Street Mixtapes. What's New/Good?

JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
edited March 2008 in Strut Central
haven't heard anyone buzzing about anything lately. i must be getting old.i downloaded that last clipse one, it had some heat on it, but i haven't had the urge to listen to it over and over.i'm not talking about unlistenable mick boogey "prequel" crap and i think southern smoke jumped the shark at volume #3,475,451.what's new and good these days? the ipod needs an update, me out here.


  • it's from this past fall/winter, but DEF something you should cop...

    and one more for my dude MEYHEM...instores right now in NYC and it'll be in the rest of the US and A april 9th, or you can buy it on iTunes or amazon right now...


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Rapid Ric "What it Dew Radio"
    That Devin tape
    Young Buck "Rumors"
    New Uncle Murder tape

  • j-love needs to step up the design game.

    controller 7 should send him some unsolicited samples.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Coming off of their SXSW showcase, just about everyone locally here in Austin seems to be raving about Da C.O.D. Here's their brand new mix cd:

    Then ya just gotta have one of these:

    And as I mentioned the other day, this one is rock solid:

    And if you're really down:

  • haze25haze25 759 Posts
    New Uncle Murder tape

    Though i'm sure green lantern is killing it on the cuts and beats, dude is awful. he's like jeezy w/o the charisma, ad libs or rhymes.


    cant wait for the new devin tape.

    and on a semi related tip, did anyone hear T.I'S verse on the lupe "superstar" remix w/ jeezy, dude kills it.


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    New Uncle Murder tape

    Though i'm sure green lantern is killing it on the cuts and beats, dude is awful. he's like jeezy w/o the charisma, ad libs or rhymes.


  • it's from this past fall/winter, but DEF something you should cop...


  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Young Buck "Rumors"

    Starts off real strong then tapers off about half way through, but when it's good, it's great.

  • COSINE on that Rumors mix, there's a couple skipables on there but all in all, incredible mixtape. I was feelin' it.

    That last Snoop and Terrence Martin mix was on some updated 08 grown man gfunk steez. I don't remember the name of it, but it's the mixtape that came out before that Fatherhood mixtape. Long before his album dropped.

    Return of the Bodysnatchers was OK (G-unit).

    Haven't really checked out any other mixtapes that've stayed in rotation lately. That new Lil' Wayne mix is out (Drought 5, supposedly the last one before C3).

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    I am really not feeling mix tapes these days. THey are just done by artists as self promotion. These are all like cheap albums with too many short songs, skits and people freestylin' over whatever the hot beats are at the moment. The 50/G-Unit mix CDs really started this trend. I miss the mix tapes of the early 90s when you would get real official songs by artists and they would be a mix of rap/R&B and a few freestyles. The blends were my favorite. You take some dope R&B acapella or old school joint like Stephanie Mills "Something In The Way You Make Me Feel" and through a hot break beat under it. THAT is some mixtape shit.

    Shout out to:

    Kid Capri
    Ron G - "Shout out to the Polo Grounds!"
    Tony Touch
    Doo Wop and the Bounce Squad!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I am really not feeling mix tapes these days. THey are just done by artists as self promotion. These are all like cheap albums with too many short songs, skits and people freestylin' over whatever the hot beats are at the moment. The 50/G-Unit mix CDs really started this trend. I miss the mix tapes of the early 90s when you would get real official songs by artists and they would be a mix of rap/R&B and a few freestyles. The blends were my favorite. You take some dope R&B acapella or old school joint like Stephanie Mills "Something In The Way You Make Me Feel" and through a hot break beat under it. THAT is some mixtape shit.

    Shout out to:

    Kid Capri
    Ron G - "Shout out to the Polo Grounds!"
    Tony Touch
    Doo Wop and the Bounce Squad!

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    I am really not feeling mix tapes these days. THey are just done by artists as self promotion. These are all like cheap albums with too many short songs, skits and people freestylin' over whatever the hot beats are at the moment. The 50/G-Unit mix CDs really started this trend. I miss the mix tapes of the early 90s when you would get real official songs by artists and they would be a mix of rap/R&B and a few freestyles. The blends were my favorite. You take some dope R&B acapella or old school joint like Stephanie Mills "Something In The Way You Make Me Feel" and through a hot break beat under it. THAT is some mixtape shit.

