20 Biggest Record Company Screw-Ups of All Time


  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Thanks for the schadenfreude. Although, #14 about Stax getting screwed has always been pretty depressing to me.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    #21 - Capitol fires the guy that signed the Beastie Boys convinced they were a stupid rap act that would never make the label money.

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    #21 - Capitol fires the guy that signed the Beastie Boys convinced they were a stupid rap act that would never make the label money.

    I assume this was after Paul's Boutique was released?

  • Thanks for the schadenfreude. Although, #14 about Stax getting screwed has always been pretty depressing to me.

    That's thefirst thing I thought of when I saw the thread title...

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    Thanks for the schadenfreude. Although, #14 about Stax getting screwed has always been pretty depressing to me.

    That's thefirst thing I thought of when I saw the thread title...

    Yeah, that's the only one on that list that's really seems bogus and underhanded. Sure, he didn't read the shit, but still, that wasn't the intended deal.

    The rest of them are really just a lack of foresight or vision.

    Isn't #19 kinda wack though? In terms of their logic? The death of the vinyl single = kids downloading? First, there's a whole 20 or so years in between those two phenomenons. Also, killing the vinyl single might have doomed the CD single, etc, but "singles" are still very much available for purchase online. Sure, like ten years ago kids couldn't buy a single, but did that make them, ten years later, look at their computer screen and say, "I'll teach them not to sell me singles when I was 12! Napster, go!" ??

    Forcing them to buy albums is one thing, but listing that as the cause of kids downloading shit for free is a bit of a stretch.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    #21 - Capitol fires the guy that signed the Beastie Boys convinced they were a stupid rap act that would never make the label money.

    I assume this was after Paul's Boutique was released?

    I think it was actually before. I'm pretty sure they fired him just for signing some out of control rappers, sighting that they were not a rap label and that the Beasties were a joke and wouldn't amount to anything. Of course almost 20 years later they have yet to drop them from their label.
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