Gas Prices/Congress/boolshyte

dayday 9,611 Posts
edited April 2008 in Strut Central
Is this going to accomplish anything or is it just one big dog and pony show for the public? "we are currently in an up cycle."
In February, the House voted to end tax credits for the oil companies and shift the resulting revenue to funding renewable resources such as wind, solar and geothermal energy. President Bush has said he will veto the bill if it gets to his desk.[/b]
What a surprise.It took $50 fuckin dollars to fill up a little more than half my tank today.


  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    look at that soft marshmallow pumpin gas...shitting his pants at the thought of walking anywhere. they should raise prices to $6 a gallon

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    look at that soft marshmallow pumpin gas...shitting his pants at the thought of walking anywhere. they should raise prices to $6 a gallon

    Thats ME YO!
    Ha, that is definitely a bad look whoever dude is - but yo, 123 BILLION in profits in one year? Fuck this shit. People better put the Xbox controller down and take to the streets. They keep pushing and pushing the public and eventually something is gonna give.

  • no "we" won't. we won't do shit. just keep shoving grilled taco bell inventions to our mouths and watch celeb t.v.

    i'm guilty of 2 of the 3

  • ZekeZeke 221 Posts
    I was talking with my girl S this weekend who has been doing daycare/pre-school appraisals in Philly for the past year as part of a research project through Penn and St. Joes. Apparently as gas prices have rose there has been a corresponding drop in attendance at some of the "better" daycares and pre-schools on the western edge of the city. A lot of these schools have adjusted rates and financial aid that make them more affordable than a lot of the pre-schools and daycares in the city. Whether or not gas prices alone are the most important variable is a little hard to conclude, but I thought that the statistic was pretty telling.

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts

    oh man, there is no real funny set up or gag in this picture but I can't stop laughing. He looks like someone smashed him into 2D.

  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts
    Average is $7.98 a gallon in the UK

  • roistoroisto 879 Posts
    they should raise prices to $6 a gallon


    In Finland a gallon of gas costs around $9.20. They should raise the price even more.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I haven't driven my car once in almost 4 months.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    I drive my car every few days and 85% of the time it's business-related.

    I'm probably inevitable, but $9 gas would put a lot of people out of business. The USA was built on cheap gas and big cars among other questionable things.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Oh and I have no idea why there can't be some business exemption for "congestion pricing"

    Yay on limiting casual drivers in the city on a weekday; yay on forcing westchester, LI and NJ commuters who drive in (and can afford/are provided parking) to use public transportation.

    Nay on delivery trucks, livery, and small business dudes having to pay $8 to get in every day...

  • getting a moped

  • Imperial_MaoImperial_Mao 1,119 Posts
    Average is $7.98 a gallon in the UK

    I run a small business that totally relies on my car (1.L VW Polo) and a combination of reduced spending by my clients and petrol prices are killing me !!! Just glad I don't live in London and have to pay the congestion charge !!!

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    the ceo from royal dutch shell said something to the effect of
    of "
    if the united states does not undertake a project the size of the apollo moon launch or the manhattan project this shit will hit the fan

  • they should raise prices to $6 a gallon

    I felt this way too until recently. Needless to say I work less than 5 miles from my house. I fill up every week and a half and an extra $10 or so jump doesn't really take a bite.

    My girl recently got a job at a mental health facility about 30 miles away though. She used to work only 3 miles away. She drives a little shitbox Hyundai and she's putting $60-80 a week into her tank now. She's grinding her teeth at every price jump and fearing the summer travel price gouge.

    We feel that.


  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts
    When it gets a bit warmer, I'll cycle in. I worked out my 22mpg Saab costs me about 18p a mile. Will save me ??3 a day, ??60 a month.

    Hail the fuel cell. My friend helped with this:

    Fuel Cell Morgan

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    Hey, all you "they should raise it to $6 a gallon" bozos....I hope you are also prepared to grow your own food and raise your own livestock and chickens, make your own toilet paper in the hell do you think this shit gets to the stores? Yeah, get self righteous and tell people they need to walk more...all the while possibly paying $5 for a head of lettuce, or $7 for a gallon of milk if this shit gets anymore out of control...raising the price of gas raises the price of eveything that uses internal combustion engines for its journey to the market.....

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Hey, all you "they should raise it to $6 a gallon" bozos....I hope you are also prepared to grow your own food and raise your own livestock and chickens, make your own toilet paper in the hell do you think this shit gets to the stores? Yeah, get self righteous and tell people they need to walk more...all the while possibly paying $5 for a head of lettuce, or $7 for a gallon of milk if this shit gets anymore out of control...raising the price of gas raises the price of eveything that uses internal combustion engines for its journey to the market.....

    Yeah, it's really not a matter simply of 'laza Americans need to get off their asses and walk', it is a pretty complex dynamic at play. The only positive side of high fuel prices is that INDUSTRY and BUSINESS in the country sits up and takes notice to the point where something gets done to rectify both the long and short term problems. You have huge lobbies like the trucking industry who have taken great pains to make sure the system is set up to benefit them, only to find that they are looking at a trucking meltdown with the costs involved now, and that's just ONE industry. This is a major crisis brewing, not to be a doomsayer, but both sides of the political aisle need to stop stumping for their constituency(Dems and their 'hang the oil executives' strategy and the GOP giving them the store in terms of tax breaks) and come up with some ideas that address the real shit. We are too dependent on this, we need something viable for the long haul.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Its a go-cart powered by my own feelings of self-satisfaction.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Driving is a privilege not a right. I say double the price, add $2, and build more prisons.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    Hey, all you "they should raise it to $6 a gallon" bozos....I hope you are also prepared to grow your own food and raise your own livestock and chickens, make your own toilet paper in the hell do you think this shit gets to the stores? Yeah, get self righteous and tell people they need to walk more...all the while possibly paying $5 for a head of lettuce, or $7 for a gallon of milk if this shit gets anymore out of control...raising the price of gas raises the price of eveything that uses internal combustion engines for its journey to the market.....

