who gets hit on?



  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    but not sure how soon i should call her,

    as soon as you feel like it, man! if you are sitting around thinking about her, dont overthink shit, just call her up and see how shes doing. ask her to get another drink or get a quick lunch. dont feel any obligation to talk on the phone at length...unless you want to.

    if you think it, you may as well do it

    Aaaagh T*ny now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for 3 days.

    May as well, may as well, may as well DO IT.

    I agree though - if you are trying to overanalyze the situation, on some level that will come through in your voice and you'll seem uptight. Just be relaxed and real.

  • my two cents: Call on Sunday evening, say hello, how was your weekend, what does your week ahead look like? If she's "really busy" you'll know what that means, if "nothing too exciting, just work" then you can guess what that means. You may be ready to call and have a casual get to know you a bit better get-together, but it's also 11hrs later for her too, so good idea to give some breathing space and take the temperature when do you talk.

    this might work, but a lot of girls are intimidated by a one-on-one date with guys they only met once.

    my advice:

    call her on friday after work and say where you are going to be at (as long as you aren't going out solo). if she's into you, she'll show up or say she can't make it, but offer you an invite to do something else....or she'll drunk dial you after she's been out and had a few.

    even easier would be to send a text - hey, this is kvh, we met at ____, if your going out tonite, we'll be at _____, i'd like to buy you a drank.....

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    my two cents: Call on Sunday evening, say hello, how was your weekend, what does your week ahead look like? If she's "really busy" you'll know what that means, if "nothing too exciting, just work" then you can guess what that means. You may be ready to call and have a casual get to know you a bit better get-together, but it's also 11hrs later for her too, so good idea to give some breathing space and take the temperature when do you talk.

    this might work, but a lot of girls are intimidated by a one-on-one date with guys they only met once.

    Yea, but women ain't. And if they are, they'll say so.

    Anyway, Coma should do what feels right for him and the situation he feels most comfortable in, and that will put her at ease, too.

    I hope it works out nicely no matter what!

  • The Raise UpThe Raise Up Golden Years... wah wah wah 452 Posts
    my two cents: Call on Sunday evening, say hello, how was your weekend, what does your week ahead look like? If she's "really busy" you'll know what that means, if "nothing too exciting, just work" then you can guess what that means. You may be ready to call and have a casual get to know you a bit better get-together, but it's also 11hrs later for her too, so good idea to give some breathing space and take the temperature when do you talk.

    this might work, but a lot of girls are intimidated by a one-on-one date with guys they only met once.

    Well she started talking to him out of the blue while he was on his own, so she's probably not gonna be that intimidated by a one-on-one date, but yeah your other suggestions would probably work as well.

  • even easier would be to send a text - hey, this is kvh, we met at ____, if your going out tonite, we'll be at _____, i'd like to buy you a drank.....

    This is a horrible look, man the fuck up and call her. What are you 12?

  • even easier would be to send a text - hey, this is kvh, we met at ____, if your going out tonite, we'll be at _____, i'd like to buy you a drank.....

    This is a horrible look, man the fuck up and call her. What are you 12?

    take my advice, and if she's into you, you're getting ass on friday night.

    take this dude's advice, and if she's into you, you'll be having a long conversation with her on sunday night about her work-week and what type of plants she likes.

  • LOL
    texting can be great
    ive cut out so much phone small talk out my life!!!!!

  • LOL
    texting can be great
    ive cut out so much phone small talk out my life!!!!!

    I'm married and havn't dated in like 7 years so what do I know. Text away!

  • damn, this turned into a regular advice column. thanks strut!

    To keep it music related i happened to have a pretty crazy psych mix in my pocket that i gave to her, which was pretty smooth.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts
    The only compliments I get are from women in their 30s-40s when I do stuff like hold open doors, help with bags or what not. I'm a young, short geek who still has a lot of awkward social issues to work out, though. I'm straight as an arrow but since I never met a girl my age as of yet in my day to day life who doesn't seem to either be a spoiled brat or have a hollow-as-a-bass-drum personality, I really could care less about advances. Clown away...

  • The only compliments I get are from women in their 30s-40s when I do stuff like hold open doors, help with bags or what not. I'm a young, short geek who still has a lot of awkward social issues to work out, though. I'm straight as an arrow but since I never met a girl my age as of yet in my day to day life who doesn't seem to either be a spoiled brat or have a hollow-as-a-bass-drum personality, I really could care less about advances. Clown away...

    I feel like im not geeky enough, these days it seems thats whats in. stay away from the cougars.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    yeah, no intention of calling until after a couple days.

    i may be clueless but i know when is too soon. my problem is waiting too long because of said cluelessness.

    Two days is just right. Play it TOO cool, you might risk losing her.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts

    even easier would be to send a text - hey, this is kvh, we met at ____, if your going out tonite, we'll be at _____, i'd like to buy you a drank.....

    This is a horrible look, man the fuck up and call her. What are you 12?

    Texting is for people you know already.

    If it's for a new girl I just met, it's got to be a phone call. GOT to be a phoner. E-mail will do in a pinch, if she's skittish about giving out her phone #. But to hell with texting or any other alternate form of communication where something might go wrong - save that for after you've been together a while.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    Lunch is probably better, since you'll have more time to do things afterwards and talk w/o fighting loud music in a club/bar. Plus you can show her how enjoyable your company is sans alcohol.

    Perhaps a trip to a museum, farmers market (hah it works), etc.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Its the modern age. Take a picture of your wang with your phone and then send that to her with a text message that only says "That's what's up."

    I'm positive this will work.

  • definitely

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    Its the modern age. Take a picture of your wang with your phone and then send that to her with a text message that only says "That's what's up."

