boring after a while.

    I work out at least 5 times a week (split between lifting and cardio days) and I keep some protein powder in the cabinet. I even switch that up. I keep some protein bars or I'll have a protein-rich meal ready for my post-workout fix.

    The best way to keep it together is to keep it fresh.

  • gambitgambit 906 Posts

    You may want to consider adding a protein shake as a meal replacement. Be sure to avoid brands like Muscle Milk, though, as they are usually pretty high in fat.

    Also, are you eating 5-7 small meals a day? That's a great way to boost your metabolism.
    Muscle Milk is not bad if you're actively working out on a regular basis, particularly a lot of weight training. You need some fat in your diet and Muscle Milk at least doesn't have any bad fats.

    Word to 5-7 meals a day.

  • UnconSciUnconSci 824 Posts
    Im going to get back into my shit soon.

    I dont think anyone needs any protein shakes though.

    Cut out milk if you can. No high fructose corn syrup. Cut out oils and butters. Stay active. Eat LOTS of vegetables, ones of different shapes and colors too.

    High Fiber is good... just realize a lot of fiber can bind certain vitamins and minerals and not allow them into your system. But fiber is the broom of the body and its good to clean up inside.

    Also if your controlling your diet... custom tailer your intake to achieve a mental effect too.

    For all you depressed strutters out there. Taking tryptophan and vitamin b6 and b12 is basically throwing the ingredients for seratonin into your body, highly recommended for those of you who have the no seratonin problem like me. Theres lots of shit like this though where with minimal effort you can create focus, energy, relaxation, and whatever else.

  • HamHam 872 Posts

    For all you depressed strutters out there. Taking tryptophan and vitamin b6 and b12 is basically throwing the ingredients for seratonin into your body, highly recommended for those of you who have the no seratonin problem like me. Theres lots of shit like this though where with minimal effort you can create focus, energy, relaxation, and whatever else.

    what should you eat to get the right amounts of this each day? i have this problem too

  • pknypkny 549 Posts

    I've done a great job of avoiding both (especially crack, since I've never done base), but I love pizza! In the name of weight loss and good health, I've kept up the discipline by consistent exercise and eating right. I hope to get down to my ideal weight by the end of the year (slow, steady weight loss is best), which is possible if I keep on pace. Thanks for the support people, and good luck to those working on their health and well-being.


    I work at Rutgers over on the Busch campus. If you're looking to get your pizza fix, check out the selection of 'wheatza' they have at Gerlanda's in the Busch Student Center (not sure if they have one over in Livingston, don't get over there that often). They are made with whole wheat crust, and most of them are loaded with veggies. It might not be the best choice, but when you're jonesin' for a slice, at least you're getting some fiber and other nutrients in your diet.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i've been trying to eat salad a lot more but i'm always hungry an hour later or so.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I lost 70 lbs. using Weight Watchers Online. Really teaches you a lot about eating healthy. A lot of guys I tell this too laugh because it's got the stigma of being for women but, hey, it works and it's not just teaching you to lose weight but to eat right.

    Breakfast: 1/2 cup non-fat milk, 1 Cup of FiberOne cereal (about 100 calories) or similar, blueberries or banana.
    Lunch: High fiber bread (2 slices, 90 calories), lean turkey slices, non-fat slices of cheese, produce
    Snack; yogurts or those low-calorie bars Kellogg's bars
    Dinner: lean beef burger, nom-fat cheese.

    When I eat out I always get chicken tacos from a Taqueria. Strip off the second tortilla and it's pretty lean meal. Just limit yourself to 2 or 3.

    Generally eating lean beef, lean turkey or chicken breast with various types of veggies works well. Fills you up, healthy, low calorie. There are some really low calorie ice-creams available now made of Splenda which are good. Like 90 calories for a half-cup. Stirfry is also good. Just use a little olive-oil. I find buying Trader Joe frozen veggies and frozen shrimp separately actually results in a healthier meal than buying a bag combined of the two. Homemade veggie burritos are a life saver. Blackbeans, some veggie meats, peppers, mushrooms, etc. Get those low calorie olive-oil tortillas at Safeway and you're set.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Eating is overratted.....The human body is mostly liquid.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Is it true that if you drop off doing weights, the muscle turns to fat - not that you just lose strength/definiton?

