Daily Show is back (yay or nay?)

FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
Anyone seen this? Caught some clips of the Writer's Guild strike era A Daily Show this week. Jon Stewart apparently wingin it. Shit was awful.What a damn shame.


  • caught david letterman the second night he was back and it definitely felt like some b-team comedy. It wasn't funny at all and it was uncomfortable. Oh well. It'll take time to get back into the swing of things.

  • caught david letterman the second night he was back and it definitely felt like some b-team comedy. It wasn't funny at all and it was uncomfortable. Oh well. It'll take time to get back into the swing of things.

    And he had his writers.

  • on the episode of the daily show i had seen post strike, stewart made a point to talk about how it is atrocious that there is a strike and that the writers should get what they are asking for.

  • He also, last night, seemed to UNLOAD on a conservative writer/Giuliani staffer, and when the dude started to act all, 'what is this?' he just shot back with, 'Hey, my brain ain't on strike!'

    That was a great moment.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    on the episode of the daily show i had seen post strike, stewart made a point to talk about how it is atrocious that there is a strike and that the writers should get what they are asking for.

    This is pretty obvious to everyone but the conglomerates who want their enormous piece of the pie to remain the same and even grow bigger(in the face of new markets and media), while creative types who actually provide the content to fight amongst themselves for the same tiny slice.

    Glad he is actually standing up for what is obviously right, but it can't be easy when the same guys who are Frickin' over your writers also hold your contract and career by the nuts.

  • I watched for 5 seconds Monday, saw he was already deep in interview 10 minutes into the show. his interviews have become too boring for me.

    Colbert was pretty funny during the small bit I saw. Seemed like a typical episode.

    I heard on NPR that Conan is also kind of winging it, but it's funny ? Haven't seen his show in a long time.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    stewart is and has been atrociously unfunny for a couple years now.
    he overly relies on self-deprecation (a gag conan ran into the ground after his 7th or 8th season), silly facial expressions, and that annoying professor frink (simpsons)/stereotypical jew voice.

    haven't seen colbert since the comeback but he puts on a constantly entertaining and hilarious show. which is surprising cuz it is easy to see how the character would have quickly run out of material and become annoying

  • ha ha, you forgot to mention his Bush impression. They've run the "smartass comments on Bush press conference" bit into the ground too.
    I usually only watch Colbert anyway, somehow it's still pretty fresh.

  • Colbert is killing it. Too funny. Stuart was alluding to the fact they tried to make a special deal with the union but they turned them down. Not sure, seemed kinda fuzzy.

  • haven't seen this show in prolly a year, but I have always maintained that unless he happens to WRITE his own material (some of which is funny) Stewart otherise SUCKS.

    he's the most boring presenter ever. his cocky smarm and faux charm are sooooo tired.

    it would not surprise me in the least if he couldn't hang without his writers.

  • stewart is and has been atrociously unfunny for a couple years now.
    he overly relies on self-deprecation (a gag conan ran into the ground after his 7th or 8th season), silly facial expressions, and that annoying professor frink (simpsons)/stereotypical jew voice.

    haven't seen colbert since the comeback but he puts on a constantly entertaining and hilarious show. which is surprising cuz it is easy to see how the character would have quickly run out of material and become annoying

    for days.

    Colbert's schtick hasn't gone stale because he's actually a funny comedian, a smart guy, and is playing with an original concept. none of these apply to Stewart.

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    stewart is and has been atrociously unfunny for a couple years now.
    he overly relies on self-deprecation (a gag conan ran into the ground after his 7th or 8th season), silly facial expressions, and that annoying professor frink (simpsons)/stereotypical jew voice.

    haven't seen colbert since the comeback but he puts on a constantly entertaining and hilarious show. which is surprising cuz it is easy to see how the character would have quickly run out of material and become annoying

    for days.

    Colbert's schtick hasn't gone stale because he's actually a funny comedian, a smart guy, and is playing with an original concept. none of these apply to Stewart.

    I peered through a few pages of this the other day:

    A book hasn't made me laugh out loud like that in a while.

  • stewart is and has been atrociously unfunny for a couple years now.
    he overly relies on self-deprecation (a gag conan ran into the ground after his 7th or 8th season), silly facial expressions, and that annoying professor frink (simpsons)/stereotypical jew voice.

    haven't seen colbert since the comeback but he puts on a constantly entertaining and hilarious show. which is surprising cuz it is easy to see how the character would have quickly run out of material and become annoying

    for days.

    Colbert's schtick hasn't gone stale because he's actually a funny comedian, a smart guy, and is playing with an original concept. none of these apply to Stewart.

    I peered through a few pages of this the other day:

    A book hasn't made me laugh out loud like that in a while.

    yeah that book is killing it.

    not to totally thread-jack, but on the topic of hilarious books, I heartily endorse this product and/or event:

    "Now with 30% more Asia!"

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Not sure if anyone pointed this out but Stewart has criticized BOTH the producers and writers. The former for being cheap-ass bastards, the latter for being sanctimonious.

    And yeah, he's not funny but The Daily Show has matured beautifully under his watch and whatever he lacks as a comedian, you'd be hard pressed to argued TDS isn't far, far better with him at the helm. That plus he's a great interviewer.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    Writerless Conan has been Next Level.

    Maybe he should just ditch the writers, and bring back the chuck norris clips.

    - spidey

  • Best thing about the daily show:

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    The shows Letterman put on in the late 80s without his writing staff are supposed to be among his most hilarious moments. Sadly, I didn't catch them when they aired and they will likely be locked in NBCs vaults until long after I die.

  • And yeah, he's not funny but The Daily Show has matured beautifully under his watch and whatever he lacks as a comedian, you'd be hard pressed to argued TDS isn't far, far better with him at the helm. That plus he's a great interviewer.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    stewart is great at what he does, which is not writing comedy. he's good on the fly, good improviser, + cosign what odub said.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    His shows yesterday and today have been a lot better, mostly because he's focusing on the election coverage and frankly, that comedy writes itself. That plus he totally made David Krum look like a tool.

    Colbert though? Last two nights were kind of painful.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Daily Show used to be one of my favorite programs.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    people still peep?

  • rootlesscosmo said:
    people still peep?

    not for years. JS stated to really grate on me after a while; i think it was his increasing reliance on hacky, schticky, lazy vocal impressions (which he often adds as an aside or an unneccsary topper) and simspons references. also, not that this is any reason to watch or not watch the show, he is a terrible interviewer.

    long live colbert!!
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