


  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    The whole idea behind the smoking ban isn't to hard and fast outlaw smoking in bars and other spots, it's to change the social standard from smoking to non-smoking such that smoking is the exception to the rule, and if a customer does complain, they have the right and power to do so.

    If JP has a few customers in the shop and someone lights up, if everyone's cool with it, I fail to see how any harm is being done.

    And for the record I support the decriminalization of marijuana (but a ban on its commercial sale because of genetic engineering dangers making it too potent), lowering the drinking age to 18, and stopping the ineffective money-wasting war on drugs. Basically I think the message to kids should be "don't fuck with that coke/heroin/ecstacy, son. Here, have a six pack, some bud, and go get laid cause you know that shit is better than potentially lethal narcotics."

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    If JP has a few customers in the shop and someone lights up, if everyone's cool with it, I fail to see how any harm is being done.

    That's my whole beef....if JP wants to allow smoking in his establishment he should be able to.......why have/support a law that says he can't do this??

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts

    If JP has a few customers in the shop and someone lights up, if everyone's cool with it, I fail to see how any harm is being done.

    That's my whole beef....if JP wants to allow smoking in his establishment he should be able to.......why have/support a law that says he can't do this??

    Because if you don't have this law, then it takes away the power of the customer to demand a smoke-free environment, which they have every right to. Say I have really bad asthma issues (thankfully I don't) and walk into Good Records. I ask JP if he could chill on the bubbler while I'm inside the shop. Or at a bar, late night, if I ask the bartender if he could ask people to smoke outside. The law gives me the power to demand that.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    If JP has a few customers in the shop and someone lights up, if everyone's cool with it, I fail to see how any harm is being done.

    That's my whole beef....if JP wants to allow smoking in his establishment he should be able to.......why have/support a law that says he can't do this??

    Because if you don't have this law, then it takes away the power of the customer to demand a smoke-free environment, which they have every right to. Say I have really bad asthma issues (thankfully I don't) and walk into Good Records. I ask JP if he could chill on the bubbler while I'm inside the shop. Or at a bar, late night, if I ask the bartender if he could ask people to smoke outside. The law gives me the power to demand that.

    And that's where we'll disagree....

    If I want to allow smoking in my club, and make a good living by allowing smoking in my club.........

    And the majority of my customers want there to be smoking allowed in my club that they frequent.

    I don't think some weenie should be able to come in and by law tell everyone else to stop smoking.

    I think it should be up to the business owner.

    But that's just me.

  • In the abstract, that is a great idea. I'm totally with it.

    In reality, very few business owners are going to restrict their customers from doing ANYTHING.

  • legalize drugs, regulate and tax. people who want drugs can get them anyway.

    drunk driving is not cool. ive driven under the influence many times and am not proud of it. ive been a passenger with drunks and seen some shit that should not have happened.
    gotta say, its almost more fun getting smashed, ditching the car and seeing where te night takes you. usually you end up passed out on someones couch with some stores to tell in the morning (if you remember)

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    In the abstract, that is a great idea. I'm totally with it.

    In reality, very few business owners are going to restrict their customers from doing ANYTHING.

    I think that reality is more pronounced in a place like NYC than out here in the Bay, where most owners/managers act like they have the man's foot up their ass if you don't personally know them.

    A lot of this is common sense though, really, and the law is only marginally effective at preventing pretty much anything, anywhere. All this reliance on the law reminds me much too much of San Francisco politics, which are a bunch of garbage for the most part, and after working in the Mayor's office, I'd like very little to do with.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts

    How about: don't drink and drive. Ever.

    Sorry Dad.

    Fuck you, asshole. I've had two friends killed by pieces of shit that drove drunk. Ask me if my anger is justified.

    The worst part is: the drunks are often the ones to survive.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts

    And Kinetic, I don't at all disagree that alcohol is destructive. I was just saying that stabbing someone in the head is a poor example of its effects.

    I'm not proud of my indiscretions. Like I said, I'm just being honest. I at one point had a real problem, and I'm trying to get better with it. I learn, time and again, that real honesty on this site can get twitted up and used against you, which is a real shame.

    Never that son. I respect your honesty on the issue Johnny. I have personally never driven while under the influence, and I've made my opinion about people that do known. Moreover, it's about a person's complete lack of consideration of the risk they pose to others that gets me. But on the other hand when a person says, I've messed up but I'm working on it, that's a long, long way from "if you're drink driving this holiday season, try to avoid the police."

    Now let's all get drunk in the comfort of our own homes!!!!!


    way to suck a dick. and way to pat yourself on the back.

    p.s. step your reading comprehension game up.

    I was joking about getting drunk, and I woulda said the same to you for your comment that came just after the above post you're quoting... but since you jumped the gun again, fuck you douchebag.

    I don't drink drive, or sniff thinners drive.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts

    How about: don't drink and drive. Ever.

    Sorry Dad.

    Fuck you, asshole. I've had two friends killed by pieces of shit that drove drunk. Ask me if my anger is justified.

    The worst part is: the drunks are often the ones to survive.

    I figured. But you can imagine, the emotions I was going through as I was nearly stopped for my first ever DUI (and it wasn't even for a DUI!). Anyway, I didn't appreciate your condescending tone. peace.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts

    The worst part is: the drunks are often the ones to survive.

    I hate that this comes down to supposed statistics.

    As matter of fact and just happening to be on the other side of the coin, all of my friends that died from alcohol related deaths were intoxicated and death was sadly self induced.

    Was it still an accident? Yes. Did it hurt the friends and family of the lost less than that of a victim? Hell no. I guess it depends on how you look at it but, no matter what, when it comes down to it, the real pain is with those left standing.

    Unless you are religious, at least I guess for me, there really isn't any rhyme or reason to someone dying young....tragically at the hands of themselves or of others. A lot of factors will most likely always come into play. You cant gage or put a value on this kind of loss.

    Tragedy doesn't have any friends and everyone involved is a victim. No matter how you cut it up your loss is not worse then my loss. Unnecessary, yes....but not any less tragic by any means.

  • everyone involved is a victim.

    If someone kills themselves from drink driving they are not a victim, just a dead idiot.
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