    Shout out to:

    Kid Capri
    Ron G - "Shout out to the Polo Grounds!"
    Tony Touch
    Doo Wop and the Bounce Squad!

    Hey mayne, I'm an old dude and I like what I like. Old school mixtapes is the real deal. I'm not tryin' to hear a mixtape of some rapper and his entire neighborhood crew talkin' bout slangin' coke, candy paint and rims for 40 songs.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I am really not feeling mix tapes these days. THey are just done by artists as self promotion. These are all like cheap albums with too many short songs, skits and people freestylin' over whatever the hot beats are at the moment. The 50/G-Unit mix CDs really started this trend. I miss the mix tapes of the early 90s when you would get real official songs by artists and they would be a mix of rap/R&B and a few freestyles. The blends were my favorite. You take some dope R&B acapella or old school joint like Stephanie Mills "Something In The Way You Make Me Feel" and through a hot break beat under it. THAT is some mixtape shit.

    Shout out to:

    Kid Capri
    Ron G - "Shout out to the Polo Grounds!"
    Tony Touch
    Doo Wop and the Bounce Squad!

    Hey mayne, I'm an old dude and I like what I like. Old school mixtapes is the real deal. I'm not tryin' to hear a mixtape of some rapper and his entire neighborhood crew talkin' bout slangin' coke, candy paint and rims for 40 songs.

    That's all well and good, but...

    There are plenty of new mixtapes full of original tracks, dj blends, and non-setereotypical lyrical content.

    I too am old...just hope I never sound as old as you do talking about mixtapes.

  • haze25haze25 759 Posts
    New Uncle Murder tape

    Though i'm sure green lantern is killing it on the cuts and beats, dude is awful. he's like jeezy w/o the charisma, ad libs or rhymes.


    it's funny papoose comes to mind when i think of uncle murder too. N.Y rapper w/ nothing new to add to the game, annoying voice, no delivery/lyrics and 0 charisma.


  • I am really not feeling mix tapes these days. THey are just done by artists as self promotion. These are all like cheap albums with too many short songs, skits and people freestylin' over whatever the hot beats are at the moment. The 50/G-Unit mix CDs really started this trend. I miss the mix tapes of the early 90s when you would get real official songs by artists and they would be a mix of rap/R&B and a few freestyles. The blends were my favorite. You take some dope R&B acapella or old school joint like Stephanie Mills "Something In The Way You Make Me Feel" and through a hot break beat under it. THAT is some mixtape shit.

    Shout out to:

    Kid Capri
    Ron G - "Shout out to the Polo Grounds!"
    Tony Touch
    Doo Wop and the Bounce Squad!

    Although i was never as big a fan as some on the whole "r&b vocal or hip-hop beat" type mixes that were big back then.

    But what you're saying is pretty much on point.

    I read somewhere tha 50 Cent/G-Unit has put out almost 100 mix cd's.

    Papoose has already had over 50.

    I mean,why don't these artist just put all that time they're using towards mix cd's,and just concentrate on making a new album.

  • PABLOPABLO 1,921 Posts
    I'm currently working on art for Rob Quest's "Latest Greatest And A Lil Something In Between (Volume 1)".
    It's full of old & unreleased Odd Squad & Devin tracks.
    Great stuff.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    man, i haven't kept up with any of this shit recently

  • ^^^

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Forgot about the Dro tape--I cosign that one.

    B.G. tape was kind of disappointing.

  • Didn't hear the BG, but Dro has 2 recent ones. I Am Legend and Blame It On The Dro. While I liked both of the mixes, his new single is terrible.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Fabolous' tape with DJ Drama isn't bad.

    I know this is old news, having come out six weeks ago, but I still like WGI4C 3.

    Also, I mentioned it above, but I'm really surprised nobody on SoulStrut is discussing this--it's pretty much all new material:

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Fabolous' tape with DJ Drama isn't bad.

    I know this is old news, having come out six weeks ago, but I still like WGI4C 3.

    Also, I mentioned it above, but I'm really surprised nobody on SoulStrut is discussing this--it's pretty much all new material:

    Ain't that like a couple years old?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Fabolous' tape with DJ Drama isn't bad.

