McCain: "I hate the gooks."



  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I think this is the an eight year old story that is being played again. I do think that it is reflective of man who is from a generation when racial epitaphs were ok. I think a lot of people have nostalgia those times.

    I think Mussolini was a Catholic. The Vatican strongly supported fascism back then.

    I doubt that there has ever been a leader of a Western democracy who has self identified as an atheist. There will be a Black US President, and a woman, and a little person, long before there is an atheist.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    So my "Dawkins 2012" buttons are worthless?

  • fauxteurfauxteur 342 Posts
    the Wright vids came out because of Brian Ross at ABC News

  • If obama's pastor gets a pass because someone called him a nigger then in light of mcCain's experiences he should be allowed to slur, abuse and even murder how many asians he pleases.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    If obama's pastor gets a pass because someone called him a nigger then in light of mcCain's experiences he should be allowed to slur, abuse and even murder how many asians he pleases.

    you're done dude. put a fork in this motherfucker cause this is beyond old. you're a waste of space. An insignificant speck on the internet. you're not witty and you're not funny - you are sad. run along watson. it's time for you to go.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    has there ever been an aethist president?

    No, and it'll probably be another century before we get one.

    When hell freezes over.

    Oh wait...

    did you read this, a little off tpic but intereting.

    Gorbachev at the Tomb of St. Francis [Peter Robinson]

    Whenever Ronald Reagan would mention his suspicion that Mikhail Gorbachev was a secret believer, everyone on the White House staff would scoff, thinking the president naive. When I had the opportunity to speak to Gorbachev a couple of years ago, however, I found myself concluding that Reagan had been onto something after all. Why, I asked, had Gorbachev refrained from putting down the revolution of 1989, just as Khrushchev had put down the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and Brezhnev had put down the Prague Spring of 1968? "Because of something I shared with Ronald Reagan," Gorbachev replied. "Christian morality."

    Now the last leader of the Soviet Union has spent half an hour on his knees at the tomb of St. Francis. From the London Telegraph:

    Mikhail Gorbachev...has acknowledged his Christian faith for the first time, paying a surprise visit to pray at the tomb of St Francis of Assisi.

    Accompanied by his daughter Irina, Mr Gorbachev spent half an hour on his knees in silent prayer at the tomb.His arrival in Assisi was described as "spiritual perestroika" by La Stampa, the Italian newspaper.

    "St Francis is, for me, the alter Christus, the other Christ," said Mr Gorbachev. "His story fascinates me and has played a fundamental role in my life," he added...."It was through St Francis that I arrived at the Church, so it was important that I came to visit his tomb," said Mr Gorbachev.

    "We deem it the central revelation of Western experience," William F. Buckley, Jr. wrote in 1960, "that man cannot ineradicably stain himself, for the wells of regeneration are infinitely deep."

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    If obama's pastor gets a pass because someone called him a nigger then in light of mcCain's experiences he should be allowed to slur, abuse and even murder how many asians he pleases.

    if yer white, it is alright

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    one thing i must admit in any of the threads i read in this forum. its in the vein of massive scepticism... because no matter what, i know that what i read on this site is nowhere near representative of the general population...this site has a demographic, and its evident in numerous album covers that we all like and love. i mean i'l read commentary on this site and think "wow, things are changing, there's hope" and then i'l read mainstream media the next day and will remember "oh ya, thats how most people feel" and be disappointed once again. not everyone thinks along the same wavelengths. and while you hate on the 4 or 5 people here that disagree with the general consensus of this site, that feeling is quite alive in many minds and that's a force you should respect, because it exists. i'm not saying be pessimistic, but be realistic. again, id rather subscribe to aethist robots...

    Post of the Year

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    If obama's pastor gets a pass because someone called him a nigger then in light of mcCain's experiences he should be allowed to slur, abuse and even murder how many asians he pleases.

    ANY church or religious leader that uses his pulpit/position to make political statements should have their church's tax exempt status revoked.

