rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
edited February 2008 in Strut Central
this is a fun hobby and all but it's complete's based on outdated start charts that have nothing to do with me or my life.I consider this schitt to be 100% based on the power of suggestion.(the Bible, on the other hand, is real).what is the Strut thinking on this most important topic? who fucks with astrology? what did Sun Ra have to say about it?I am open to suggestions.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    As a 70's child i still cant totally shake my Astrological leanings.

    Its all crap.

    Im a Pisces though. Water sign. Last on the wheel which makes me an old wise man compared to an Aries who is first and the baby of the bunch.

    what's ur Moon sign???

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    here's the anomaly:

    back in the dark-middle ages, your astrologer was the most feared and respected member of the king's court.

    Now your astrologer is a camp, fey talking head used for breakfast tv filler.

    Man it went horribly wrong for that profession.

    So I ride hard against, except when it suits me.

  • I still consider "what's your sign" to be a fly pick-up line. It has that throw-back appeal. Plus you'd be surprised how many broads really do wanna engage on this topic.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I still consider "what's your sign" to be a fly pick-up line. It has that throw-back appeal. Plus you'd be surprised how many broads really do wanna engage on this topic.

    Never as a pick-up line, but it will come to pass sometime in future convos.

  • here's the anomaly:

    back in the dark-middle ages, your astrologer was the most feared and respected member of the king's court.

    Now your astrologer is a camp, fey talking head used for breakfast tv filler.

    Man it went horribly wrong for that profession.

    So I ride hard against, except when it suits me.

    nah dude, this mumbo jumbo was afforded serious weight under Reagan.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I love the trend in record covers to include the band members' signs.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    I still consider "what's your sign" to be a fly pick-up line. It has that throw-back appeal. Plus you'd be surprised how many broads really do wanna engage on this topic.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    Live Science says...

    Your astrological sign was determined by the positions of the constellations 2200 years ago. Over time, Earth has tilted on its axis changing these positions...and maybe even your astrological sign!

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    I still consider "what's your sign" to be a fly pick-up line. It has that throw-back appeal. Plus you'd be surprised how many broads really do wanna engage on this topic.

    Never as a pick-up line, but it will come to pass sometime in future convos.

    Definitely. An old friend of mine, who incidentally is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met, was way into that. Not like she gave readings or anything, but she studied it hard and if you told her your sign and, like, your moms sign she could go off and speculate on what kind of relationship you have and all that.

    I think it's nonsense, but if I was in the game right now, I would never front on it in front of a girl. If she's into it, you can ask her about it and she'll drop science. Before you know it, 15 minutes of facetime.

  • I had a girl ask me what hour I was born.

    what part of the astrology game is that?

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I had a girl ask me what hour I was born.

    <-- 7:27 PM...on the 27th.

    I'm a Pisces poster fellow.

  • I had a girl ask me what hour I was born.

    what part of the astrology game is that?

    maybe part of the numerology game?

  • I had a girl ask me what hour I was born.

    what part of the astrology game is that?

    maybe part of the numerology game?

    you shoulda seen this girl: more like trick-nology.

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    i fucks with some natal chart, midheaven, northern node, chiron, ruling house, transit action. I've got a stellium in my chart. Raer. It is what it is. There's a million tools to make you think on yourself. Some people meditate, do physical exercise like sports, listen to music, go to church, read the koran, watch star wars. whatever yo.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    you'd be surprised how many broads really do wanna engage on this topic.

    Exactly the kinda broad you do NOT want to spend time talking to.

    Humping, sure, but talking,

    Well sure, not "talking" in the "conversing, getting to know one another" sense, but "talking" as in "I'm 'talking to' this girl." Hollerating, if you will.

  • this is a fun hobby and all but it's complete crap.

    it's based on outdated start charts that have nothing to do with me or my life.

    I consider this schitt to be 100% based on the power of suggestion.

    (the Bible, on the other hand, is real).

  • Hollerating, if you will.

    YES! this schitt is catchin on.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    There are few things a person can say to me that will make me instantly think you're a fool more than jabbering on about astrology like you give it any creedance at all. Seriously. I immediately regret talking to you. I'd rather talk to a rock, because it's not stupid enough to believe in astrology.


  • There are few things a person can say to me that will make me instantly think you're a fool more than jabbering on about astrology like you give it any creedance at all. Seriously. I immediately regret talking to you. I'd rather talk to a rock, because it's not stupid enough to believe in astrology.


    I had someone tell me it was "based on astronomy, which is SCIENCE!"

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    There are few things a person can say to me that will make me instantly think you're a fool more than jabbering on about astrology like you give it any creedance at all. Seriously. I immediately regret talking to you. I'd rather talk to a rock, because it's not stupid enough to believe in astrology.


    I had someone tell me it was "based on astronomy, which is SCIENCE!"

    Science is fantasy as well.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    There are few things a person can say to me that will make me instantly think you're a fool more than jabbering on about astrology like you give it any creedance at all. Seriously. I immediately regret talking to you. I'd rather talk to a rock, because it's not stupid enough to believe in astrology.


    I had someone tell me it was "based on astronomy, which is SCIENCE!"

    Science is fantasy as well.

    Do you mean the belief that science as a whole is completely accurate, or just the whole premise of measurement and the testing of hypotheses as a means of gaining a better understanding of phenomena?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    There are few things a person can say to me that will make me instantly think you're a fool more than jabbering on about astrology like you give it any creedance at all. Seriously. I immediately regret talking to you. I'd rather talk to a rock, because it's not stupid enough to believe in astrology.


    I had someone tell me it was "based on astronomy, which is SCIENCE!"

    Science is fantasy as well.

    Do you mean the belief that science as a whole is completely accurate, or just the whole premise of measurement and the testing of hypotheses as a means of gaining a better understanding of phenomena?

    Your Fantasizing already. Its all based on Belief.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    There are few things a person can say to me that will make me instantly think you're a fool more than jabbering on about astrology like you give it any creedance at all. Seriously. I immediately regret talking to you. I'd rather talk to a rock, because it's not stupid enough to believe in astrology.


    I had someone tell me it was "based on astronomy, which is SCIENCE!"

    Science is fantasy as well.

    Do you mean the belief that science as a whole is completely accurate, or just the whole premise of measurement and the testing of hypotheses as a means of gaining a better understanding of phenomena?

    Your Fantasizing already. Its all based on Belief.

    I don't believe you. Problem solved.

  • BeatChemistBeatChemist 1,465 Posts

    Your Fantasizing already. Its all based on Belief.

    I don't believe you. Problem solved.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    I had a girl ask me what hour I was born.

    what part of the astrology game is that?

    I bet it had nothing to do with astrology,

    instead she was just trying figure out if you were born yesterday.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    i fucks with some natal chart, midheaven, northern node, chiron, ruling house, transit action.

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    meh. i didn't start this thread nor am I jabbering on about it. Someone asked the question, I was merely saying.

  • jaysusjaysus 787 Posts
    Can we get KRS-ONE or Afrika bambaata to chime in here?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    meh. i didn't start this thread nor am I jabbering on about it. Someone asked the question, I was merely saying.

    Let it be known that I was not responding directly to anyone in this thread, or on the Strut for that matter. To be honest, I was thinking of a co-worker of mine who forwards me links about compatible astrological mates, and other such voodoo. The last thing she sent me was about chakras, I believe. She also sounds almost exactly like the townie mother in Gone Baby Gone. Awesome.


    When I've had occasion to converse with him, Pundit is a sharp guy. M*******e, however...not so much.
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