    haha....bozo my ass. this is EXACTLY why i want to see raised prices of gasoline. no one in this country is gonna move toward sustainability as long as we have artificially low gas prices. we pay for it anyway with subsidized highway infrastructure,etc. and there are plenty of damages that come along with the cherished convenience of a cheap fuel economy.

    but thanks for assuming my complete and utter ignorance about our food systems reliance on oil. this is practically all i think about. did you now that most of our fertilizrs and pesticides that are the backbone of beloved agribusiness are oil based? their disastrous "greenrevolution" monocropping nonsense is gonna fall apart too. oops! another "all the eggs in one basket" situation about to get fucked up. we should have done what Cuba started to do and broke down the majority of our huge farms into diverse organic holdings.

    havent you noticed all the "fools" in country and cities across america who are trying to establish community gardens and local food infrastructure? you think its cause they are bozos? i know a dozen people my age in west philly who tend bees and/or have chicken coops in west philly. you think they are practicing that type of thing cause it gets chicks?? the things that need to get subsidized are the attempts at reestablishing local food economies...the more we insist on stubbornly sticking to cheap oil economy, the more we put off having any type of alternative infrsatructure in the case that the system we are completely dependent on falls the fuck apart.

    aaron, i know, shit is real and shit sucks and its going to hurt the poor and people on the bubble first and hardest. i see a lot greater hurt down the road if people dont snap out of their cheap oil reality. there has been nothing cheap about our oil economy up to this point...its just that you dont pay for it at the pump, you pay for it environomentally and through indirect ways that you dont immediately feel (taxes)

    ahh shit, im rambling, ive been up all night.
    all i want for christmas is the collapse of the oil economy.


  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    Driving is a privilege not a right. I say double the price, add $2, and build more prisons.

    an interesting way to look at it is that this is a civil rights issue. with so many communities (memphis, detroit, atlanta) dependent on a car culture because of sprawled out city planning and a stone age transportation system, if you dont have a car, you are shut out and isolated. infrastructure is created with public funds that does not consider the mobility and access issues of the young, the old, the poor and the handicapped...and illegals who are blocked from getting licenses.

    what do most teens dream of??? getting a car. freedom of mobility and independence. our society's coming of age ritual is getting the keys to the car. marinate on that for a second and tell me we aren't a doomed species.

    and rey, i hope youre joking about the prison thing, but thats most likely the reality. police state coming if we arent careful. oh wait, we have the highest incarceration rates in the world...guess we are already there.someone please tell me different

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    your oil laced food industry:

    let it crumble

    who hasnt started planning?

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    if the withdrawal symptoms of a drug you are addicted to includes death, then you dont quit cold turkey...also, your advocating ridiculously high gas prices as a "wake up call" is the same thing as the law throwing the guy in prison caught with a nickel bag and not the supplier...

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    if the withdrawal symptoms of a drug you are addicted to includes death, then you dont quit cold turkey...also, your advocating ridiculously high gas prices as a "wake up call" is the same thing as the law throwing the guy in prison caught with a nickel bag and not the supplier...

    no one said anything about cold turkey. cutting off oil supply would be cold turkey. what we need is transitioning. oil crisis in the 70s pushed solar and sustainability issues into mainstream discourse and got people moving on it.

    "ridiculously high gas prices" in line with what the rest of the world (besides Venezuela and a couple other special cases) pays. I would argue that our prices are ridiculously low and we pay for them anyway in many indirect ways.

    regarding your nickel bag analogy...i can only offer that it has nothing to do with the argument, shows you dont really want to talk about this seriously, and that you probably take way too many bong hits.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    regarding your nickel bag analogy...i can only offer that it has nothing to do with the argument, shows you dont really want to talk about this seriously, and that you probably take way too many bong hits.

    dude, did you not get the oil/drug as in dependence/addiction prices/arresting analogy? Man you are too smart for me...Im done...

    but not quite...thanks for insulting my intelligence and my character...glad you arent staying here at my house like you asked if you could this weekend...I wouldnt want a Frickin' lecture on how my compost heap out back isnt big enough...

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    US truck drivers are striking over ridiculous diesel fuel prices. Mind you, a truck driver has no choice but Hopefully, they gain enough solidarity to really put a hurting on those with the power to curb rising prices. Becasue as I understand it, it's not a lack of supply that's driving gas prices's "fearful" speculation doing it, an abstract force that is essentially making oil companies 5 years of profits within this single year. Wish I could do that with my job...I'm thinking my performance is really going to fall off in a couple of years to the point that I'll be now, I choose to be paid 5 times what I usually receive to account for that supposed future fall-off.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    so true. theyre crooks...but they can get away with it since it is of vital national economic interest. dont expect for oil companies to get nationalized in our lifetime

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    These are all good points, but does anyone think this whole thing with congress is really going to change anything? A big part of me feels it's just a show to quell the public.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    all i want for christmas is the collapse of the oil economy economic depression, civil unrest, martial law, a suspension of the Constitution, fascist dictatorship, concentration camps, etc.[/b]

    I mean, I agree that we should be using something other than oil to fuel our economy/way of life...but under the current circumstances, raising gas prices any more than a dollar from where they are now will cause nothing but catostrophic chaos for us and just the economic/social environment that those in power want in order to complete their well-documented plans to subvert this nation into a slave state.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Who do you think $6.00 a gallon gas prices will have the most negative impact on??

    Those same folks who are currently forced to eat Fast Food??

    At least now they'll get some excersize riding their bike or walking to MickeyD's.

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