how i could just kill a mouse

keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
edited February 2008 in Strut Central
i've had mice in my city apartment (brownstone) for the past 5 months or so, before that, i lived here for a year mice-free. we've had exterminators come out and put down traps, and i've caught about 7 or 8 mice in the traditional snap traps.right now i am upstairs with my bedroom door closed and can hear those f*cks squeaking loud as hell downstairs. i am offically freaking out and thinking of moving.


  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts

  • you must have grown up on a farm, i can't even tolerate a cat, these mice are in my nightmares.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Are you sure it's mice and not the ghost of Vince Foster giggling?

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    Nope. But DEAL, no need to blog about it.

    Seriously, I've been a vegetarian for 22 years but philosophically speaking I look at it this way: If I decided to go live in a bear's cave and eat his leftovers, he'd kill me dead in 0.nothing. Same goes for the vermin I'm afraid, certain insects notwithstanding.

  • Seriously, I've been a vegetarian for 22 years but philosophically speaking I look at it this way: If I decided to go live in a bear's cave and eat his leftovers, he'd kill me dead in 0.nothing. Same goes for the vermin I'm afraid, certain insects notwithstanding.

    so the point is that i should kill the mice like a bear would kill you? as to blogging about it - finding mice is no big deal, agreed, but i've never heard mice squeak like this. they deserve a reality television show or at least a tryout on american idol.

  • Are you sure it's mice and not the ghost of Vince Foster giggling?

    no, obama's grassroots campaign runs deep though. they might have been planted.

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    Mice make good pets. You can train them, and if you put them on a turntable they stay on...

    Now rats...thats another story!

  • I live in Brooklyn and had a mouse epidemic cause of my trifling ass landlord who lives in the basement. We caught 15 in one week on traps, disgusting. I drowned them in the toilet by putting the traps upside downin them and then bagged them up. Some motherfuckers just are cold blooded and will just stomp the trap upside down.

    Identify the entrance points in corners of your hallways and rooms, pump poison into them shits (with gloves on the mice will not eat the poison if it smells your hands on it), and clog them up with hardening foam. They will move on to another spot. contrary to what people believe cleaning up will do no good those fuckers eat anything and are opportunists

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Are you sure it's mice and not the ghost of Vince Foster giggling?

    no, obama's grassroots campaign runs deep though. they might have been planted.

  • I live in Brooklyn and had a mouse epidemic cause of my trifling ass landlord who lives in the basement. We caught 15 in one week on traps, disgusting. I drowned them in the toilet by putting the traps upside downin them and then bagged them up. Some motherfuckers just are cold blooded and will just stomp the trap upside down.

    Identify the entrance points in corners of your hallways and rooms, pump poison into them shits (with gloves on the mice will not eat the poison if it smells your hands on it), and clog them up with hardening foam. They will move on to another spot. contrary to what people believe cleaning up will do no good those fuckers eat anything and are opportunists

    this is what i'm talking about. i don't get it though, if u caught them in the traps, weren't they already dead when you were drowning and stomping them??

    still, that sh*t is i'm lying in bed awake right now thinking of sewing a mouse's assh*l closed and feeding it and feeding it..... haha

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    I live in Brooklyn and had a mouse epidemic cause of my trifling ass landlord who lives in the basement. We caught 15 in one week on traps, disgusting. I drowned them in the toilet by putting the traps upside downin them and then bagged them up. Some motherfuckers just are cold blooded and will just stomp the trap upside down.

    Identify the entrance points in corners of your hallways and rooms, pump poison into them shits (with gloves on the mice will not eat the poison if it smells your hands on it), and clog them up with hardening foam. They will move on to another spot. contrary to what people believe cleaning up will do no good those fuckers eat anything and are opportunists

    this is what i'm talking about. i don't get it though, if u caught them in the traps, weren't they already dead when you were drowning and stomping them??

    still, that sh*t is i'm lying in bed awake right now thinking of sewing a mouse's assh*l closed and feeding it and feeding it..... haha

    nah they're hard to kill ..... One of my pet mice got its back broken (long story) so i tried to kill it by drowning, and I swear with a broken back and all the fucker still swam around for about 10 minutes.....

    If you have no pets in the house, poison is a good weapon, but some poisons are piss weak got to get the heavy duty shit. Another cool weapon is those little terrier type dogs, they got a natural hunting instinct for them.

    Have they chewed into your records covers or anything?

  • nah fam they were struggling to get off them shits. They were not the snap traps that's too hard body for me. I prefer to get them stuck on the glue traps; maybe they will rip part of their face or feet off in the process of struggling but they will be still relatively unhurt.

    To me the most humane thing to do is drown them in the toilet. People try to free them off the traps by peeling them off but trust me that shit is probably no fun for the mouse. Plus it's brick outside you gonna leave them outside in a snow pile so they can freeze? That's why they came in your house in the first place. And trust me if you just leave the trap there to squeal they will eventually find a way off the trap. I've seen it happen.

    Listen it's an epidemic and it's fucked up but you gotta kill them because they will stay as long as you let them.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    DAMN. I REALLY could not deal with mice in my apartment. I keep my apartment CRAZY clean like on some real OCD shit. Living in the Seattle/Tacoma area my whole life I have NEVER seen a mouse or even a cockroach in the house I grew up in or any of the apartments I have ever lived in.

