Why do foreigners comment on American elections?

BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
Seriously, it's none of your business. Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.


  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    Seriously, it's none of your business. Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.

    did you forget to take your prozac today sweetie?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Fuck that shit.

    I lived in the US for many years. I've paid US taxes. My Dad became a US citizen just before he died. I did my schooling in the US and the biggest reason is that being Canadian we get hit with 100 times the amount of US culture, news, etc etc than any other nation.

    It's not like the US has no say on anything that goes on in all other countries. Fuck that shit about not being able to make a comment.

  • Someone failed Social Studies, evidently. Please to revisit the concepts of "World Power" and "Global Economy" ASAP.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Seriously, it's none of your business. Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.

    BEST POST OF 2008

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Seriously, it's none of your business. Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.

    Since America invades another country every through years. Since America is the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons. Since America imports almost everything we consume. Since America uses 25% of the worlds resources. Since America supports the overthrow of democratically elected governments. Since America blocks the production and sale of life saving drugs to the 3rd world. It really is their business.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.

    I like this line for a graemlin. Like, "a seller overcharged me $1 for shipping" >>>

    Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.

  • Seriously, it's none of your business. Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.

    that is really one of the most ignorant things i've ever read on here, and i've read some pretty Frickin' ignorant things.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Because we're generally interested (ie.scared shitless) as to which dipshit you guys are gonna elect next to wield their power & influence over the rest of our countries.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Seriously, it's none of your business. Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.


  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    Feel free to comment on the internal politics of other nations assuming you are able to locate them on a map.


  • tomasltomasl 315 Posts
    Seriously, it's none of your business. Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.

    You sound uneducated.

  • tomasltomasl 315 Posts
    Feel free to comment on the internal politics of the neighboring county assuming you are able to locate it on a map.


  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    Seriously, it's none of your business. Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.

    did you forget to take your prozac today sweetie?

    There's no "kkk's" in this post...

  • Feel free to comment on the internal politics of other nations assuming you are able to locate them on a map.


    now see here's the double standard: how do you expect us to find other countries on a map when other countries are totally meaningless to us? I swear I am constantly bombarded with accusations from foreigners that Americans are "ignorant" of what goes on in the rest of the world.

    you admit that what goes on in the US has some profound effect on every other country, so it's natural that citizens of other countries would know where the US is on a map.

    likewise y'all know who are president is and what our capital is and who won American Idol. this is all because the US is so important (as everyone in this thread agrees), so OF COURSE y'all know about us.

    but why should Americans care about YOU if y'all are irrellevant to us?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I have not heard any convincing arguments yet. Please continue.

  • Relax y'all. Brian barely even lives in the US.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Feel free to comment on the internal politics of other nations assuming you are able to locate them on a map.


    now see here's the double standard: how do you expect us to find other countries on a map when other countries are totally meaningless to us? I swear I am constantly bombarded with accusations from foreigners that Americans are "ignorant" of what goes on in the rest of the world.

    you admit that what goes on in the US has some profound effect on every other country, so it's natural that citizens of other countries would know where the US is on a map.

    likewise y'all know who are president is and what our capital is and who won American Idol. this is all because the US is so important (as everyone in this thread agrees), so OF COURSE y'all know about us.

    but why should Americans care about YOU if y'all are irrellevant to us?

    You are under the impression that Americans can find all the states on their own map...

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I have not heard any convincing arguments yet. Please continue.

    That's even dumber than your first post.

    Ina global community, the leaders of other countries effect people outside those countries in a variety of ways, but perhaps none moreso than the leaders in America. You can try to convince yourself that people outside your boarders shouldn't comment upon the US elections, but the reality is that the outcoem of those elections may very well have a direct impact on the lives of people outside the nation. If I was living in Iraq, I'm damn sure I would be affected by the outcome of the US election, perhaps even moreso than my country's elections.

    Even the outcome of the recent Australian elections probably effected people overseas, since labour made a series of election promises relating to Iraq that were very different to the outed coaltion.