    I know this is old news, having come out six weeks ago, but I still like WGI4C 3.

    Also, I mentioned it above, but I'm really surprised nobody on SoulStrut is discussing this--it's pretty much all new material:

    Ain't that like a couple years old?

    Maybe for you.

    It's not the Coughee Brothers tape.

    There were advertisements for it on certain mixtape sites about two years ago, but then it never came out (or at least wasn't distributed by those sites).

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Fabolous' tape with DJ Drama isn't bad.

    I know this is old news, having come out six weeks ago, but I still like WGI4C 3.

    Also, I mentioned it above, but I'm really surprised nobody on SoulStrut is discussing this--it's pretty much all new material:

    Ain't that like a couple years old?

    Maybe for you.

    It's not the Coughee Brothers tape.

    There were advertisements for it on certain mixtape sites about two years ago, but then it never came out (or at least wasn't distributed by those sites).

    Either way, I haven't heard it.

    Did the news ever reach Soulstrut that Devin officially broke from his Rap-A-Lot contract?

    Hopefully, Devin can translate that into some widespread success without his music into Generic Hip-Hop 101.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I am really not feeling mix tapes these days. THey are just done by artists as self promotion. These are all like cheap albums with too many short songs, skits and people freestylin' over whatever the hot beats are at the moment. The 50/G-Unit mix CDs really started this trend. I miss the mix tapes of the early 90s when you would get real official songs by artists and they would be a mix of rap/R&B and a few freestyles. The blends were my favorite. You take some dope R&B acapella or old school joint like Stephanie Mills "Something In The Way You Make Me Feel" and through a hot break beat under it. THAT is some mixtape shit.

    Shout out to:

    Kid Capri
    Ron G - "Shout out to the Polo Grounds!"
    Tony Touch
    Doo Wop and the Bounce Squad!

    I hear ya, but anyone should be able to acquire both styles of joints.

    Local/Homeade DJ steez and Artist Promo camoflagued as the same.

  • haze25haze25 759 Posts

    is this the same as the "album" devin's releasing next month. it's a collection of unreleased recordings, i think the release date is april 1st or 8th. do you have a track listing for the one you posted?


  • haze25haze25 759 Posts
    track listing for devin's "smoke session" vol.1

    1. Official Smoke Session Intro -
    2. If I Did a Mixtape -
    3. Odd Squad feat. Devin the Dude, Jugg Mug, Rob - 'Getting High' -
    4. Searching -
    5. Coughee Brothaz North feat. Drissola - 'She Want Me To Get Closer' -
    6. Mixtape II -
    7. Shaun - 'Take Me Home feat. Baby Girl' -
    8. Makin' It Hard feat. Monique, T.J. -
    9. Stangy -
    10. Todd Fisher - 'Todd's Crazy Ass' -
    11. Odd Squad feat. Devin the Dude, Jugg Mugg, Rob - 'Da Real Thang' -
    12. 14K (Wood + Quad) - 'Those Not Them' -
    13. Devin the Dude, SK, Dudi Mac, Daraja, 1-3, Preach, Rob Quest, Jugg Mugg - Coughee Brothaz Freestyle -
    14. Freestyle -
    15. Ain't Nothin' Like Old School Bitch feat. Jugg Mugg, K.B., Warren Lee -
    16. Tony Mac - 'Bitch Gotta Go!'

    is it the same?


  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    I'm currently working on art for Rob Quest's "Latest Greatest And A Lil Something In Between (Volume 1)".
    It's full of old & unreleased Odd Squad & Devin tracks.
    Great stuff.

    Glad to hear this is finally gonna drop - assuming this is the same as the CDR they were selling on tour recently? The merch guy basically told me I should wait until it came out with full packaging...

    Curious to hear that Devin tape too but don't know where you get something like that these days... other than downloading it that is...

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I'm currently working on art for Rob Quest's "Latest Greatest And A Lil Something In Between (Volume 1)".
    It's full of old & unreleased Odd Squad & Devin tracks.
    Great stuff.

    Glad to hear this is finally gonna drop - assuming this is the same as the CDR they were selling on tour recently? The merch guy basically told me I should wait until it came out with full packaging...

    Curious to hear that Devin tape too but don't know where you get something like that these days... other than downloading it that is...
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