I watched Grizzly Man last night



  • I feel the same. I could not help but intensely dislike the guy

    yeah man. i've never seen a man that i wanted to hear getting eaten by a bear more than him. the doc itself was interesting enough, but silly as hell at the same time.

    What's great about Herzog is that he's one of those directors who puts a mirror up in front of is audience so we see a bit of a reflection of ourselves in his films. Grizzly Man was an intense portrait of obsession, but it also reflected a general disconnection of Western culture from nature and one man's quest to feel primordial sensations. Herzog's films are never simply about what is on the surface, and so I think you can go deeper than this guy's bear obsession.

  • One of the best documentaries I've seen.

    Also, if I didn't know the person being bear-crunched then I might be curious to listen once, but would immediately regret the decision to do so, I'm sure.

  • One of my favorite parts is when his parents are explaining that this all happened because dude was so close to getting the woody harrelson role on cheers.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Funny you mention Into the Wild. I watch that last week. I thought it was put together in a very annoying way. Sean Penn should stick to acting b/w Wm. Hurt in his most annoying role since Hx of Violence. Then Eddie Vedder pretty much sealed the turd.

    Overall the story itself is good as allegory--if you think about it like that there is some depth to take away and dwell on later. Decent cinematography in the Alaska scenes (shooting fish in barrel). I should have read the book.

    I finally rented Into the Wild because I really, really like the book. Not terrible, but I felt it was tarted-up to the point where I couldn't take it seriously.

    Grizzly Man shreds though. I think you guys who didn't like it just missed the point completely.

  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts
    Checked the doc out after reading this thead...

    complete all the way through. I found myself waiting for the credits to roll and see the cast listed???completely surreal to the point of disbelief.
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