  • Feel free to comment on the internal politics of other nations assuming you are able to locate them on a map.


    now see here's the double standard: how do you expect us to find other countries on a map when other countries are totally meaningless to us? I swear I am constantly bombarded with accusations from foreigners that Americans are "ignorant" of what goes on in the rest of the world.

    you admit that what goes on in the US has some profound effect on every other country, so it's natural that citizens of other countries would know where the US is on a map.

    likewise y'all know who are president is and what our capital is and who won American Idol. this is all because the US is so important (as everyone in this thread agrees), so OF COURSE y'all know about us.

    but why should Americans care about YOU if y'all are irrellevant to us?

    You are under the impression that Americans can find all the states on their own map...

    haha but how many countries you know have 50 states!!? that shit is a LOT to remember...

  • If I was living in Iraq, I'm damn sure I would be affected by the outcome of the US election, perhaps even moreso than my country's elections.

    dude, prolly WAY more than my country's elections.

    but let's be honest, how many strutters are Iraqi?

    BTW this thread is 5 stars. I am not being serious in my commentary really either; this is just fun.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Relax y'all. Brian barely even lives in the US.
    wholewheat has a great point. Perhaps because of my remote perspective, even I don't have any concrete views on the upcoming election or American politics in general. Discuss.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    BTW this thread is 5 stars.

  • deLYSdeLYS 388 Posts
    Seriously, it's none of your business. Go back to your own country and complain about them instead.

    I think further introspection to this statement might reveal- frustration with overwhelming foreign attention to the opportunities at commercialization of our American political industry.
    This certainly fuels the overbearing predicament of spectacle and debasement that our own flock with the opportunity to vote must endure during these times.

    I don't think anyone would disregard the validity for international interest in any American presidential election. Especially one as historic as right now, the interest should be higher than ever for the situations mentioned.
    I believe this statement was aimed soley at the dramatic tabloid-esque reprecussions of our predicament. And the recipe this election has cooking is for a juicy, juicy entree- so Im glad I barely turned on a television yet, aside from a movie in 2008!

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Relax y'all. Brian barely even lives in the US.


    Seriously though, everyone has a right to an opinion, especially in the age of globalization, and especially when it comes to the largest and most powerful government on the planet.

    That said the foreigners saying things like "I don't care who is elected as long as it's not Bush" are taking a simplistic and shortsighted viewpoint and need to read up on their read ups.

  • you know what i hate is when them mushmouf hawaiian mofos come to my country in their flip flops and clamdiggers and start complaining about all the white people and they get all scaredid of them and huddle up together on some ohanabee type shit holding hands, singing songs and doing that disgusting sucking meat from ur teeth sound. like, bruh, u aint never seent no haole? u aint never heard of no toofpick? or a tshirt? goddamit a shower isnt u rolling around in the ocean. now shut it mouth and put on some goddamn pants u savages! and if i get another can of mothereffing macadamia nuts from u friken coconuts i will put the biggest mother effing kahuna on u bitches u will be sharing bunk beds with the menehunes!

  • jaysusjaysus 787 Posts
    Seriously, who cares about america, we are obviously on our way out, Y'all see the DOW today, sheeyat.
    Hit up china (do they have elections?)

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    Relax y'all. Brian barely even lives in the US.


    Seriously though, everyone has a right to an opinion, especially in the age of globalization, and especially when it comes to the largest and most powerful government on the planet.

    That said the foreigners saying things like "I don't care who is elected as long as it's not Bush" are taking a simplistic and shortsighted viewpoint and need to read up on their read ups.

    I think these are both good points, although I'm skeptical about the reach of globalization in the world thus far.

  • deLYSdeLYS 388 Posts
    Seriously, who cares about america, we are obviously on our way out, Y'all see the DOW today, sheeyat.
    Hit up china (do they have elections?)



  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    Next to soccer, bashing America is the world's pastime. Yeah, we all voted for George W. Bush, and we're all geographically ignorant. Give me a break with all that shit. I know that there's stupid people all around me, and that the government and big business are in bed together, but what a goddamn cliche this has all become.

    Try out some new material already, please! Even if there's plenty of truth to it, bashing America is uninteresting. These geography jokes, in particular, are tiresome, particularly because I have to live here. Try to show some sensitivity. I can't help it if some rednecks never bothered to look at a map, or if George W. Bush is a warmonger.

    I can actually VOTE here, and I can't change it. What good do you think outsider complaints will do? Give it a rest!
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