Bacon appreciation



  • JimsterJimster 6,901 Posts
    Here's the question though:

    Wifey likes her bacon done like charcoal.
    I like mine just beyond oinking.

    Chewing > crunching ALL DAMN DAY when it comes to bacon, surely?

  • ain't no pork on my fork!

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Unfortunatelly, due to the ristrictlive US import policies for European foodstuff, most of you don't even know how good bacon can really be. The plastic sealed, presliced stuff sold around here just makes me sad...

    I'm actually just about to place an order for a few dozen pounds of the good stuff, along with some nice crates of Pilsener and a few bottles of Eau De Vie.

  • I didn't eat pork for years until I realized that I really missed bacon and that not eating an animal becuase of it's living habits is stupid. Pork on my fork all day.

  • ain't no pork on my fork!

    We get it!

    Now back to the bacon talk!

    I was a veggie for 7 years until last year. Nowadays I eat bacon as often as I can. Can't live without it

    7 years to waste.. too bad!
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