Clutchy Hopkins..Gimmick?

Just got done listening to the new Clutchy Hopkins release on Ubiquity, "Walking Backwards". I really enjoy it though it may not be everyone's cup of tea. My question is does anybody out in the soulstrut community know what person or persons are behind this project. I thought maybe some of the west-coast soulstrut producers may have an idea. I appreciate the ficticious manufactured legend behind the artist/cd for advertising/marketing reasons (internet); but it would be nice to put a little shine or praise on the actual person behind this project. Hopefully this isn't a well known secret and I am just totally
.Any ideas would be appreciated!

I mean, this game of who it is. Is pretty stupid, but to me it sounds like Shawn lee + Dust Brothers. Though a friend of mine told me it's Cut Chemist.
- spidey
I like the stuff too although it is pretty wierd. Seems like these guys want to come up like Madlib did with the Yesterdays New Quintet in the beginning...
Seriously i don??t care a lot about who he really is. Time will tell you the truth one day...
Anyway, did somebody listen to the first LP? I think the mane is Life Of Clutchy Hopkins. How is it and where can i get it?
i was bumping this the whole night...!
Speaking of rotund, a few people on my mailing list thought I was Clutchy Hopkins, because of the many pseudonyms I've used over the years. That one, unfortunately, isn't one of mine.