    That would solve this issue once and for all.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts

    ANY church or religious leader that uses his pulpit/position to make political statements should have their church's tax exempt status revoked.

    That would solve this issue once and for all.

    from linked article
    "Reverend Rod Parsley believes America was founded to destroy Islam. Since this is such an outlandish claim, I have to add for the record, that he is not kidding. Reverend Parsley says Islam is an "anti-Christ religion" brought down from a "demon spirit." Of course, we are in a war against all Muslims, including presumably Muslim-Americans. Buts since Parsley believes this is a Christian nation and that it should be run as a theocracy, he is not very concerned what Muslim-Americans think.

    John McCain says Reverend Rod Parsley is his "spiritual guide.""

    political statement ? maybe not

    newsworthy ? i would think so

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    ANY church or religious leader that uses his pulpit/position to make political statements should have their church's tax exempt status revoked.

    That would solve this issue once and for all.

    from linked article
    "Reverend Rod Parsley believes America was founded to destroy Islam. Since this is such an outlandish claim, I have to add for the record, that he is not kidding. Reverend Parsley says Islam is an "anti-Christ religion" brought down from a "demon spirit." Of course, we are in a war against all Muslims, including presumably Muslim-Americans. Buts since Parsley believes this is a Christian nation and that it should be run as a theocracy, he is not very concerned what Muslim-Americans think.

    John McCain says Reverend Rod Parsley is his "spiritual guide.""

    political statement ? maybe not

    newsworthy ? i would think so

    This dude must be awfully damn spiritual....I see this Bozo AND John Hagee listed as his "Spiritual Leaders".


  • UnconSciUnconSci 824 Posts
    Man.... this shit is really alarming to me. I feel like lately people really dont talk about politics in the public forum so much. I know this is kinda a duh. It just is wierd that this Forum topic probably popped up on like every message board everywhere at the same time.... and they always do. I notice after something is posted up here that its posted up everywhere... then reported about.

    I just think its kinda wierd that they even have a group of people like us on our own version of talking points.

    If shit was fair... John McCain would get called on hunting out the support of evil people to get him elected. Obama goes to a church that has an overly passionate and overly blunt preacher and he gets thrown under the bus. McCain straight says he is spiritually advised by people who would GLADY admit they'd love it if we got rid of Muslims both American and not.

    Its just like... people are so uneducated on religion that they dont even realize that Christianity and Islam are basically the same thing... And are based on the exact same folk religions that pre-existed. Shit... they are even based on the same book. I just dont see much hope for us electing a proper leader when most people are voting on issues they dont even understand.

    rant over.

  • Its just like... people are so uneducated on religion that they dont even realize that Christianity and Islam are basically the same thing... And are based on the exact same folk religions that pre-existed. Shit... they are even based on the same book. I just dont see much hope for us electing a proper leader when most people are voting on issues they dont even understand.

    rant over.

    Hilarious. You need to read the New Testament again.

  • roistoroisto 881 Posts
    What is hilarious about that post?

  • What is hilarious about that post?

    Calling people uneducated about religion and then claiming that Christianity and Islam are "basically" the same thing.

  • roistoroisto 881 Posts
    That's because they are.

  • That's because they are.

    In what ways are those two religions "basically" the same?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    That's because they are.

    In what ways are those two religions "basically" the same?

    They are both monotheistic religions (at least Christianity claims to be). In terms of religion, mono is raer.

    They both take the ten commandments as the foundation for their beliefs (or claim to).

    They are both Abrahamic religions.

    They both preach peace, kindness and doing onto others as you would have them do onto you.

    Like all religions, few on earth ever attain the simple goal of living by those beliefs. I know I don't.

    By the way, if you did not already know, Jesus is considered a prophet by Muslims. Or at least that's the way I heard it.

    Of course, in ritual practice the religions are very different. You wont find Christians (often) gathering 5 times a day to pray. You wont find Muslims (except maybe Dervishes) being filled with the spirit of the holy ghost.

