So what are you doing with your REBATE CHECK?



  • From the looks of it, i should qualify for this.. i worked all year but was laid off in october and claimed unemployment until this month. I hope i still qualify for that $600 check. This plus my tax return will be

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    I don't really know how I feel about the plan but an extra $300 is gonna be real nice.

  • ...get my car payment current

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    man I'm doubting I'll get one but shit you never know!!! these folks will get a check....which one are you

    familys & unmarried folk that make under 100,000
    Single parents that make under 100,000
    single folks that make 10,000 a year
    and the drunks will all receive a rebate check!
    Anyone paying taxes and grews the green in the basement!!

    The junkies get 600 if they file their taxes but will only smoke it or shoot it up once received.

    Pornstars that made under 100,000 will receive a rebate check only to use it to fund more plastic surgery and penis injections!

    broke record dealers selling re-issues as originals....will not receive a rebate check...

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    I want to use it for some home improvements and a new TV...
    But wifey wants to use it for a down payment on new car.
    We'll see who wins.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    2 chicks at the same time.

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    According to this article I stand to get nearly two grand... dont worry folks, I'm sure that you will be required to claim it next year so you'll be giving it back anyway... nothing is designed to actually help you the way you really deserved to be helped...

  • clothes, booze, &

  • a gold chain and a pair of AJs

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts

  • can someone please correct me if im wrong (its been a few years since me economics degree) but isn't this possibly the maddest solution ever to try to stave off a recession?????? it surely is not a long term solution and is in fact just making the problem a lot worse when it does eventually roll around???

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    It seems like a retarded idea to me. We are in crazy debt to a whole list of countries. What is the trade deficit, something like $250 billion? Now, we are taking out a loan to dole out checks to everyone? I don't see how this solves anything. It's like partying at the club, the loft, the afterbar, the after party, grabbing a bite to eat, then there's that one friend who still wants to have a few more beers and talk. It's over, man, it's over.

  • It's like partying at the club, the loft, the afterbar, the after party, grabbing a bite to eat, then there's that one friend who still wants to have a few more beers and talk. It's over, man, it's over.

    he's probably the realest dude of the bunch

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    It's like partying at the club, the loft, the afterbar, the after party, grabbing a bite to eat, then there's that one friend who still wants to have a few more beers and talk. It's over, man, it's over.

    he's probably the realest dude of the bunch

    Point is that most folks are probably going to take these checks and line the pockets of companies that are already doing well -- food, entertainment, energy. Maybe a few folks will invest the money or pay off bills but most, myself included, will probably just blow it.

  • Retailers like me have been feeling the pinch; records (like clothes, shoes, etc) are the first to go when folls do some belt tightening.

    However I am pleased to know that many folks will spend their checks on records!

    I think mine will be going into the wedding fund... :

  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts
    I'll be saving it, like

  • However I am pleased to know that every single foll on this board[/b] will spend their checks on records!

    I on the other hand am planning a crack binge/shooting spree. Letting off a little steam, if you will.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    ...get my car payment current

    Right? I'm thinking my landlord might enjoy getting the rent on time for once.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Blow our 3 grand at Guitar Center.

  • 2 chicks at the same time.

    this...and the gun. best yet. hahahahahaha!

    buying plane tickets with mine, well, one plane ticket...and then i gotta buy another right after that for another location.

  • cadeauxcadeaux 208 Posts
    got myself a gun!

  • this

    plus this

  • It seems like a retarded idea to me. We are in crazy debt to a whole list of countries. What is the trade deficit, something like $250 billion? Now, we are taking out a loan to dole out checks to everyone? I don't see how this solves anything. It's like partying at the club, the loft, the afterbar, the after party, grabbing a bite to eat, then there's that one friend who still wants to have a few more beers and talk. It's over, man, it's over.

    i'm not justifying the rebate checks, but 70% of our economy comes from consumer spending. so the idea is that if we give money to folks who need it (the middle class and lower class), they will spend it. compare this to the last refund where it went to the wealthy as well, who probably just squirreled away the $200 or $400 that they got.

    however, on the flip side, the people who really, really need the money, are likely those who don't even pay taxes (homeless, folks who make next to nothing, etc.). the dems folded a little on this legislation because many liberals wanted unemployment comp to be increased as part of this bill and its not in there.

    also, a lot of folks are in such debt that the $600/$1200 they get is just going into paying off bills, not spending on consumer goods.

    there are pluses and minuses. i appreciate that the upper class is not benefiting from it, but i think this was a rash decision and economists could have thought up of something better to help poor and middle class people during this recession.

    btw, don't expect to get your checks until june!!

  • yeah $600 sounds nice...but i never get that much. so it just goes to random consumer stuff since i have no debt. i should save some of it sometimes though huh.

    and about those checks in june, glad i did mine earlier this week. my dude already got his back and all that.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    there are pluses and minuses. i appreciate that the upper class is not benefiting from it, but i think this was a rash decision and economists could have thought up of something better to help poor and middle class people during this recession.

    Did anyone read this in Newsweek? I thought it was somewhat interesting.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    I don't hate the package. It just seems like a kneejerk reaction, maybe a little too little too late. I know it would never happen, but I wish George W. would act like Jimmy Carter, put on a cardigan, and say, "We need to slow up on the spending. Dial down your thermostats, don't drive as much, stop buying electronic, and save your money."

  • gambitgambit 906 Posts
    I'll be saving it, like
    Yep, I've been trying to replenish my emergency stash for a minute anyway. My vacation is in March (Cali/Mexico, here I come!), so the money won't be needed in any major way when it comes around May. Then there's the wedding I have to help finance...
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