Recommend Some Good Digital Dancehall Reggae



  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    A lot of y'all should really consider stepping into the 21st century.

    Kind of fun.

    I prefer the original raggajungle, over most of the new stuff, some of its aight though.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    A lot of y'all should really consider stepping into the 21st century.

    There are so many young guns who are absolutely murdering it right now:

    Busy Signal
    Munga Honorebel
    Mista Peppa (the first guy to rhyme in Harv's freestyle video above)

    And the list goes on and on.

    But here, even the people in the public eye who are into reggae make it there policy to only get behind throwback roots shit. I like all of that stuff too at times, but their deliberate exclusion of modern sounds makes me want to scratch their eyes out. There's really no record store either that do the situation much good...and despite posting on message boards till the cows come home, I've never been much of a find-my-music-online kinda dude. Furthermore, that such incredible Jamaican vocalists are being completely slept on in favor of putting lesser dudes like Jay-Z and Lil Wayne on a pedestal makes me want to scratch brains out.

    Anyway, thanks for that list of up-and-coming names. I'm definitely going to follow up on those.

    Personally I'm not feeling about 80% of the riddims that have come out in the last few years, but there's still plenty of good stuff out there.
    This site has a lot of fairly up to date riddim mixes. If anyone wants hear something more current.
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