  • They both preach peace, kindness and doing onto others as you would have them do onto you.

    Well, if that's the criteria we're going by, then all religions are basically the same.

    But that's not fair because the beliefs derived from religions manifest themselves in the daily lives of people in completely different ways. If they are "basically" the same, why do the societies who practice these "same" religions differ so greatly?

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    If McCain hates the people who held him prisoner, that makes sense to me. And if he wants to kill them, okay. But Asian people at large should not be subjected to his slurs. And what if he has a flashback & hits the nuclear button or some schitt? Dude sounds less like a plain speaker & more like a nutbar, which is too bad because he seemed like a badass.

  • roistoroisto 881 Posts
    Try reading LaserWolf's post again, especially the first three lines. Then try reading a book on the subject.

    If they are "basically" the same, why do the societies who practice these "same" religions differ so greatly?

    Clash of civilizations, eh? You don't seem to know what you're talking about, so this discussion is pointless.

  • Since I'm supposed to take a look at the first three lines...

    They are both monotheistic religions (at least Christianity claims to be). In terms of religion, mono is raer.

    So? There are other monotheistic religions that have nothing in common with Islam or Christianity, so I'm not seeing your point.

    They both take the ten commandments as the foundation for their beliefs (or claim to).

    Neither of those religions take the Ten Commandments as a foundation for their beliefs. The Ten Commandments aren't even mentioned in the Koran.

    They are both Abrahamic religions.


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    They both preach peace, kindness and doing onto others as you would have them do onto you.

    Well, if that's the criteria we're going by, then all religions are basically the same.

    But that's not fair because the beliefs derived from religions manifest themselves in the daily lives of people in completely different ways. If they are "basically" the same, why do the societies who practice these "same" religions differ so greatly?

    Good points. I agree with your first point, all religions are basically the same.

    Societies, I think, appear to differ so much because these basic religious virtues do not manifest themselves in peoples daily lives.

    Exodus is an interesting look into this phenom. With in weeks, or months, or hours of receiving the Commandments on Mt Sinai the people had broken every one. People are much better at not having religion influence their daily lives than the other way around.

    God understands that. That is why sinners can ask for atonement. In Judaism on Yom Kipper, in Catholicism at confession, and in many modern Protestant sects simple by accepting Jesus you are forgiven for past and future sins.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Since I'm supposed to take a look at the first three lines...

    They are both monotheistic religions (at least Christianity claims to be). In terms of religion, mono is raer.

    So? There are other monotheistic religions that have nothing in common with Islam or Christianity, so I'm not seeing your point.

    They both take the ten commandments as the foundation for their beliefs (or claim to).

    Neither of those religions take the Ten Commandments as a foundation for their beliefs. The Ten Commandments aren't even mentioned in the Koran.

    They are both Abrahamic religions.


    I am letting you know some ways they are the same. You are pointing out that in other ways they are different. That's fair. The are the same in some ways, and different in others.

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    HAHAHA has anybody noticed the ad that shows up at the top when you view this thread?

  • Agreed.

    I guess what I'm trying to express is that the purpose of religion is to guide people in their daily lives. In that regard, all religions are "basically" the same.

    But because people who believe in different religions conduct their daily lives in different ways, I can't consider all religions "basically" the same.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    HAHAHA has anybody noticed the ad that shows up at the top when you view this thread?

    I've got Norweigen Spiritual Jazz, whata you got?

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    HAHAHA has anybody noticed the ad that shows up at the top when you view this thread?

    I've got Norweigen Spiritual Jazz, whata you got?

    two different McCain presidential ads so far...

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    HAHAHA has anybody noticed the ad that shows up at the top when you view this thread?

    I've got Norweigen Spiritual Jazz, whata you got?

    two different McCain presidential ads so far...

    Me too. Shit is kinda creepy if you ask me.
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