if i have to sit there deleting multiples one by one, i wont get anything else done for a month. just seeing if someone can recommend an itunes plug in the will automatically delete duplicates.
Can't you use the SHOW DUPLICATES feature in iTunes?
This will only show dupes if they are tagged correctly/identically. I think he wants something to scan the files (labeled or not) and remove the extras. That is what phelix does, no?
Can't you use the SHOW DUPLICATES feature in iTunes?
yeah, but were talking thousands of duplicates, and I'll have to go in and compare each for bit rate and bpm. I've spent 3 hours doing this and only got to the d's. I really just wanted to know if anyone has had luck with a program that does the same thing in one fell swoop. I'll let you know if i find anything.
does this mean if you have a song as part of an album in on folder and as part of a compilation in another folder it just decides to delete one or the either?
What is multiple MP3 management?
itunes has a 'show dupliates' function
Mp3Rage is the best thing ever invented.
hi nat! hi nelson! hi cosmo!
Can't you use the SHOW DUPLICATES feature in iTunes?
This will only show dupes if they are tagged correctly/identically. I think he wants something to scan the files (labeled or not) and remove the extras. That is what phelix does, no?