    Nope, muscle can't turn to fat. That would be like Alchemy! You can develop layers of fat on top of muscle, which will make you look even fatter & bulkier (that's why people should to cardio if they're very over-weight & stay away from weights until they lose some body fat), or you can lose your muscle & get fat, but one doesn't turn into another.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    kim chee is really good for you on a macro level.

    Hmmm... Not so fast with the Kimchi. Kimchi is known to be a direct cause of stomach ulcers and cancer. Korea has the highest rate of stomach cancer and ulcers in the world. I've cut it almost entirely out of my diet (after eating it with almost every dinner).

    "The researchers, all South Korean, report that kimchi and other spicy and fermented foods could be linked to the most common cancer among Koreans. Rates of gastric cancer among Koreans and Japanese are 10 times higher than in the United States.

    "We found that if you were a very, very heavy eater of kimchi, you had a 50% higher risk of getting stomach cancer," said Kim Heon of the department of preventive medicine at Chungbuk National University and one of the authors. "It is not that kimchi is not a healthy food ??? it is a healthy food, but in excessive quantities there are risk factors." "


    Everything in it's right proportion.

    Is this because it's spicy or because its fermented? I love spicy food.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    i don't know if this is supported by science....but every morning i drink a few cups of coffee back to back, which sends me straight to the crapper.

    walk out the door "feelin' about 10 pounds lighter..."

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    i don't know if this is supported by science....but every morning i drink a few cups of coffee back to back, which sends me straight to the crapper.

    walk out the door "feelin' about 10 pounds lighter..."

    Caffine is a laxative.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    i've been trying to eat salad a lot more but i'm always hungry an hour later or so.

    Salad is necessary during dieting. I've hit plateaus during diets where I couldn't lose anymore weight. I started eating one or two salads a day while maintaining the same diet and the weight started dropping off again.

    It's also important to vary your diet. Once or twice a week eat an extra meal during the day. Keep it healthy. Veggies and lean meats. Helps keep your metabolism up and you'll start dropping weight again.

    For a while I was losing 2 to 4 pounds a week. I also walked an average of 4 or 5 miles a day though. My trip home from work basically. Got kind of boring but it's worth it.

  • DeegreezDeegreez 804 Posts
    1. Smaller portions. most people get used to consuming more food than they need to. enjoy your food, eat slowly, and chew everything up thoroughly because it will digest better so you will have less bloating and gas pain, don't eat til your stuffed, just till your slightly satisfied, the stomach is actually only the size of a closed fist so you shouldn't eat more than that size at a given meal. You have to get used to being easier on your digestive system and not overwhelming it. simple math, overeating=weight gain.

    2. If you are thirsty drink water, not other drinks. anything else is full of chemicals and preservatives and most often sugar. juices, sodas, even vitamin water is a lie, that s*it is full of sugar.

    3. Get to love vegetables. cooked or raw they are really the best thing for you. plus they are also cheaper. if you do eat meat you don't need it every day at all. twice a week if you do eat it is plenty, and stick to lean meats. It takes a lot of effort for your body to digest meat because it's so dense.

    4. The dude who suggested tea over coffee was kind of right on: green tea will wake you up like coffee does but it also boosts your metabolism so its better for you. coffee is just a bad habit because its higher in calories since most people put milk and sugar in it. sidenote: the whole to-go cup thing is environmental suicide.

    5. Cut out sugar. it is so bad for your body and it just confuses your metabolism.

    6. Great book about changing your perspective on eating: Diet for a New America, it's by John Robbins, the son of the Baskin Robbins empire and he has spent his inheritance on educating people about food and the perils of junk food, fast food, industrial factory food.... he's a rebel son, it's a pretty interesting story as well.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    5. Cut out sugar. it is so bad for your body and it just confuses your metabolism.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    i've been trying to eat salad a lot more but i'm always hungry an hour later or so.

