Barcelona, whats good?

As of tomorrow, i am relocating to Barcelona. for a month. My trip is completely open ended. i might stay, i might travel around. im not sure. What i am asking is what are the must see, must eat, must experience spots that any of you that live or have visited know about. if you know about record spots and want to talk about that too. my ears are open.also any residents or fellow travelers that are gonna be around and want to talk records and bull shif or ride some bikes. hit me up PM.

My coworker has the list of restaurants we either went to or wanted to go to so I'll give you that when I get to work tomorrow with reviews. The best place I remember the name of was Tapac 24.
La Fira is the dopest club I went to. Very local as far as crowd and music. None of that Americanized shit you can just get at home. There's a shot bar with the largest and craziest menu ever a couple blocks away to start it off... can't remember the name.
Wah Wah is okay for records. Everything is resealed so be careful. All the shops around that Bourn area are cool. It's right near the Arc de Triumph. I managed to break my skateboard at the park there on Friday. Doh!
All the Gaudi stuff is essential to see. Sagrada Familia and Park Guell of course as well as a few buildings around the city.
Have fun man
Ivan I was a few blocks away from your house on Saturday night but I figured you would be still recovering. Did you get the Chuck E Cheese hookup?
Haha... good assumption, but I was actually too busy with work that I didn't get to party it up too much. Still had fun, though, but I'm not gonna be in 2 week detox like last year! Pics coming soon.
Working on Chuck E Cheese... details to come
we are taking bikes.
2: Spelunk, I put in my 30 days when i got the offer from a friend to take off for Barcelona. i need an adventure in my life. im not ready for a career yet. Im gonna give it another go in the fall at an elementary school. But for right now im just trying to whyl out. Im actually in Cali right now. bout to leave on thursday. let me know if your in the bay on wednesday night...
3: anyone else got anything?
Depends... it's not a viable method of transportation, but there are some sick spots. I barely scratched the surface when I was there, but it's known as one of the best cities in the world for skating. Lots of plazas with benches and such and no hassle from authority figures. That's a big one for me as I get older... don't really feel like running from cops anymore
I think you're talking about "Chupitos". That place is a ton of fun.
There was also a great Thai restraunt right around there called "Goa".
Man, you're in for a treat. I stayed there for about six months about a year ago. I have to go back sometime but the euro would kill my budget.
BTW I would take the skate, it's a great city for it and a good way to meet the local people and get drugs.
Yeah that's the ticket... way fun. Watching my coworker take a Monica Lewinsky shot was interesting
actually carry on is a bag + a personal item right?
maybe ill go that route. Ive got today to work it out.
thanks for the info.
anyone else?
Make sure you get some churros and hot chocolate for breakfast and by all means, if you have a kitchen, go to the Mercat Boqueria and prepare to have your mind blown by the overwhelming amount of good food...
Also there's a little bar/restaurant in the back that's crazed.
ive already strolled through this spot. im staying 2 blocks away. the fish selection is off the hok. i wish i had a kitchen.
??anybody have any hostel reccomends?
being on la ramblas is loud till 8am. the balcony is the realness though
any one know where in town wah wah is??
I wasn't that enthusiastic about their selection when I was there.
I say this in every Barcelona post. After you have seen all the Gaudi and Gothic sites you have to go here. One of the greatest buildings ever.
what part of town is this? its not on my map. I hit up some street vendors with pretty boring records for no less than 15 euros. I hope wah wah is better than that.
Santa Maria
Comerc 17
93 315 12 27
Everything is tasty, recommend the Dracula for dessert
Market Restaurant
Comte Borrell, 68
93 289 0130
Looks fancy but not expensive (20 euro for salad, entree, dessert, wine, and coffee)
Rambla Catalunya 2-4 (this is on Las Ramblas)
93 318 40 41
La Barca del Salamanca
Moll de Gregal, 13 - 17 (at the Port Olimpic, there are little bars to go to after dinner)
93 221 18 37
Should have the concierge make reservations. Recommend the Lobster Paella and the seafood platter
Aire de Mar
inside the Grand Marina Hotel
Moll Barcelona S/N
936 039 000
Tapac 24
Carrer de la Diputaci?? 269
934 880 977
The chef for Comerc 24 opened Tapac 24. It's open from 8 am - midnight.
We just picked some random spot near the Apolo
Comer?? 24
Comer?? 24 --address is the name of the restaurant
Reservations required, very expensive but very tasty. This is where we had the granache wine, ask Bill for the name.
+34 933 192 102
Chupitos (shot bar - for cheap shots that are lit on fire)
Aribao 77
Go here before going to La Fira.
La Fira
Carrer Proven??a 171 off Aribao
Grasias Ferrari. i will have to peep. my compadres and i have been a little to no spending money kick but we will break soon and throw down for some good food.
i am more and more regretting not bringing the skateboard. im gonna try to pick one up from one of the local sponsored kids. i hear most are.