  • I grew up in LA where you had spiders and mad ants and didn't see roaches or mice or rats till I moved out to NYC. Now I barely see spiders or ants ever at all. Living in Flatbush was traumatizing with the Frickin' roaches. Aw shit horrible couldn't even sleep at night, they were everywhere.

    It's really not how clean you keep it I read about mouse behavior (know thine enemy) and they do not respond to trash or food scraps necessarily it's about moving in mass to a new habitat.

    PLus these landlords do not clean the buildings for shit if you neighbor got roaches you do too.

  • nah fam they were struggling to get off them shits. They were not the snap traps that's too hard body for me. I prefer to get them stuck on the glue traps; maybe they will rip part of their face or feet off in the process of struggling but they will be still relatively unhurt.

    To me the most humane thing to do is drown them in the toilet.

    best poaster on soulstrut

    real quick on glue traps: about 5 years ago i started my job in philly in an office thats on the 27th floor. i took the office of a dude who was apparently notorious for eating every meal at his desk. my first day i brought in a brand new briefcase and laid it down next to this small couch that sits adjacent to the desk. at the end of the day i picked up my briefcase and there was a glue trap stuck to the bottom....with a dead mouse attached to it. most repulsive experience of my life....until now.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    i had a pretty bad mouse infestation last year and we used this

    Killed them all in about a week. Just make sure that this is the only source of food for them.

  • i work in a big fucked up old institutional school with a shit load of mice.
    and i run a nutrition program wher ei cook a lot of shit with kids.
    so i gotta nip that mouse shit in the bud

    i tried everything humane and it didnt work. glue traps baby.
    i hate them, but i catch the fuckers and i give them to the sadistic high school boys to stomp out of existence. evry utensil and food goes in a sealed bin. fuck the bullshit. floors get swept and must be kept clean. hopefully htey pass through and move on to the dirtier rooms down the hall

    when i first started working there, we used a storage closet that had big orange shelves. mice were shitting everywhere and my coworkers had given up. fuck that. i cleaned that bitch of a room twice. no cessation of shitting. so i pulled up the bottom shelf of the bookshelves (which were right on the floor) and BINGO...there was big shredded confetti balls under each one full of mouse babies and shit. so look for those nests.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    i tried everything humane and it didnt work.

    i catch the fuckers and i give them to the sadistic high school boys to stomp out of existence..

    PETA betta not catch you out there, son!

  • Every place I lived in philly had mice. I remember watching teams of mice in the subway pulling bags of chips and half eaten hogies around. I used those sonic things in my place and it got rid of the problem. I am sure it just sent them next door but I didn't really care. Don't fuck with poisen because if they die in your walls your house will smell like shit.

    I had one roomate who used to catch them by the tail and throw them out the window 6 floors up.

  • the exterminator came this morning and the mouse was still squealing from last night. i thought it was a mating call. apparently, its a distress call. the mouse was stuck on a glue board behind the fridge. he pulled it out and i wanted to take dude's advice and drown that f*cker in my toilet but the exterminator folded the glue board in half and it was light's out.

    problem solved, at least for now.

  • he pulled it out and i wanted to take dude's advice and drown that f*cker in my toilet

    isn't this water boarding?

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    Hopefully you'll see less of the little buggers as the weather warms up (little bastards staying outside related).

  • i tried everything humane and it didnt work.

    i catch the fuckers and i give them to the sadistic high school boys to stomp out of existence..

    PETA betta not catch you out there, son!

    buddy, you gotta send a message

    ultrasonic things never worked in my experience

    best thing is actually a cat

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    And on a related note, this is a fun book:

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Nope. But DEAL, no need to blog about it.

    Seriously, I've been a vegetarian for 22 years but philosophically speaking I look at it this way: If I decided to go live in a bear's cave and eat his leftovers, he'd kill me dead in 0.nothing. Same goes for the vermin I'm afraid, certain insects notwithstanding.

    Plus, they carry the Hanta virus. They shit it out, and when the shit dries and turns to dust, it becomes airborne. Hanta virus will destroy you liver, and can kill you as a result. Most cases are mistaken for liver disease caused by alcohol abuse.

    I have no pity for mice. It's them or me.

  • I remember watching teams[/b] of mice in the subway pulling bags of chips and half eaten hogies around.


    when i lived in london that was the only thing that would keep me sane, watching the mice, whenever there were delays on the northern.

    i remember the huge ass rats as a kid that lived behind all the cafe's on U street here in dc back in the day. they've gotten a little smaller over the years. probably cause all the new white people, all they eat is salads or sprouts.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    every now and then one of those fucks get in my house and it's on!!!! Mice terds suck. Poison, glue whatever you need and sometimes you got to stomp on their little heads. Drowning them? yea right. I wasted enough time on those critters. Mice have the worst life. Looks like they are going to drop dead from a heart attack at any moment.

  • Mice dont scare me... but If I got a roach infestation I would probably pack up and leave. Spiders and ants > Roaches and rats.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    As someone already mentioned, the only way to really get rid of them for good is to find out where they are getting in and blocking up the hole. They can apparently make it through a hole the size of a dime, so be thorough. We had them a couple years ago and they were driving me insane. They eventually get too smart to be trapped... especially in snap traps and humane traps. Glue traps work better, but unless you enjoy drowning mice every morning before breakfast they aren't really that great a fix. Find where the little bastards are coming in and board it up and they'll move on. You don't really need to poison them on top of it cause then you'll have dead mouse smell by summer.
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