    A good salad isn't just vegetables???it should really be more like a nice representative sample of all the elements of a proper diet. Meaning small quantities of several types of vegetables, a few kinds of beans, maybe some lean meat like chicken, a carb element like corn or some whole grain bread on the side, some cheese, and maybe a little fruit in there. It's like a nutrient bomb, and you won't be hungry for a good while.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    some cheese

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    some cheese


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    As said above, everyhting in moderation...some thin sheets of parmesan or crumbled feta or dabs of scarmoza can take a salad from


  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    As said above, everyhting in moderation...some thin sheets of parmesan or crumbled feta or dabs of scarmoza can take a salad from


    I get down with some goat cheese on a baby spinach salad. Toss some walnuts or pecans, a lil' red onion, and some strawberries or peaches on there, add a salmon filet, then drizzle a little warm balsamic/honey mustard vinaigrette, and you're in good shape.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    i don't know if this is supported by science....but every morning i drink a few cups of coffee back to back, which sends me straight to the crapper.

    walk out the door "feelin' about 10 pounds lighter..."

    Caffine is a laxative.

    It's also a mild diuretic (speeds up urine production). And in the same way it loosens your bowls, it can affect the barrier between the oesophagus and the stomach, causing heartburn or worse.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    shredded white cabbage
    yellow lentils
    lime juice
    olive oil

    black olives
    hearts of palm
    romano beans
    red wine vinegar
    olive oil
    smoked tuna

    cubed radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers
    green onions
    chick peas
    minced garlic
    olive oil
    lemon juice

    sliced cooked beets
    dill or watercress
    white wine vinegar
    fresh ground white pepper

    steamed rapini
    white kidney beans
    minced garlic
    white wine
    olive oil
    lemon juice

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    As said above, everyhting in moderation...some thin sheets of parmesan or crumbled feta or dabs of scarmoza can take a salad from


    I get down with some goat cheese on a baby spinach salad. Toss some walnuts or pecans, a lil' red onion, and some strawberries or peaches on there, add a salmon filet, then drizzle a little warm balsamic/honey mustard vinaigrette, and you're in good shape.

    Yummy but hold those nuts.

    I cant fuckin stand nuts in my salad. Ill add croutons if i need crunch.

    But nuts are nutritious....

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    shredded white cabbage
    yellow lentils
    lime juice
    olive oil

    black olives
    hearts of palm
    romano beans
    red wine vinegar
    olive oil
    smoked tuna

    cubed radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers
    green onions
    chick peas
    minced garlic
    olive oil
    lemon juice

    sliced cooked beets
    dill or watercress
    white wine vinegar
    fresh ground white pepper

    steamed rapini
    white kidney beans
    minced garlic
    white wine
    olive oil
    lemon juice

    You just elevated this thread to "toggle favorites" status.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I cant fuckin stand nuts in my salad.

    That's what she said.

  • shredded white cabbage
    yellow lentils
    lime juice
    olive oil

    black olives
    hearts of palm
    romano beans
    red wine vinegar
    olive oil
    smoked tuna

    cubed radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers
    green onions
    chick peas
    minced garlic
    olive oil
    lemon juice

    sliced cooked beets
    dill or watercress
    white wine vinegar
    fresh ground white pepper

    steamed rapini
    white kidney beans
    minced garlic
    white wine
    olive oil
    lemon juice

    You just elevated this thread to "toggle favorites" status.

    yeah, no kidding, white cabbage and lentils sounds bomb.

    You know what I just discovered? Endive

    also, Brussels sprouts are good as hell! finally beat that childhood stigma.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    also, Brussels sprouts are good as hell! finally beat that childhood stigma.

    Blamched then Wok Stir fried w/ garlic/sesame oil/soy sauce/a lil stock...
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