    I'm positive this will work.

    DB speaks of the truth!

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    There older I get, the more I get hit on by women. I think that they just care less about social norms at a certain age, or their biological clock is ticking big time, or I've just become ALL THAT over the years.

  • LOL
    texting can be great
    ive cut out so much phone small talk out my life!!!!!


  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    texting can be great
    ive cut out so much phone small talk out my life!!!!!


    Rickey Powell?

  • holy shit!
    straight textin

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    stay away from the cougars.

    worst advice evar.

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    Ok so I'm deejaying tonight and this chick comes up to the booth dancing around and I pay her not one ounce of any kind of attention. She then taps me and says "Hi" and winks, I'm like hey. A while later she's back and says "Do you have a girl" I tell her yeah and she says well where is she and I tell her a couple feet away from us! So an hour goes by and my chick has left by this point. She comes back with a corona in her hand and says "Is your girl still here"? I said no. At this point she puts the beer down on a table, stands directly in front of the booth and starts dancing while simultaneously grabbing the beer with her mouth only and tilts her head back swallows the entire contents in 3 seconds then lets the bottle fall down her throat and it went more then half way down. Pretty Frickin' amazing as well as scary!!! Mad people were watching too. I just kept on playing and she finally left me alone. I guess she figured if that didn't do the trick she was done. The good thing was a whole different chick came up at the end of the night and said she just wanted to meet me and say hello and I always make her feel good and have a good time. Well, the kicker is I totally remember seeing her at the mall when I was x-mas shopping and instantly had some perverted thoughts to myself about her overly fine ass! Lol..... Now she wanted to meet ME. She was rather drunk and while introducing herself a fight broke out her friends grabbed her and they were out. My boy said you lucky Frickin' bastard that's the beginning of how it all starts. Then my cell ring and my girl was telling me to hurry and get home she made me some food. Oh yeah.......

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    About a month ago i went to my usual spot for a haircut (that's right, the hair on my head!) and this gay guy was all close to me while he's cutting my hair... I just ignored and thought I might have been imaging it... until he took a business card from the counter as i paid and just silently wrote his mobile phone number on it for me.

    I also get hit on by women... in my line of work I see/meet a lot of women, and I also meet lots of women when I DJ, so yeah.

  • Rene Zellweger got really friendly with me one night. I didn't know who she was, just that she was unusually nice. Thought she was trying to spit game. My friend had to tell me and I had to google her for confirmation.

  • one of the funnier occasions was while enjoying a few afternoon pints at bondi hotel with 3 of my best guy friends.
    A table next to us had a similar situation, one girl and a couple guys. I notice the girl keeps on turning back and smiling, especially when my boys are paying out on my husky voice. I figure she's just trying to get in good and find an opening cos she likes one of my friends.
    JonJon notices it also and that she's started writing something down. He's convinced that it's for our table. Eventually she moseys on over, dressed and looking like beach barbie and then she proceeds to whisper in my ear "don't worry, i like a husky voice", and she handed me a card with her number on it saying that she was from melbourne too!!
    My boys were bitterly disappointed that they couldn't convince me to "take one for the team" and "try her out"!! Turns i aint such a team player!!haha!!

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    The strangest incidnet I ever had....

    I had a dude come up to me after a gig years ago, he was another MC from some crew. Introduced himself, was biggin up our show blah blah, and then he introduces me to his missus, a hot a fusk eurasian honey. We exchange civilities etc. and I move on.

    About an hour later Im at the bar and he comes up again, with a weird smile on his face and says 'hey, you rememebr my girl'...points at her and shes standing behind me, with the same wierd smile. Im like 'yeah, hey hows it going, whats happening' and he starts going on about how him and his missus have a real cool relationship etc and then drops the bomb "I told my girl she can take anyone she wants home tonight and she said she wants you to come back to our place'....

    At first I just thought the dude was drunk talking, then his girl approaches and says "so do you think Im hot...want to come back to mour place" and the guys standing there all porud, smiling, like its all good mate...

    Too weird for me.... plus i wasnt sure where he would be fittting into things... so I smiled told them my g/f was with me tonight and she was not as understanding as his and walked off....

  • "you avin a laugh?"

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    The strangest incidnet I ever had....

    I had a dude come up to me after a gig years ago, he was another MC from some crew. Introduced himself, was biggin up our show blah blah, and then he introduces me to his missus, a hot a fusk eurasian honey. We exchange civilities etc. and I move on.

    About an hour later Im at the bar and he comes up again, with a weird smile on his face and says 'hey, you rememebr my girl'...points at her and shes standing behind me, with the same wierd smile. Im like 'yeah, hey hows it going, whats happening' and he starts going on about how him and his missus have a real cool relationship etc and then drops the bomb "I told my girl she can take anyone she wants home tonight and she said she wants you to come back to our place'....

    At first I just thought the dude was drunk talking, then his girl approaches and says "so do you think Im hot...want to come back to mour place" and the guys standing there all porud, smiling, like its all good mate...

    Too weird for me.... plus i wasnt sure where he would be fittting into things... so I smiled told them my g/f was with me tonight and she was not as understanding as his and walked off....

    sorta reminds me of one night at a coffeehouse...a friend of mine ran a wednesday night music showcase there for a spell, and there was this one couple who used to show up all the time, then go off by themselves in a corner and start making out. me and my friends ignored them.

    until one night, the couple was out the door, and the male half turns to me as a parting shot, and sez, "my girlfriend thinks you're cute."

    i said "thanks, but since youre the one walking her home, what good would that do me?"

    they both kinda shrugged and went off into the night. i should add that they both looked kinda drunk.
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