Plaese to limit Hoosier Daddy's poasting
14,343 Posts
1 new thread per day?1 new poast per day?Thank you plaese yes.
You just mad ???cause his homophonic user name styles on yours.
Learn how to spell and make sense,before you make dumb post
I haven't made dumb post/reply on here,so why you all up in my business like that
Keep my name out ya mouth
This may be the best thing I've ever read anyone write about anything. Thank's!
Esgo, plaese stop instigating. This is adult matters. Thank's.
You know, before all the bla bla bla starts?
Oh, the irony.
sERIOUSLY, who are you to mock people like that?
Nothing against you Faux
C'mon man,take you internet message board anger somewhere else
Quit taking everything so serious
Why don't you ask Faux why he made a "DUMB" post?
Yeah,thank's "0-DUB" for that nice comment and support for FAUX
That's coming from a guy(me) that's been reading your blog since you were showing rare records and giving reviews about them..So,that's what,6 years or so
Again,Thank's for the support "0-DUB" keep up the good work
Look man - Faux baited you and bit that shit, hook, liner and sinker.
Regardless, he had a point to begin with.
"O-DUB" in quotes and caps is
I know I'm in the wrong thread - but there's a pet peeve right there. Apostrophes in the wrong place drive me nuts.I'm sure I'm guilty of doing it, but it is everywhere. I know it's grammatically correct (or is it that it has just been widely adopted?) but in the case of plural dates and acronyms especially; 1970's, DJ's.
Even more than being refered to as a fat, sweaty and ugly bitch by some dustmite, the title of When Did Soulstrut Lose It's Balls was annoying as all get out!!
Not sure if I'd call Faux a "coward". I think "crumudgeon" is more appropriate term to in this instance.
O,Call me crazy,but what was the point he had,i'm not on here much
That made me smile.